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    Wednesday, January 1, 2020

    Pokémon GO - I've peaked in this game

    Pokémon GO - I've peaked in this game

    I've peaked in this game

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 03:44 PM PST

    So today has been a long day at work. Kind of dreading the New Year party I'm going to tonight as well so figured I'd try to get the new shadow Absol before heading there. And this is what I ended up getting. Now tonight won't seem so bad.

    Happy 2020 trainers!

    submitted by /u/EdFerguson
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    Happy New Year with Party Hat Wurmple!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Girlfriend drew me thisParty Hat Wurmple for my birthday 3 months ago. Now with the new year and party Hat Wurmple coming out I thought I'd share it with all of you!

    submitted by /u/kkgebs9
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    Such amazing art work

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:03 PM PST

    Another amazing work done by the art team! Seriously, those guys don't get the credit and praise they deserve.

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    Everytime I click on a Pokémon a message pops up asking me to try ar mode or not

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:33 AM PST

    I tried everything. First I rebooted my phone but it didn't work then I redownloaded Pokémon Go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/volavolavolavola
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    Is there anyone who actually enjoys Team Rocket ?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    I mean about monthly shadow legendary.

    I did complete Articuno one but I just couldn't find motivation for Zapdos and for sure won't be going for Moltres.

    Since shadow is collectible there is no point in purifying one and there is no shiny plus time and stardust cost is just too big for small reward.

    What is your view on this?

    submitted by /u/Nixis993
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    Mind Blown! First Caught of 2020!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST

    I woke up late, and decided to open PoGo on my brand NEW iPhone 11 (I received it last night)! I've completed my research task last night, but didn't open it until this morning. Then I've completed my weekly research task... Boom! A shiny Groudon showed up in my bedroom! He was the first Pokemon I caught in 2020!


    This is so awesome!!!

    submitted by /u/Ghost_XS
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    Sneasel a car is coming! Oh my God he has AirPods on! HE CANT HEAR US!!!!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST


    Sneasel. RIP. Really wanted to complete the Ice Event mission. Did not think this is how it was going to end.

    submitted by /u/kupo0929
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    First shiny of the year

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:29 AM PST

    First catch of the year at all, really. And my 10,000th total. So glad I can stop farming Sierra

    submitted by /u/Itherial
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    After no shinies the entire event.... Luck!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:16 PM PST


    I've personally had zero luck during this event. No shinies, barely any 3* Pokémon (let alone hundo's), and bad eggs. I thought I was going to go into the New Year on a dry streak! But my S/O and I traded, and my luck finally turned around! 🎉🎉

    submitted by /u/Stricken1296
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    Caught a Shiny Gligar!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Link Just opened up my phone in a restaurant and I copped a shiny gligar from a 5Km egg.

    submitted by /u/Riopa
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    I achieved a personal goal for the new year

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    http://imgur.com/gallery/S4qKspk I now have 100 days defended in the gym right by my house. And it was at exactly 100 days and 0 hours when I noticed. This was 3 in a half years of casually defending this same gym. I know theres people with a lot more time defended but I am still pretty stoked about this. Would be cool to have leaderboards for each gym.

    submitted by /u/PrestyRS
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    I have a problem with AR

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:30 PM PST

    Right now I'm having a problem catching Pokémons, because the moment I clicked one the screen of try out AR pops up, and no matter how many times I choose "try later" or "yes" and then going back to normal, the next time I click a Pokémon It appears again. Also I don't have the option to turn off AR in the menu If anyone can help me I'll be grateful

    submitted by /u/JuanLlanillo
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    And so we keep GOing. Happy 2020, everyone!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:24 PM PST


    Just a quick edit with the first Pokémon i ever caught and the first one i caught in this new year (Which also happens to be the last i caught in 2019 as well)...

    Happy 2020 to everyone!

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Request for New Years

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Making rice-krispie treats with my 8 year old son yesterday, he demanded we put on Disturbed's version of "Sound of Silence". I asked him why that song, and he said "Because it sounds like Tyranitar is singing it".

    Now I can't hear it any other way.

    Now, I could make a crappy video of a static image of Tyranitar "singing" with the song in the background, but surely the Internet can do better.

    So, please, Internet, make this happen.

    submitted by /u/omnihedron
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    Love & Poffins

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:40 AM PST


    Happy New Year poké trainers! I seem to have started mine with a heart full-house! I'd like to hear your thoughts on the buddy update. I'm really loving it, but I think some things didn't get enough in-game explanation. In case you were wondering, not only do the poffins count as nine berries but they also double the amount of hearts you can earn in a day. And thus, I have a very happy lord of the earth.

    submitted by /u/0dachi
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    Today was the perfect start to the new decade.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:49 AM PST

    Stayed up to watch the fireworks and opened up the game right after to catch my first pokemon of 2020. (journal timestamp)
    I hope this is a good omen for the rest of the year as well.

    I also hit level 40 today!

    Honorable mention to the 98 Cubchoo I caught on my way to church.

    Happy New year everyone! May you be blessed with shinies and hundos!

    submitted by /u/LAL99
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    I'm so excited

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:33 PM PST

    This may be silly, but I just found this guy, and I am so happy!! I know it may be a silly thing to be excited over, but caterpie was one of my original favorites from the show.

    submitted by /u/orngckn42
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    Totally shocked by my first catch of the new year. Hope this indicates better shiny luck in 2020!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:11 PM PST

    I opened the game at 12:00am to catch a Pokémon for the New Year. The only one that popped up was a Sneasel. I figured I would shiny check it but didn't expect anything. But there he was!! My favorite shiny Pokémon and the first catch of the year. Just had to share because no one in my family plays and they didn't understand why I was screaming.


    submitted by /u/ohreallynowz
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    FIRST CATCH of 2020!! ��

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    I almost skipped this research breakthrough so I could get a head start on the next rotation, but something in my head told me that I should go for it and try to get my first shiny legendary..

    The result? Shiny Groudon. Two minutes into 2020, and my first (of many) mon caught of the decade.

    Happy New Years everybody 💙

    submitted by /u/50KBENG
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    Made my buddy excited for the first time! Also, apparently I transcended reality and walked in negative kilometers

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:00 PM PST


    Enjoy the excited Pichu pic. Also, anyone else seen this glitch? Pretty confusing to me.

    submitted by /u/DontHaveADaughterYet
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    Happy New Year! w/ GO & GORocket Leaders

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:48 PM PST

    From Blanche & Cliff

    From Spark & Sierra

    From Candela & Arlo

    I don't know where you are, or what you're doing, but I hope all of your wildest dreams come true for the new decade.

    Happy New Year!

    submitted by /u/sugandya
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    Not Impressive but as a new busy Dad I'm happy I could finish these 3 off at once

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 06:55 PM PST

    Story is pretty much title but with my baby being born in October I haven't had time to do well... Anything I got all 3 of these in the middle of the Halloween event time and had only caught a handful of drifloons and skunky so I managed to evolve my 1 loon.

    However, I never got the chance to complete the 3 field research even though they were all literally the same. I only had 2 left over skunky and managed to get 1 to evolve through adventure sync.

    I gave up on ever really finishing these as I had no goddamn free time. Apparently kids need attention or something, the noobs can't even walk when they come out.

    Right before the end of the New Year I got this skunky from 12ish? (I think) candy to 50 by walking with my dad every other day when we went to visit, that with adventure sync and today I managed to get all three done!

    Just in time for the decade to end! Happy New Years everyone!!!




    submitted by /u/ogoextreme
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    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 01:35 AM PST

    I'm still waiting for pokemon centers, poke mart, and pokemon daycare in pokemon go 😁

    Honestly the map is looking a bit dull and i knew in the past hanke said they were going to implement pokemon centers.

    Still wondering what happened.

    submitted by /u/Darkassassin1303
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