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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Pokémon GO - It took 2 years but I caught a ditto.

    Pokémon GO - It took 2 years but I caught a ditto.

    It took 2 years but I caught a ditto.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:25 AM PST

    I recently decided to get back into Pokémon Go, and my hunt for the elusive ditto (who happens to be my favorite Pokémon) resumed once again.

    I've played a decent amount of Pokémon go, now I'm not level 40, I'm 31 and I've been playing since the start (although on and off).

    The fact that I've caught another ditto since the quest system came out. I am so happy.

    At the parking lot at my job a bido was giving me SERIOUS trouble, and I'm starting to suspect it's a ditto but I've been duped before but when I saw that "oh" I started screaming.


    submitted by /u/aceorenstein
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    I am 100% sure I would have completely drowned in my PTSD without PoGo (serious)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    It sounds like a weird sentence, but it's true.

    On weekends when I have no reason to leave my bedroom, Pokemon Go gets me out of the house. On community days, sometimes I open my mouth for the first time in 36+ hours to talk to people I meet on my local PoGo Discord. When I have no food in my kitchen, being outside playing Pokemon Go leads me to the grocery downtown, where I decide I might as well pick up something to eat. At times when I have completely isolated myself and can't remember the last time I felt welcome at a social event, doing a raid gives me a feeling of being needed.

    So thanks PoGo, and thanks fellow trainers!

    Edit: Wow, I am blown away by the support and love. Thank you, truly, from deep down in my soul. Additionally, I will not be answering questions about why I have PTSD. It is inappropriate to ask about someone's trauma, online or in person, stranger or friend.

    submitted by /u/neccryption
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    Niantic still breaching tos by not disclosing loot box rates [X-post from silphroad]

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    With the recent announcement that evolved forms will be able to be shiny during the upcoming raid event, I'm both excited and furious. Excited that they're finally(again) allowing evolved shinies, I've never wanted to raid evolved forms because of this. However I'm also furious because this adds to the growing pile of "loot box" mechanics that Niantic isn't ethically disclosing the rates for.

    This is a conversation that comes up from time to time, and I feel that many players are still uneducated at just how manipulative the current systems in Pokémon go are, especially when compared with both Apple and googles terms of service.

    Let me start by addressing the most common responses to "does Pokémon go have lootboxes?" Or even "WHATS a lootbox?"

    /u/UW_Unknown_Warrior made a great response to this the last time it came up, but I'd like to add to this and try to simply it a bit here:

    A lootbox mechanic can be simmered down to simply:

    "something in game you can pay for that either rewards, or accelerates the reward of a random result (the entire result doesn't have to be random)"

    -Buying the key vs the box, doesn't matter, you're paying for the reward.

    -Getting free boxes doesn't make the paid ones not loot boxes

    -Having some of the reward be constant doesn't exempt the random portions

    When this topic comes up, it's almost always about eggs, which I feel are brutal, but it also often ignores raid passes, which with this event niantic are pushing more towards the loot box style.

    Let's compare eggs to raid passes

    Both have a free option(free daily passes and free incubator)

    Both have a premium version (premium passes and paid incubators(two types not as relevant)

    Both have a constant reward (you get to fight a Pokémon, you get to hatch a Pokémon)

    Both have a random reward element - eggs are which which pokemon you hatch AS WELL as it's chance to be shiny (2 odds) - Raids are the random item bundles AS WELL as it's potential shiny chance.

    Neither one publicly disclosed anywhere the odds of any of these random rewards. The silph road does an amazing job of data collection and analysis to figure these numbers out for us. There are however two major problems with the silph road.

    1. the % of players that are silph road educated is incredibly small, the data simply doesn't reach enough people.
    2. Once the data is published, follow up reports are rare. This data is not live. This allows for either accidental, or malicious changes to numbers after publish.

    The reason number 2 is such a big deal is because in the big egg hatching event back in September, data was found that showed the rates of shinies were changed AFTER silph road (and subsequently youtubers) reported how easy they were to get. This made people go crazy buying incubators not knowing the numbers were off. This post talked about itPart of the problem here is that the change was only discovered via botters and spoofers which is a taboo subject here on TSR, even if it's the most efficient way to detect changes at the drop of a hat. I don't want to get my post removed by linking anything, but if one were to google "pokemom go live shiny rates" they might find what they were looking for.

    Now one could argue that raid passes are really just to fight and catch the Pokémon and that the random rewards are bonuses that don't matter, however Niantic is clearly advertising the shiny reward as an incentive to encourage people to raid more and thus pay more.

    So what's the solution? Niantic needs to very transparently disclose (in game, not in a tweet or a YouTube video) the rates of their random reward mechanics.

    Each individual egg should have a list of each pokemon that could hatch from them as well as their shiny chance(if applicable)

    Raid screens (before inserting pass) should have a way to see the possible rewards such as item bundles and shiny chance of the specific boss you might be about to spend a dollar to beat.

    Ive included a screenshot of how the game Brawlstars properly discloses their lootboxes in game, and it's exactly what I wish niantic would do.

    What can you do as a player? 1. make your voice heard, at the bottom of this post I've included links to both Apple and google where you can submit a complaint about an app. Simply send them a message that you feel pokemon go is not following their stores loot box policy and needs to be more transparent. 2. Educate those in your community and encourage them to send feedback as well. There isn't a single person playing this game that would be hurt by these changes other than Niantics profits.

    conversation with Apple support

    Apple app feedback

    google app feedback

    submitted by /u/Beoron
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    I saw Azelf on my radar while studying

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:10 PM PST

    I saw the outline and jumped into the car to go to the local park. Can't believe it!


    submitted by /u/NoRedemptiion
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    Hatched my first shiny and caught a legendary shiny from field research in one night!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:16 AM PST

    I hatched my first shiny and fully evolved it walking home from University and then caught a shiny Articuno from my field research right after! This has been one of my luckiest nights yet! Happy Evolution Week friends! I love procrastinating finals....


    submitted by /u/imStoned420
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    [Photo] Rhyhorn with a Rhino at the zoo!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Celebrate the power of change with the Evolution Event!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:22 PM PST

    What a good scissor boy

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    Purified him for a challenge only to realize hes a 4 star Perfect boi https://imgur.com/gallery/GiSVs0J

    submitted by /u/Haditwd
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    Rant: We need more and better ways to get potions and revives!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Hi All

    Firstly apologies but i need to rant about this as this has really annoyed me.

    So i came across Arlo whilst out playing Pokemon GO just now and attempted to battle him. After attempting to battle him two or three times (can't remember) i realised that i was completely out of both potions.

    So i spun the stop again, nothing but pokeballs and berries. Then i tried opening some gifts that i had, i must have opened (and sent back) 5 and all i got was 2 max revives and pokeballs and berries (i didn't need revives, i needed potions). With no gifts left to open i spun the other stop and gym in the immediate vicinity and all i got was more pokeballs and berries.

    Are you seriously kidding me!!!!

    Unfortunately there were no more gyms or stops near to me so that was it. Have to wait until tomorrow to try and get more now.

    What is most annoying is that gyms will basically only give you potions / revives if they are your team colour. How am i supposed to take over gyms without potions / revives?

    Also raids are supposed to be more likely to give you potions / revives. Great, but again how am i supposed to do these with no potions / revives?

    And then you give me a field research task that will give me potions. YAY! Finally! Oh wait, i have to do 7 gym battles!!!! Again how am i supposed to do gym battles with no potions / revives?

    submitted by /u/danbywinby
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    I've been building up to this for a while, 9 eggs all hatching at once, all 10k eggs. Any predictions as to what I'll get?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:35 PM PST

    https://i.imgur.com/M3ptzfV.jpgI'll post an update tomorrow, I want to see who can guess the closest!

    submitted by /u/SporkOfDestiny
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    So I hatched this amazing thing...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    As the title says I have hatched this creature below from one of the eggs I got from my friend and apperently it's really good according to my friend. What do you guys think and what do you think I should do with it?


    submitted by /u/Lagyio
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    Sinnoh stones

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:51 PM PST

    I've been scrolling through the comments on the posts about the evolution event and it seems like many people dont know that you can get sinnoh stones from pvp. So this is just to inform those of you who don't know.

    The first team leader battle as well as the first 3 pvp battles you do every day have a chance of dropping a sinnoh stone. The chance is 3/20 I believe. So if you do these 4 battles every day, it adds up to a pretty decent amount of sinnoh stones.

    It won't immediately solve all your problems, but unless you're really unlucky it should help in some way.

    I know many if not all of the hardcore players already know this. But for the casual players scrolling through this sub, I hope this helps.

    I'm not sure what to flair this, so if anyone thinks it should be different, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/gaduko
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    Get up and walk, find new friends and why I won't fly. Reflections on why I play.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    My sons were in a major accident back in 2016 and almost died. The week before the accident Pokemon Go launched and we had planned to play it together. So when it came time to do Physical Therapy, the secret to get them out of their wheelchairs was to allow them to play Pokemon Go. We walked all over the hospital (which had pokestops inside) and caught pokemon. Since that time, my kids and I have played nearly everyday. It has been a great way for me to connect to my kids and their friends. So I have no shame as a 40 year old business executive playing Pokemon Go. I have fond memories of driving around with my kids hunting for the next 5 star raid or shiny. I have also connected with co-workers, friends at church and people all over the world through the game. I have joined random groups all over the world for raids and events. I typically buy 9 incubators on long run Saturdays to hatch all my eggs and my kids and I sit around and watch them hatch when I am done.

    With my job, I also find myself traveling the world. This creates a unique "non-fly" opportunity to catch regional pokemon to trade back home with my kids and friends, spin gyms and meet people. Recently I was in the Philippines and, as usual, I asked people if they are into Pokemon Go. I was struggling to find people on the island I was visiting, so I turned to facebook and found a Raid group. They quickly invited me for a raid hour and I walked with them as we hit raid after raid. We then traded pokemon for an hour trying to get some to go lucky since most of mine were 15,000km away. I was impressed with this group of young men and women as we talked about their local community rules. Since they are not financially stable, they give everyone an 8 hour chance in a gym to get their 50 coins a day. They also had strong opinions about Fly. They believe Fly has ruined the game. People fly into their island and kick them out of gyms and even push them out of raids with their friends. They told me many people have lost the desire to play because of fly. They love the hunt and experience of travel all over the island looking for the best gyms, raids and pokemon. They've pushed to get to 40 so they could expand their small islands pokemon potential with new gyms and stops. It was inspiring to see them in action and listen to them talk. Their desire to get out and walk, reminded me of how I got my kids out of their wheelchairs to hunt their first Pikachu. Imagine if I had let them sit in their beds and fly instead of walking.

    In the end I picked up every Asia regional pokemon and snagged a couple Terrakions for my growing legendary collection. But for a few moments we were not from different countries or even spoke different languages, I didn't just fly in and play and go, we were just trainers with a mission or I dare say--Friends.

    Gotta catch 'em all friends.

    submitted by /u/BenJoeM
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    Shadow Ball Alakazam vs Espeon solo in sunny

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    I got to use my favorite Pokemon to take out an Espeon. This was super fun!! I'm still looking for my hundo! I'd like a hundo Espeon very badly.


    submitted by /u/Elpanachevere2
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    Is there a way to search by power up level?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Is there a way to search by what level your Pokémon are? I've powered up a lot of my favorites but I forget which ones until I randomly spot them while scrolling.

    Most of them have high CP or are near the top so I can just search by CP but the lower ones I've invested in get overlooked because I can't easily locate them (ditto for example).

    submitted by /u/Andrewrost
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    Please don’t look at me like that. I don’t have any treats for you...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Just found this humorous as I don't often see all the surrounding Pokémon facing the same direction, and it just looks like they're begging for food. I always check though, because I've still never seen a wild shiny Eevee; only the one from the research task.

    submitted by /u/lcghost
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    Is there any chance of Niantic will change the single POI cell level from 17 to 18 or 19?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    I just realized Harry Potter is using bigger level cells and I don't really get why or why haven't they edited the pokestop cell to a bigger level yet. I just started to submit pokestops and lvl 17 is sometimes way too big for a small town. Is there any chance that's going to change in the future or since it's a 3 years old game they'll just leave it like this?
    Of course in a big city with a lot of interesting places/statues it's not a problem but I'm trying to fill my small town as much as I can (it had 2 gyms/2 stops before the submitting) and since the POIs are kinda close to each other I'm having a hard time doing it and I don't want to cheat with the placing.

    submitted by /u/sztrapacska
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    Couldn't believe my eyes

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST


    1501 cp.

    It fucking fled Im so triggered, but at least I confirmed its existence for myself

    submitted by /u/Joe-Lines
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    Any solution to the authentication issue?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    I haven't been able to log in to Pokemon Go since I got my new phone about two weeks ago. Even I try to start a new player it says unable to authenticate. Anyone else have this problem?

    submitted by /u/ryandallion
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    I finally filled my Kanto Dex!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:04 PM PST

    I've been playing since the very beginning, not constantly, but still a decent amount, and today I finally caught an Articuno the last one I needed.

    I'd post a picture, but I can't work out how, and I'm sure this will get buried anyway. Just wanted something I could look back on in future :)

    submitted by /u/SixUK90
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    Is 7 the limit capacity for having to submit pokestops ?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    I know you start with 7 and get one new nomination every 14 days, but since I got to level 40 I was sending stops like crazy. But now I'm going more in detail an been more careful with what I submit. My question is can I get more than 7 submissions at a time or is that the limit ?

    submitted by /u/Jonklopez
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    Personal pokestops

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    You get to place one pokestop that only you can see and interact with. Once you place it you can't change it's location unless you pay ~500 coins. You can only spin it once every 15 minutes, other than that it's the exact same as every other pokestop. Even the odd pokemon will spawn near it.

    I think this would vastly improve the game for rural players, giving them more opportunities to actually play the game.

    Do you guys think this is a good idea?

    submitted by /u/barred_car
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