• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    Pokémon GO - So Niantic made all those changes to New Zealand and USA because low covid Risk. NZ is now going into a snap level 4 (FULL) lockdown from midnight.

    Pokémon GO - So Niantic made all those changes to New Zealand and USA because low covid Risk. NZ is now going into a snap level 4 (FULL) lockdown from midnight.

    So Niantic made all those changes to New Zealand and USA because low covid Risk. NZ is now going into a snap level 4 (FULL) lockdown from midnight.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    Just announced, we are going into a full lockdown from midnight (it's currently 7pm).
    Can't keep our covid bonuses and can't leave the house.

    Chur niantic

    submitted by /u/noodles355
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    NZ is going back into full lockdown, can we have our ‘bonuses’ back

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    Yep so here we are going back into level 4 lockdown, seeing as we are now back into covid season, can we have our distance back? And also forget to turn it off this time

    submitted by /u/russmankiwi
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    Enough with the 7k eggs!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    The 7k eggs are getting a little ridiculous now. I don't want to open any gifts because I'm afraid I'll have to hatch another SHELLOS!

    submitted by /u/nosajdriab
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    Why the boycott fails

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Have you also read the saying here "Attack where it hurts most, their wallets". Yep, that tells how naïve boycotters in this current QoL change Boycott are. I have seen dozens of boycotts from video game communities and they all have failed. Why are we so bad at boycotting, you may ask?

    First, boycotting is now popular with streamers and youtubers, but it is not sustainable. Streamers and youtubers can't continue forever making more new content on the Boycott topic. It becomes stale, views goes down. At some point, it's no longer fashionable to boycott. Being constantly negative and angry is very tiring. You can already see how the posts "People bully me because I don't boycott" or "it's okay not to boycott?" or counter arguments against some of the boycott arguments are getting more and more likes. And stories about boycotters harassing other players don't make them to look like a group anyone want to be part of because no one want to be associated with bullies. Players initially boycotted Dexit, but the situation ended with Sword and Shield record sales. Players are never committed enough for long term boycott. Its not that we don't care. But people who care more are often more inconsistent with their values. It just upsets them more.

    Second, what hurts the most is not a wallet or AR data. That idea is ridiculous. The reason is same as why it doesn't matter how many people sign an online petition. or why Niantic don't seem to care. The only thing that can hurt Niantic is their media reputation. If their company's reputation is threatened, it's much more serious than some whimsical $1M-5M. You are replaceable. But the media is not interested in this boycott. No one even knows what you want to influence. You bring up too many edges, and too many blunt edges that are just weak arguments. Is the goal that the player can play from the couch, or that it is easier to play for disabled player, or traffic safety, or covid? Did you see that letter to Niantic that influencers wrote to Niantic? It has 9 reasons for simple interaction radius change. That's just mess, like this post. Sometimes less is more. This Boycott is not focused on one goal, so it to looks likes general rant just for sake of ranting. And no, articles written by Eurogamer or gamepress, which are written by players do not count as media attention. Have you read gamepress "articles"? No self-respecting media would ever publish them. They fits for momma-blogs, but not to the media, the writer's voice is just too strong in them.

    So what kind of boycotts work? Actually, very few boycotts ever achieve any kind of result, but those who do, have one thing in common: They have a simple clear goal, which threatens the company's reputation and sincerity. I believe you've sometimes seen how the CEO of a company personally apologizes company's mistake to the customer and often reimburses generously. Because the customer problem got a lot of media visibility. You don't get even past of Niantic's help support and that's why you fail. You spend tons of effort on spamming emails to Niantic's customer support and crying in reddit, but you are only in communities, which are designed to the players. No one else hear you, and only Niantic can read their customer support emails.

    submitted by /u/Sleikkari
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    Niantic please increase Gym & Stop distance with NZ going into lockdown.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    As the title suggests, I think the reduced distances were premature if not a step backwards. Now that NZ is likely going back into lockdown the game will be even more inaccessible over the coming weeks.

    Niantic should consider reversing the change in NZ before Ultra 3 starts if a lockdown is confirmed... just my opinion.

    submitted by /u/WeCapturedADragon
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    My fall plans versus the Delta Variant

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Keep seeing these memes get posted and I figured I'd make one for the interaction change as it seems to be topical at the moment. Hope memes are allowed :p


    submitted by /u/CaligulaBlushed
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    I like this game.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    I have had more fun with this game in the last month then I have in years, honestly since September 2016. I thought it was worth saying that I'm enjoying it and if you are too don't let anyone else ruin the fun for you.

    submitted by /u/aviatorgamer
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    Niantic should take a step down and partner with a different company to help focus on their player base. Or Pokémon Co needs to step in. The blatant ignoring of players is shocking.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Niantic says they are forming an internal team to help design proposals to the player base to address their concerns. Why has this not been in existence before? Leaving us in the dark until Sep 1 is a huge misstep as well. In the time we need transparency and constant updates we're getting the complete opposite. Makes one believe Niantic does not have the best interest of POKEMON players , but rather NIANTIC USERS. So here's to hoping the team is outsourced to a different company all together that can handle the player interaction. The Pokemon Co being silent on the matter is disheartening, they should really step in and take full advantage of Go's potential.

    submitted by /u/younglamb
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    NZ LVL 4 lockdown

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    NZ has just been entered into full lockdown due to a new community case so I wonder what will happen to the lockdown boosts

    submitted by /u/Appropriate_Night145
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    Best gym defenders?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Just like the title says. I tried reading some stuff at r/TheSilphRoad but they're way out of my league.

    I was just wondering what casual players like to use. My 2 sons & I can barely keep our Pokémon in a gym for a day.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/DermotMcRolney
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    Finally reached level 35! And my goals for the future

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    For some background, I downloaded the game the first week it came out in 2016, and played casually up until around 2018, I had to take a break because of personal reasons. I still played occasionally such as holiday events, but in April, I decided I was going to play again. I left off around Level 28, and have been trying to catch up.

    I have been struggling with my mental health and severe depression, so I have been using Pokemon Go as a way to motivate myself and set goals. I also have a disability so some days are harder to play than others. But I always try to at least go for a little walk over to my nearest Poke Stop that's about 15 minutes away from me.

    Well, this morning I was evolving some Pokemon and finally reached Level 35!! It might not be the biggest milestone, but it made me happy that I'm making progress!

    My current goal is to hit Level 40 by the end of the year. I calculated that I need 14,000,000 which means I would need a little over 100,000 a day. I'm not sure how realistic my goal is, (if anyone has any advice, I'd be happy to hear it!) but I can try! :)

    submitted by /u/josie1113
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    Outfit Saving

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    It would be really nice if players could save outfits that they've made, and to have the option to switch between them whenever.

    The only way to 'save' any outfits that you've made is to take a screenshot, so you can remember how the outfit looks when you want to change into it again.

    The avatar changing system is quite clunky currently, so if would be nice to have this option available, as it would make switching between specific outfits super easy.

    submitted by /u/ItsFyn
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    rare grunt

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    I just beat a grunt that had Snorlax, Snorlax and Dragonite. Is this rare? I was able to catch a shadow Snorlax

    submitted by /u/heytherecool
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    UK Raid players life can be tough

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Not sure if it's just me but even with there being a pokemon game set in the UK, Niantic doesn't understand how rural it can be. I live in a decently sized village it's got a primary school, GP, corner shop/post office and a play park! We have an okay amount of poke stops and poke gyms, there's about 5 poke stops at the play park and 3 gyms in very close vicinity (the play park is behind the village hall which is next to the primary school which is next to the church) This is great and all especially as I live a minute walk away (but not close enough from my house😔) but nobody here plays pokemon go meaning i'm the only one who ever tries to do raids.

    A 1 star raid raid is so easy and produces a pokemon not worth anything to me, a three star raid is just out of my reach to solo (timing is the problem not actually beating it), and five stars never happen from what i see, mega raids are just impossible.

    It would be good if Niantic had a system to work out how many people are in the vicinity or regulars at Pokegyms or raids to maybe make 3 stars a little easier or maybe give me more time, I understand they aren't gonna make 5 stars easily soloable but maybe they could introduce 2 and 4 stars so i could have a go at them.

    A lot of people probably think why not just go to a city/ town to play and for a town it's kind of the same problem, not that many people are playing regularly and I don't just go to town to play pokemon. Cities are great for UK players and normally a few people will be doing raids (and i usually with have friends with me if i'm in a city), but I can only do 2 a day anyway when i'm there…

    I think it would be good if Niantic understood not everyone lives in the middle of manhattan next to a pokegym with plenty of people trying to do a raid.

    submitted by /u/henrydeservedbetter
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    Trading a legendary

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    My oldest and I started playing POGO together and started racking up the legendaries. Now my youngest is playing. He wants one of my mewtwo and I would gladly give him one, but I've read you can't trade legendaries, then I read you could, but only under special circumstances. Anyone have experience with this that can help me out?

    submitted by /u/Potato1288
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    Hatched & EggsOnly

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Hi there. Relatively new player here.

    Can someone explain to me the difference in the search filter `hatched` and `eggsonly`?

    Also, is there anything special about Pokemon that are `hatched` or `eggsonly`? If they're not great, is there any reason to keep them?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/djdvs1420
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    Does anyone send gifts anynore?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    It sucks having 30/40 friends on my list and literally no one sends gifts anymore. Does anyone else have this issue? I'm sure it has something to do with the gifts not being as rewarding but what could they or should they do to address this issue. Maybe have a weekly counter like pokestops or catching pokemon. Like send gifts 7 days in a row and get a reward for it? Have a good week friends. Stay up.

    submitted by /u/toastedcoconut87
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    10 Excellent throws = Sirfetch'd

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    I started playing two months ago and hatched a Farfetch'd from an egg. It took me weeks to get all ten excellent throws to evolve him. I'm just so stoked, sorry! Is it worth to keep powering him up vs investing in a dragonite or an eevee evolution?

    submitted by /u/AG1RLHA5N0NAM3
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    Too late to evolve community day eevees?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    I'm assuming it's too late to evolve any community day Eevees at this point and have it learn the unique move? In other words, is there a point to keeping my extra Eevees I caught this weekend? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/seekerlite
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