• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - I'm not allowed complain about 10km eggs for a while, I think.

    Pokémon GO - I'm not allowed complain about 10km eggs for a while, I think.

    I'm not allowed complain about 10km eggs for a while, I think.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Managed to gather up six 10km eggs, and hatched them in a batch...


    Can't be unhappy with those results, right?

    submitted by /u/MrE158
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    I performed a rescue mission on Pokemon that had been stuck on a gym for 125 days.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 01:05 PM PST

    On my way to work I pass a Gym that is VERY far from its supposed location. Ressica Parks is about 100 yards to the North of the gym in game. As a result, the gym lands squarely on a private house next to a highway, nowhere near the park. There is no safe place to stand or even stop a car. Thus, the gym is essentially impossible to reach unless you park your car on the side of the road or live in that house. Before the mission began, the stop contained six Valor Pokemon.

    This stop has been bothering me for a long time because it's next to an elementary school. NORMALLY, I would have no issue leaving Valor players to rot on an abandoned stop for years at a time, BUT I figure the only people who would ever stop long enough to put Pokemon on this gym are kids when their bus stops to let traffic go by. I figure some guy stopped in this person's driveway, knocked down the gym, put a Pokemon on, and some unsuspecting kids dropped their best guys on it not knowing what they were doing.

    So six Pokemon, all good ones, have been trapped for at least 125 days, based on this Chancey.

    Today, traffic was light, there was no raid on the gym, and I was coming home early, so I stopped and granted them their freedom with a quick fight. I didn't have time to take more pictures because I was uncomfortable parking where I was on the shoulder. I just wanted to shoot and scoot.

    I didn't get all the names, but the stop contained a Slaking, Chancey, Gyarados, Glaceon, Ryperior, and Aggron.

    Go! Be free starving Pokemon! Go home to your trainers! They miss you!

    Obviously, I couldn't leave the gym empty, so I filled it with a Pokemon that wouldn't attract powerful allies. So long buddy. I'll see you in July.

    UPDATE: someone already knocked the Magikarp out of the gym. Someone who plays must live in that house. I'll check on the gym in another hundred days. 😂

    UPDATE 2: Either a spoofer or guy who lives there is camping the gym because, within twenty minutes, the same Chancey owner, "Don't date the help" put something back on the gym. Except now it's a Blissey. this is screaming abuse. Especially since it's a stop that was on a playground. I will be reporting it since it's not only in a dangerous spot, but if it was moved to the correct location it would be on a school which is against Niantic's policy.

    submitted by /u/Luke_Orlando
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    It took years but I finally caught my one and only Shiny Magikarp

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:19 AM PST


    I started to think I'd never get lucky with any shinies but the gods decided to bless me 😂

    submitted by /u/elcycim
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    I know its not a huge feat but...it's a first for me an my little one!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:24 PM PST

    After quite awhile, my daughter and I got our first 100% IV! I know its not the best pokémon but, hey! Its a first for us. And we are both stoaked.


    submitted by /u/Provioso
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    Gyms missing or in the wrong location?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Is anyone else finding gyms in the wrong location? The typical gyms that I hit on my commute sometimes aren't there anymore or I find them in the wrong spot. See images here. The photo with the raid notification is the correct location. The other shows it in the road along with another incorrect one.

    submitted by /u/SeanJohnSilvers
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    The "Catch a Dragon" Task should reward Gible

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Or Deino, Axew or any other dragon except Dratini really. Deino and Axew are only very new, but Gible is a good candidate (especially as I don't have one yet, lol). New players get Dratini and Dragonite through the Jump Start Research Quest anyway, so there's little real need for it as a task despite as it's already accessible. Dratini has been the reward for this task since tasks began, time to change it up a bit!

    Show me the Gible! :)

    submitted by /u/BigWooper
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    Kecleon changing color until it is released (Day 5)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST


    Today's Kec is black, it enjoys shiny Charizard and long walks on Heahea Beach

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    Here yah go, a Maxed Out, Best Buddy, Shlundo Ludicolo

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:11 PM PST


    For a first buddy, there's pressure to walk out for rarer Mon candies; choosing Rampardos or Gible became a struggle. But with so much glitter and orange on the line, the look is fitting for this funky little pineapple...

    I don't think any other Mon could compare to the glammer

    submitted by /u/darkpyr0
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    4 shiny mons in 1 day!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:42 PM PST

    this weekend was stupid lucky i just had to share with someone

    1pm: walking into my nail salon, got a shiny magikarp

    2pm: first check leaving the salon, snagged a shiny patrat

    2:30pm: first raid of the day, shiny latios!! (this is only my 2nd shiny from a raid EVER)

    ~10pm: driving around with my boyfriend and we see 2 carvanha in a parking lot. he goes "man i want one of those" first one i click... lil green and gold boy

    never had a day like this before!


    submitted by /u/hausofzoe
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    Need help with evolving Magikarp

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    My trainer level is 30, I have a 233cp Magikarp with 3 stars on the IV. I got enough candies now the big question, approximately how much will the Gyarados be and should I wait for a better Magikarp?

    submitted by /u/BizzNeuf
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    I wish my Pokémon could visit a Pokémon center

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:42 PM PST

    The only way to heal in game is by using items, but the primary method for healing Pokémon in the games, anime, etc. was to visit the Pokémon Center. Select Pokéstops could serve as a Center at which trainers can revive or fully heal Pokémon.

    Since Team Rocket was added to the game 6 months ago the item economy has shifted significantly. In October 2019 Niantic announced an official effort "implimenting various game-design changes such as providing more items in areas with fewer Pokéstops..." While I'm sure that was/is true it doesn't seem to have manifested in noticeable ways. The presence of balls, berries, and potions together in random amounts can still have negative effects on game play experience.

    Then Giovanni and his monthly Special Research were added and we saw another drain on items. Giovanni's rewards were eventually increased significantly to help offset that change. The gift and buddy systems have helped supplement some item loss, but healing all of your Pokémon regularly can be difficult. Some trainers will even use a power up as a method of revival. I find myself picking and choosing which mons to heal and, unfortunately, which to leave fainted.

    I dont have any fully formed suggestions for the functionality of how a Pokémon Go Center would work (suggestions welcome in the comments), but the first test Centers could be placed on locations of the brand new real world Pokémon Centers. My only hope is that the feature would not be monetized for the sake of our Pokémon, but I do recognize the implications of any sort of free heal for all of our mons and that limitations could be a fair balance between Niantic and players.

    submitted by /u/ShepherdsWeShelby
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:08 AM PST

    I hatched this guy today and if I trade him I assume his perfect stats will drop( plus I love him and want to keep him) so is my best option to buddy up with him and just walk until I hit the 200 candy goal rather than trade him away for the evolution option? I usually have all my eggs in incubators but he's been pretty rare and I'm not totally sure how the trade evolution works but I'm pretty sure he can't trade evolve then get traded back, correct? Also, is he worth the km to reach that 200 candy goal for battle or does anyone know if he'll just be dex filler?


    submitted by /u/foxymoneybagz
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    My Very First Shiny Is...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:51 PM PST

    So, I don't get very lucky, and recently got my very first shiny and it happens to also be Alolan. I just wanted to share this absolute beauty of a Pokemon with everyone. :D


    Not sure if this is really uncommon or not.

    submitted by /u/OhWander
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    This seems to be true...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Now with a working link! Most of my friends only care about shiny, never iv's http://imgur.com/gallery/QSYn0k9

    submitted by /u/ryan3aly3
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    Eggs are just loot boxes with extra steps (literally)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Eggs are just loot boxes with extra steps. So are raids, incense, lures, rocket radars and (soon) Go Battle League rewards. All of these can be paid for (yes, indirectly).


    Apps offering mechanisms to receive randomized virtual items from a purchase (i.e. "loot boxes") must clearly disclose the odds of receiving those items in advance of purchase.

    Providing a free loot box each day doesn't exempt other games from the rules, and shouldn't exempt Niantic. In fact, this serves to hook potential gambling addicts with a free "hit" of dopamine.

    Providing a free mechanism to earn premium currency doesn't exempt other games from the rules, and shouldn't exempt Niantic.

    If you agree, report Pokemon Go for violating the Google Play store terms of service using the directions here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2853570?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en

    Let us know if you see an app or game that doesn't follow the Google Play Developer Program Policy.
    1. Open the Google Play Store app Google Play.
    2. Go to the detail page for an app or game.
    3. Tap More Moreand then Flag as inappropriate.
    4. Choose a reason.
    5. Tap Submit.

    If any Apple user wants to sort out how to do this via the Apple Store, I will add that information to the OP.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Emperor
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    Is there a way to request spawns on repurposed land?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:51 AM PST

    My family is moving to a new house, that was built on land previously occupied by a school, so there are no spawns on the new estate. Is there a way I can let Niantic know the land isn't a school anymore so we might have spawns there? There's nothing nearby to create a PokéStop or gym from. I live in a village so PokéStops are few and far between as it is and the prospect of living where there are no spawns at all is depressing. At my current house I'm lucky and we have a spawn spot. As a side note I'm not quite level 40 yet either, and won't be for a while.

    submitted by /u/Fibreoptic_Calico
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    I Want to Believe...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I love the little glitches and random stuff that happens sometimes. I was trying to feed my Venusaur some berries to get back on the map with me, be he wanted to fly

    Edit: Goes great with this music in the background

    submitted by /u/ToxicLax
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    How good will Rhyperior be

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:08 AM PST

    I'm not sure if there are any leaks about the stats from Rhyperiors community day attack, so i'm curious if you think that it will out class Rampardos in DPS

    submitted by /u/Pedda-Next-Door
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    Perfect Pokémon Placement

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST


    Spotted this Wobbuffett at the Dickerson Chapel Church and thought the placement and Pokémon choice was pretty funny

    submitted by /u/Lvpxs
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    I found a workaround for renaming your pokemon!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:50 AM PST

    I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I found a workaround that makes it so you don't have to spam the rename thing a hundred times. If you tap on the pokemon (so it does its little attack animation) and then click on the name bar it will let you rename it without any difficulty. Not sure if it works for everyone but it works for me.

    submitted by /u/AlterEgoCat
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    Need some advice on a shiny's viability. Just got him and am wondering how much the defense will effect him

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I just got this shiny magikarp and was super stoked, but I was a bit dismayed to see his stats. Is this pow defense really going to cripple him?

    Need help seeing if this magikarp is worth it https://imgur.com/gallery/pxrayTI

    submitted by /u/Taluvill
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    Help me with my great league team please?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Hey guys, I have been doing some research in preparation for matchmaking based trainer battles. I have a competitive Azumaril, Bastiodon, Skarmory, and Altaria.

    From what I have read, Azumaril is a good closer, Skarmory and Altaria are good openers, and Bastiodon is an excellent wall with reasonable damage. Feel free to correct me on those statements, but that is the information I am working with right now.

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. If I am running bastiodon, I feel like I should run him as my first Pokemon. He has two h that would both be covered by an azumaril and either Skarmory or altaria. But bastiodon is listed as being a strong tank, so is he going to be terrible to lead with?

    2. Is simply Skarmory vs. Altaria. I prefer altaria personally, but I have no competitive experience outside of my friend group, and they play much more casually than I do.

    submitted by /u/AadmiralAardvark
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