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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Test teams before spending star dust on them + GoLeague Questions Megathread

    Pokémon GO - Test teams before spending star dust on them + GoLeague Questions Megathread

    Test teams before spending star dust on them + GoLeague Questions Megathread

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:18 PM PST

    Go Battle League is rolling out and here our some resources to help you be the very best like no one ever was:

    At PvPoke you can compile & test a team before spending any of your precious star dust

    Subs where you can find good resources:

    • /r/TheSilphArena: beware that they usually play in restricted formats (e.g. rock, ground, steel, fighting only cup) so some of their infographics may only apply to a limited meta.
    • /r/PokemonGoBattleLeague: fully dedicated to the in-game meta


    If anyone has resources they think merit being added to this post, ping me.

    If anyone has questions regarding GoBattleLeague feel free to drop them in the comments. Other redditors will certainly be able to help.

    submitted by /u/liehon
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    It is now imperative that we be able to see moves when building a team.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Honestly, this feature has been needed for FOREVER. Now that battles are rolling out, it's even more important.

    Even two/three icons simply showing the move type would be tremendous.

    I'm not about to (nor should I have to) name my Tyranitar "BiteCrunch"

    submitted by /u/O2M
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    I found this on my way to work today!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    I haven't even found a somewhat decent 3* magickarp yet and then this shiny boi showed up. Guess i know which one to evolve now! :D


    submitted by /u/MariiVy
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    Kecleon changing colors until it is released (Day 6)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST


    Pink Kecleon, nothing to crazy, but I have something special planned for tomorrow

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    It would improve gameplay if TMs allowed you to choose or cycle through moves

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I like how they're 'charged' and 'fast' TMs because it doesn't jumble up bag space, however it does not make any sense as to why a trainer would just throw discs at a Pokémon and switch between the same moves.

    I'm beyond irritated spending 6-14 passes to get one charged move out of a pool of 3...

    submitted by /u/Skywave28
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    I think that after today people will start to look at Pokémon like Whiscash, Skarmory and Altaria differently.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:25 PM PST

    I entered the Go League with Pokémon that most trainers take for granted because to them it's not good if it isn't shiny or something you can use in raids. I believe those days are about to come to an end and as long as Niantic continues to make Go League an enticing experience with attractive rewards then the casuals will begin to take notice more.

    In one battle I beat 2 legendaries with my Kingdra. In another battle my Whiscash mauled over 3 different Pokémon. I spammed them with some of the best and fastest moves available per species on my roster and watched each time as each opponent was left defenseless with no shields or knowledge of what would be best against my Pokémon.

    For me it wasn't even about winning but the satisfactory of seeing how important it is to know what you're doing. Because it isn't just a tap fest. You really do need to know your matchups. So I hope anyone who tried this out and lost hard doesn't give up. Just keep practicing. Practice with friends. Engage in PVP related content and before you know it you'll know what to do. GGs, battlers!

    submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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    This game is starting to miss a lot of QoL updates

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:28 AM PST

    Niantic has put a lot of effort into making this game better. There were even a lot of QoL updates previously, but some features are just unaddressed for too long and they keep stacking up frustrating everybody.

    This is purely for QoL updates that don't affect gameplay or monetization directly (a.k.a. doesn't give players an advantage), but purely frustrate players by being slow and boring activities, that could be made more fun or at least not so boring (and in some cases even profit Niantic).

    • Starting a raid early. This feature has been suggested so many times, and I wonder how is this still not in the game. This could actually be profitable to Niantic. I am speaking from my own experience, that I would do a lot more of 1*-3* raids, if I didn't have to wait 2 minutes to start the raid. Sometimes you just don't have the time, or you don't want to wait that much for nothing. This just purely frustrates players and there is no reason why it shouldn't be there other than it might be a bit hard to implement properly
    • Gift giving. Oh boy, this is a big one and has a lot of mini problems on it's own. This could be done so much better and it isn't. There was so many suggestions already, and it's still a mess that it currently is. Possible solutions:
      • Make gift giving and receiving one button like in HP:WU
      • Make a "Give all gifts to random friends" button.
      • Ability to see, if you can send a gift to a friend
      • Ability to find friends, that can receive your gift
    • Friends list. Still here, but this time it's about the optimization. Why in the heck is the Friends list so slow, it's a slog to just scroll through it, it lags so much you sometimes click on a friend just by trying to scroll. (This also sometimes happen in pokemon storage or item storage, but it happens a lot more in the friends list imo)
    • Finding lucky friends. There should be an option to filter or sort by lucky friends, so that you can see all lucky friends that you have.
    • Seeing pokemon move types in storage/selecting. We shouldn't have to name our Pokemon to see what type of moves it has.
    • Seeing pokemon moves in selections, when you hold a button on a Pokemon, there could be just a small popup to show you the moves, it would be an elegant way to see more info that wouldn't bother anyone.
    • Auto trashing items. This was feature requested basically since the game came out. I don't need more than 200 pokeballs, I should be able to set auto trash limits on items or item groups (balls, potions, revives...)
    • See candy count when catching a pokemon. This would help a lot when deciding, if I want to pinap or just catch a pokemon, it would be really helpful when you want to know, if you have enough candy for whatever purposes or if you need a bit more.
    • Slider for powering up, similar to the one for rare candies. This has also been requested since the start of the game, to powerup easily to the level you want without having to spend 5-10 minutes just to power up stuff.
    • Pokemon Boxes! This could solve the optimization issue in Pokemon Storage, make it multiple boxes into which we can put our Pokemon depending on their usage. There should probably still be a "See all" view, but the boxes would make it much easier to navigate through pokemons that are used for different purposes. Players should be able to create and name their boxes.
    • More markings than just "Favourite", this kinda solves the same issue such as Pokemon Boxes, but there could be more markings, like for different PvP Leagues and stuff.
    • Locking pokemon. There should be an option to lock a pokemon, so that NO CHANGES can be done to it unless you can unlock it. This could prevent accidental powerup on PvP pokemon and accidental second attack purchases. There could be even a password option, so that no "funny friend" can get into your phone and do stuff there.
    • Autoclosing, when you can no longer use healing items. I don't want to check, if some pokemon has a 1HP missing after I heal up, I'd like an autoclose, when all actions with given item has been performed (all pokemon revived, all pokemon healed up to the maximum), pretty much like there is an autoclose when you run out of given items.
    • Skip egg opening/Stacking egg opening on the side. Oh boy, how many rare pokemon did I miss, because in some crucial moment I got an egg opening animation, and I had to watch it, until all egg openings were done and meanwhile the tram I was on was somewhere else, or the pokemon from a lure/wild despawned, or something. Either there should be a skip egg opening option, or the egg opening should popup on the right side of the screen (along with radars and other stuff), that I can click on when I want to open all the eggs I want. Although this second option would change gameplay a bit (by being able to stack egg opening for star piece/lucky egg/research).

    This is all that I came up with right now, but I bet I forgot something. If you write it in the comment, I'll add it here.

    I see a lot of focus from Niantic into new features. And that is great actually! But the features sometimes come up unpolished, and they rarely make a QoL updates, that we would really welcome.

    EDIT: Here are some of the additions from comments:

    • Show level and stats of Pokémon
    • Search and sorting by level
    • Search and sorting by buddy level
    • Slider for giving berries in a gym
    • Optimize potions, so that you can use multiple before the server responds back
    submitted by /u/Melichorak
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    It would be better if Golden Razz Berries granted all bars on the hunger meter

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:15 AM PST

    If a golden razz has the ability of fully healing your pokemon that has been sitting on a gym for a long while or is being under attack wouldn't it make a lot of sense if just one was enough to fill up the hunger meter?

    This would benefit new players for instance a lot. Gold Razzies aren't thaaaat easy to come around and most people end up spending them elsewhere anyway. There is no motivation to feed them to your buddy with the current values

    submitted by /u/Khristjian
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    Finally got my red boi!!!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST


    Was out hunting with some people and i had a lame shiny magikarp i had caught the other day and i have been wanting a red gyarados since day one my buddy then catches a zero stat shiny magikarp and we said hell with it might be our only shot so we traded and no regrets i couldn't be happier!!!

    submitted by /u/RedDeadJaeger
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    My first ever pokemon!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    I started playing this game the moment it was released in my country, and chose charmander to be my first pokemon. I played for a week with an old account, but then decided to create a new one because all my friends chose "valor", and I wanted to be on their team. This happened 3 years ago. Today I logged in my old account to see if it still existed. Once in, I noticed that my starter pokemon was still there, which I thought I transferred it a long time ago. I was so happy, because after all, that charmander was the first pokemon I have ever catched! So after that, I decided to trade it to my current account. Of course, with a pokemon that old, it turned out to be lucky! I made a list of things to achieve with this charmander: become best buddies, max it out and evolve it into a charizard (with blast burn if possible in december c day). I'll post again when I finish the list! (Sorry for my english by the way)


    submitted by /u/Nicolcfc99
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    Battles are cool, but sore losers suck

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    So this battle feature is super awesome to me. I love being able to battle actual people at will, rather than the predictable team leader battles. But I noticed people are bailing when they realize they've lost (like the during the death blow charged attack), and I'm not getting credit for the win. It's lame.

    submitted by /u/mikaylin223
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    Thanks to this event I was able to knock out one of the pkmn on my lucky bucket list, and I came up with the perfect name for her too!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:22 AM PST

    gyashaa! my lucky shiny dragon a few days into the event. This will be a good year for us trainers! Wishing everyone great shiny luck and a prosperous / safe new year!

    submitted by /u/Bernie_Sanders_2020
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    is it worth to play go battle league for not-experienced battler?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:56 AM PST

    the title says it. For some players, or majority of players, we don't battle that much, and didn't invest much in PVP mons.

    And I Just battled more than a dozen times, and when I reached Rank 3, nearly all the guys I met were like serious players with very strong pokemons with two charge attacks, some are even shiny, and naturally I lost 4 out of 5 times in the recent bunch, just don't feel very good about it, and didn't get the rewards.

    So, are the rewards worth spending stardust, candy, time or money into pokemons favoured in this battle league?

    submitted by /u/BadBullV
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:13 PM PST

    I've been hunting for a shiny magikarp since the Lunar event started and I've caught maybe 500 or more and not a single one. Every wild gyrados ive seen has ran and then I found this guy next to my house!


    I caught him btw

    submitted by /u/riceninesix
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    [Idea] Show distance walked/saved up for Go Battle League

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:05 AM PST

    Can we have an additional display in Go Battle League screen to show us how much distance we have banked up in the game so we can have matches ready?

    Sure, if I have 5km to work on after the 5 battles, there is a display, but what if I also want to save up 5kms more? The display disappears even though we can save up to 10km for Go Battle League.

    submitted by /u/jomzojeda
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    200coins to recharge vs 100coins premium pass

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:42 AM PST

    surely it's a no brainer to buy 100coin premium pass and get premium rewards for battle leagues.

    When it cost 200coins for basic league after walking 2km??

    submitted by /u/toadindahole
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    Moving to Peyia, Cyprus for 5 months; what can I expect?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Hi trainers,

    So a quick bit of background before I ask the questions: I'm moving from England to Peyia, I'll be spending 5 months over there. I've been playing PoGo since release and now with this big move I have a few quick questions:

    1. How many pokestops can I expect in and around Peyia or even Cyprus?

    2. What regionals can I expect? I've seen that tropius might be available but I've heard mixed opinions on that!

    3. Lastly, how prevelent is the PoGo community in Cyprus? Is it easy to meet others for raiding parties etc?

    Thanks to anyone who takes time to help out a fellow trainer!

    submitted by /u/LukeT_2411
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    What hatching a 10km egg is like

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    What hatching a 10km egg is like.

    Sorry for the poor quality. But you get the point.

    I'm incubating a 10km egg right now. Will it be my 11th shinx in a row. I put 90% of my belongings that it will!

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    Sometimes, we are what we train.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:22 PM PST


    One can easily see them as gym leaders or members of the Elite four...

    (And yeah, i know, a shiny Eevee was a much better match for Ariana Grande's outfit, but i evolved all the ones i had.)

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Should i evolve before powering up my pokemon?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    ive got an almost max IV vulpix that i can evolve but was wondering if i should power it up before i do, or does it make difference?

    Also, does my level effect CP and IV?

    submitted by /u/McFigroll
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    Shredding below 85%?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:41 AM PST

    I read somewhere that if you're a solo player (maybe any player, but I am a solo player) that you should shred anything below 85%, is this true?

    submitted by /u/JTShook20
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    Some observations after 1st day of go battle league.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:50 AM PST

    • It's brilliant . No lag whatsoever.
    • 15 battles . 7 wins and 8 defeats . People are bringing counters for Azumarill , Skarmory & Altaria . But haven't noticed many using 2nd charge move.
    • CHARM
    • There is a LOT of variety . People only use Azumarill , Skarmory ,Altaria etc., is a misconception.
    • A bit more stardust as reward would be good . It encourages people to add 2nd charge move.
    • If Premium battles reward XP , I'm ready to give my premium pass .
    • It's high time Community day moves are available through TMs . There is no point in hiding them.

    If there are any tips/tricks that can improve our battle experience and results . please leave a comment below.

    Edit 1 :Noctowl , I effing love Noctowl . Greatest pokemon of all time.

    Edit 2: We should be able to see moves while picking the team . Re-naming all pokemon with their moves is not ideal and re-naming sucks these days.

    submitted by /u/chaitu1204
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    Shiny Magikarp with CP 45 (400 candies) vs. Regular Magikarp with CP 145 (360 candies)?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    I got a shiny Magikarp yesterday for the first time and the CP is only 45 (requires 400 candies to evolve) here's the picture: Shiny Magikarp for the first time! https://imgur.com/gallery/EM55CeJ

    However, I have another Magikarp that I have been planning on evolving bc it only requires 360 candies (I believe I got it from a Team Rocket).

    Which one should I evolve?

    P.S. their appraisals are both 0 stars

    submitted by /u/lucypherrr
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    Caught two shiny magikarps in a row!!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Just when I thought I couldn't get luckier after having caught a shiny karp yesterday and one earlier today on my way to work (pokeball plus <3), I came across two magikarps just chilling and what do ya know - they're both shiny!

    My shiny karps :)

    submitted by /u/cal-yl
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