• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Have you been the one missing the Mewtwo EX raidpass?

    Maybe you haven't been lucky the whole week and that damn raid Tyrannitar ran and everyone else caught him.

    Or the worst part, maybe it's monday again?!


    Here we rant about everything that goes wrong, someone who sniped a gymspot (  ̄Д ̄), a missed Tyrannitar again (ಠ_ಠ) or that stupid bug which made you miss your raid because of the server desync, ending the raid prematurely (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

    No personal insults, no trolls and provocation but all salty stuff is accepted.

    • Only salty posts allowed ( ಠ_ಠ )

    • No uncivilty or personal information allowed. ☜(`o´)

    • Complaints can be posted here as well, agree that stuff needs to change here as well, like the spawn rate or gym bugs.


    Don't forget to hydrate after all the salt!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    What the hell is this ������

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    This is gonna take lot of candy…

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Should I purify this guy?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    My lovely baby

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    Living up to its name

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    I can never move on pokemon go ever again

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    My whole Eevee set is finally together.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    I’ve never come across this situation before. Do I beat the gym and end this person’s 160 day streak (and get them their shiny back), or do I leave it alone?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    First and perfect

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    I posted my first shiny Libre back in Season 6 and now I got my second one!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    It was an accident! [Content Credit belongs to @AirMan008GO on Twitter]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    I think I found the Bermuda Triangle.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    3 yr old sister did a raid on my account and got me this. The cp is no coincidence

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    Is this sub too spammy?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    I like using this sub for information on events, how other players are feeling about gameplay changes and also to be part of the community and help out new players with advice etc. Lately I've noticed it's become pretty full of people posting hundos and shinies (6 of the last 10 posts at time of writing). I get that people are excited about these things but it's a lot of posts. Is this sub too full of these posts or am I in the wrong place, like an instinct gym in a big city?

    submitted by /u/CaligulaBlushed
    [link] [comments]

    Sucks he doesn't evolve

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    Ah yes, Wooleon, my favourite of the eeveelutions

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    149 catches 1 to go

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    My first 3* pokemon :)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    "Yeah, i heard something like '...aaaAAaaaarp...', but couldn't find out what it was."

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I saw a gym with pure eeveelutions

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Look who I found ✨

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Any one hungry for some sweet delicious golden razz berry

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:38 PM PDT

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