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    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    Pokémon GO - A Really Nice Convenience

    Pokémon GO - A Really Nice Convenience

    A Really Nice Convenience

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:14 PM PST

    So today my sister and I went out Pokémon hunting. Driving around we noticed a Galarian Weezing raid. We got curb stomped by a T4 the last time we tried(lv 30 or so now we're both 35), but she convinced me to go to the raid site anyway and give it a shot. When we got there, there was a very disappointed family who were unable to beat Weezing with their kids. When my sister and I joined in to help them out, we ended up beating the Weezing together, you could see the joy in their kids' faces as they successfully caught it. I also realized there was no way my sister and I would be able to beat the Weezing by ourselves, so it was really fortunate that family was there. All in all, conveniently meeting that family at the raid site turned a losing battle for both parties into a solid victory for everyone. It's pretty satisfying when things just work out like that.

    submitted by /u/shonxandmokey
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    What rookie mistake/s did you commit when you were on the early parts of your gameplay?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:23 AM PST

    Way back 2016, while mass evolving, I dumped a 100IV Ekans (hatched) and a low-CP 100IV Dratini because I needed a single candy to evolve another of their species. A few weeks later, after meeting the local community, they nearly smacked my head for doing so. Back then, I didn't know it was THAT valuable to have mons with 100 IV.

    submitted by /u/Hin0kamiKagura
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    Powering up Pokémon needs a slider.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:38 PM PST

    It gets really annoying when you want to power up a Pokémon 5+ times and have to press power up over and over. Devs should implement a slider which shows number of candies and stardust used and the final CP count. Maybe even a small discount on stardust for leveling up many times at once.

    submitted by /u/ConnChap02
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    How much candy do I have?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    Is there any way in the game to see a list of all the candy you have or are there any Apps that can tell me? I have transfered quite a lot of Pokemon for space or because the IV was bad. I'd like to know if there is anything I need to prioritise that I am near to being able to evolve.

    submitted by /u/umbongo44dd
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    How does Pokemon Go Affect You?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:50 AM PST

    Hi Community

    I am a final year students conducting research on "How Pokemon Go affects people?" in either an positive or negative way, If you have any spare time could you answer the following questions please, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks in advance :)

    Hopefully the Link works - If you wish not to have your answers in the comments


    1. What effect of daily use of Pokémon Go have an effect on you and your relationships of friends and family? Can you talk about an example of how playing the game affected your relationships – did you find new friends? Did it contribute to tensions with old relationships? Could you provide a story about how you think it playing the game could affect the way people interact and relate to one another?

    2. Has any relationship of your blossomed from playing Pokémon Go? Can you provide examples, a story to illustrate this?

    3. Do you prefer playing Pokémon Go as a solo player or a group player and How does that effect you playing the game? (Why do you prefer this style of playing? Give some examples to illustrate the advantages of the different ways to play the game?

    4. What feature within Pokémon Go do you really enjoy and how has this helped the Community? What feature have you enjoyed less? What do you think could be changed in the way the game is played?

    5. How has Community Day helped the community and How? If not how? Can you provide some examples?

    6. Are there any stories that you have witnessed or you have playing Pokémon Go either positive or negative? What has surprised you most while playing? What kind of discussions or disagreements have emerged? What annoyed you most? Can you provide examples?

    7. Why do you like playing Pokémon Go? Give me examples of How you started to like the game? (e.g. Main series Games) Were there times when you lost interest and then came back to the game? How does the game compare to other games you or your friends are playing?

    8. What is your honest opinion of the Pokémon Go community? Is there anything that you dislike? What do you think makes the members of the community special, or different from members of other communities (such as religious communities, ethnic communities, video gamers etc…)? What different characteristics do people of the community have? How do they meet? What do they talk about? What do they like? Are there sub-communities within the big POGO community? What is the relationship between them? Do people move in and out of communities? How does that happen?

    9. Are there any Social factors of Pokémon Go have that you think have benefitted you and/or the community? (What is the most effective feature of Pokémon Go that has helped the community?)

    10. Do you think Pokémon Go can be enjoyed by everyone? (All ages, genders), If yes, why aren't more people playing it and what could be done to get more people to play it? Would it be better if there were more in the community? If not, why not? What could be done to involve more? Would you like more to be involved?

    11. What are the Similarities and differences between you and an Avid Pokémon Go player (BrandonTan91) and a Pokémon Go player who recently started playing? Is there a hierarchy within the community? Does this have any consequences etc…?

    12. Do you think you should play less or more Pokémon Go if you could and why? Do you consider Playing Pokémon Go a Bad habit? Give me an example and you play it but it's not at the right place to do so, if any?

    13. How do you think Pokémon Go is represented to Players and Non-Players? maybe more specifically – what do non-players think of players and vice versa, what kind of misconceptions are out there? Is that bad and what could be done to change it?

    14. Are there any improvements you would like Within Pokémon Go to players experience?

    15. Do you have any other comments to help me to see how Pokémon Go affects people, their character and values, beliefs, their relationships, the decisions they make in life in an either positive or negative way?

    16. Give me examples of how do you think Pokémon Go has been affected by players or non-players throughout its timeline? For example, how different kinds of people play the game differently, what kind of unintended consequences or practices have emerged.

    17. Do you think cheating is acceptable in the community?, please give me an example of how cheating has negatively impacted players or if you thinks its beneficial for the cheater e.g if they unable to go out due to a certain condition

    submitted by /u/Arceus955
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    Could not be happier

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:45 AM PST

    English is my second language, sorry if any mistakes.

    So, here I am, in the beach, and I see a Mantyne in my radar... As I am just a lvl29, I didn't had it, so I go there and catch it. Another one apears catch it. Good, another Mon in my Pokédex. Shortly after, I saw a Qwillfish, and I also have never got to catch one, so I get it, all good. Very happy me go back to where we are "camping" (I don't know a correct word). Then I saw my 10km egg almost hatching and I go for a walk to hatch it. As I am walking, I spin some Pokestops, the usual, and a Diglet spawns; I click on it AND IT'S A FOCKEN SHINY. I almost had a heart atack, the usual and continue walking. A MagiKarp appears. Click on it. Catch, the usual, and give a look on the IV; ITS A FOCKEN (almost) O% MAGIKARP. Keep walking (I was walking with my dad) and I say about how much I wanted a Absol, but it was very rare so I just forget about it. Got a Clafairy (weirdly, I didn't had one). I see the egg hatching. Click on it. IT'S FOCKEN ABSOL, and as usual, I had a heart atack and died. And it ain't even 1pm. I'm very happy.


    submitted by /u/Zehzinhu_2000
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    Adventure sync not working

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    Is this not working for anyone else? I'm not able to play that much but I would be able to hatch lots of eggs without opening the app. Now it's almost as if it doesn't count the steps like it used to.

    submitted by /u/Andy_Landy1793
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    Two shiny Pikachus in two days, caught from my bedroom

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:47 PM PST

    I'm pretty lucky to have a pokestop I can hit from my bedroom and since the last migration a lot of Pikachus have been spawning there.

    These are my 4th and 5th PoGo shinies but they are the first ones that have good stats. My other shinies are Chimchar, Mudkip and Machop and all 3 have no stars.


    submitted by /u/hardstyl3r
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    My first ever 7 day Field Research shiny followed up with my first ever shiny encounter about 10 minutes later

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:31 PM PST


    I don't have any friends that play Pokemon Go so I wanted to share these with others who understand the excitement I went through haha

    submitted by /u/Burnzzzzy
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    Raiding with another PokemonGo family, later meeting up with them

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:01 AM PST

    So, my brother and I were riding in the car, playing pogo, (as you do) and we saw this level 4 raid, we thought, maybe we could try to do it, right? Well we got there and I see 2 PokemonGO players, my dad said "look at the truck behind us, that's probably them." We finish the raid, and capture the Pokemon, Thankful for the other players, as we had 35 seconds left on the clock, and probably could not have not it ourselves. We see this level 1 raid, and say, why not? So we get to that one and the same truck pulls up beside us, while the same people join. We defeat the raid in 2 seconds, and they say "we promise we aren't following you!" We laugh, and they say "there is a level 5 raid at the church, wanna try to get it? Sadly I had to say no because my brother was outta raid passes. I wonder what would have happened if we went to the raid. Anyway wholesome and interesting. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/The-8-Bit-Wolf
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    pokemon go copenhagen slack

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Hello everyone in Denmark and beyond

    I don't know if this is happening to anyone else but the pokemon gyms have disappeared from my map for Fisketorvet so on a whim I decided to make my own slack workplace for pokemon go in copenhagen to organise people to do raids.

    it's called pokemon go copenhagen join if you want :)

    If there's a lot of people interested in this but you use a different app, like discord, or whatsapp, just post the link of your group in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Obluda24601
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    I caught a shiny Sableye!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:02 PM PST

    I've been patiently waiting for a shiny sableye for a while now, and it finally happened!

    Golden boy is the best boy.

    submitted by /u/YourCanadianNinja
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    Failed to log in error? iPhone XR

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    I keep getting this error and am not sure why. I tried deleting and reinstalling the latest version of the app. It happens on both wi-fi and mobile data. I believe I signed up using a Pokemon trainer's club account originally if that helps.

    submitted by /u/masterz13
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    How good is Shieldon?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Basically, I'm super jealous that my bro got Litwick from his 10k egg because Chandelure is one of my all time favourites, and after I finally found my first 10k egg and hatched it I got a Shieldon. This disappointed me, but I don't actually know how strong Bastiodon is.

    submitted by /u/IceDalek
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    Rocket radar bug

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:16 AM PST

    When you get invited to a trainer battle while you are in the rocket radar the game gets a little bit bugged Out.

    The Video

    submitted by /u/Brunsssen
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    New players guide?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:47 AM PST

    Played the game veeeery briefly at launch. Haven't touched it since. Picked up a poke ball plus for Sword today and have been wanting to do more exercise. Is there a guide anywhere for new players? Browsing the sub I don't understand what people are talking about half the time cause the game seems to have changed a lot.

    submitted by /u/ASpaceOstrich
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    Getting TWO shiny Articunos before a single non-shiny bird

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST


    Context — As a rural NZ player, legendary breakthroughs are my only way to obtain any legendaries, so I like to get as many as possible. On my most recent and only account I use, I have gotten two SHINY Articunos before even a single non-shiny Zapdos or Moltres. Absolutely insane luck for me, and I wanted to share!

    *these weren't exactly two in a row, there was a single Kyogre in between.

    submitted by /u/DYL9703
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    Yooooooo got my 1st shiny after a 2 year break from PoGo!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST


    He might not have perfect IV's but he's perfect in my own two eyes

    submitted by /u/BlindFuckabish
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    How do I start another conversation with the Niantic Support Bot?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:21 AM PST

    Whenever I've reported someone for spoofing the bot has always given me the option to start another conversation so I can make another report. However when I reported someone for having an offensive name the support bot hasn't given me the option to make another report. Is there a way around this as I've made a video showing someone spoofing and I'd like for the support team to look at it.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Pgreeni
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    I have reached the peak of my luck

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:01 PM PST


    I caught this while on a roadtrip to Chicago and I nearly cried because Sneasal is my favorite mon.

    submitted by /u/GreenAvalanche
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    Niantic really did do a good job with this game

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    I love this game, it's given me tons of fun times with my friends and has led me to meet people I wouldn't have without this game. The way everything works is just perfect, how the friendships work to raids even to random Pokémon spawns. I really love this game and I I feel that they deserve some recognition even if the game isn't where it was 2 years ago.

    submitted by /u/mpete25
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