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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Naturally Spawned Unown

    Pokémon GO - Naturally Spawned Unown

    Naturally Spawned Unown

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:59 AM PST

    Woke up, started beating down my home gym until I noticed a tiny little bleep on the nearby radar. It didn't appear on the Pokéstop locations themselves so I was a bit confused at first but decided to bolt out the door ASAP anyway and there it was. A Naturally Spawned Unown!

    submitted by /u/TheAshenScholar
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    I live in an Anti-Pokémon go neighborhood... What do I do?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

    I live in a suburban neighborhood in Oregon. Recently for no reason (other than they're mostly crotchety old people) the residents have been particularly angry about people walking around the neighborhood playing Pokémon GO.

    We have three gyms, one is a park, one is a wetlands picnic area, and the other is our fountain that marks the entrance to the neighborhood. We also have one PokeStop, which is an area in the middle of the neighborhood that has a few memorial benches.

    They are claiming that we're playing on private property- which just isn't true! I did some research and these landmarks and sidewalks in our neighborhood are not private property- they are public property. Technically, you're only supposed to have your children play on the play structure or use the picnic area if you pay your HOA dues, but there are no signs posted that explain this.

    Long story short, the HOA is claiming they are going to ask Niantic to take down the three gyms and the PokeStop in our neighborhood. If this happens, how do I and the other members of our neighborhood that are avid Pokémon go players stop this/bring back the gyms?

    TLDR: My neighborhood is full of old crotchety people who want to ask Niantic to take down our three gyms and our pokestop and I want to know how to prevent them from doing so.

    submitted by /u/huskyhusky2
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    First catch of the year!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I saw a few people posting their first catch of 2020 so here's mine. I literally screamed when I caught him then cried when I did the appraisal. Great way to start the new year and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else caught today. https://i.imgur.com/UzHNRNe.png

    submitted by /u/cluckerzzz
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    Simply heartbroken [Buddy Adventure]

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:06 AM PST


    Makes sense that everybody would start from scratch, but still, I was heartbroken to see all of my amazing buddies at 0 hearts.

    submitted by /u/KortenScarlet
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    The resemblance to the new Galarian Eiscue is uncanny

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Had the egg hatch glitch yesterday, was trying to power up my glalie and a piplup hatched. Well then this happened

    Had a good laugh thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/Timmeh1020
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    Game keeps asking me to try ar mode.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Every time i go to catch a Pokémon it asks me to try ar+ mode, like it does when you first log in, but it's doing it every time. My phone isn't ar+ compatible and I've tried logging out and back in. Has anyone else ran into this and/or know a way I might fix it?

    submitted by /u/headshotkurt
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    Spirit of the New Year.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Got my 108th catch today. Never had a confirmed 100 before. Pretty stoked. https://imgur.com/gallery/C0InZ5B

    submitted by /u/HenryAbernackle
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    Pokémon GO Players Share Stories Of Improved Health And Social Lives on BBC Interviews

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:52 AM PST

    An article from the BBC explores the lives of four different cases where Pokémon GO players have seen significant improvements to their health and social lives.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    Shiny Lapras

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:05 PM PST

    On Monday 12/30 I started playing Pokémon Go for the first time ever mostly because of my two little nieces. It was a blast walking around all day with them, and my sister was showing me the ropes and giving me tips. I got back to my apartment and played for a little while longer before finally calling it a night. A bit later my boyfriend scream/texts me HOW DID YOU GET A SHINY LAPRAS. I was just like what I don't even know and then I was schooled on things.

    You guys, I'm sorry I literally got a shiny Lapras the first day of downloading and playing this game. I feel so undeserving of it lol. I literally had no idea, no idea what it meant, I barely even knew how to search through and assess my Pokémon at that point or anything. As much as I can piece together, I think I got it from the hatch 7 eggs thing because I was churning out KM that day with the half distance egg hatching thing that ended today.

    Idek. But I'm addicted and I'm grateful for all the tips I get from this subreddit!


    submitted by /u/Skinnylovers
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    Legalize PoGo

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:47 AM PST

    In a small town in lower Austria theres a piece of the Berlin Wall standing around protected by a glass cage. When I was playing PoGo and doing a raid at the nearby gym I was standing right in front of it and found this writing on it. "Legalisiert POGO!" Since the wall is protected by glass it is possibly there since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I believe its not related to Pokemon Go, but still funny. https://imgur.com/d6hSI5w

    submitted by /u/B00ny1337
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    That Sinnoh stone...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:56 AM PST

    I'm so tired of needing them for so many Pokemon to evolve. I had managed to get two over a week of daily training fights with a friend. Never got any items out of the training fights with team leaders (are there even any rewards for those in the current game?). Honestly, it just gets boring, having to do dozens of training sessions with two people to get one Sinnoh stone. Am I doing something wrong? (I've just started playing mid December, so I haven't yet unlocked 3rd league trainings.)

    submitted by /u/HannahAching
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    Getting frustrated with buddy update, have a couple questions.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Basically, can we no longer walk our buddies with adventure sync? I keep feeding the berries and then closing my app and walking somewhere to open my phone and find that it still says 0km. I'm already frustrated with the update because it doesn't seem as much of a motivator for me to walk a ton but now I'm confused why it wouldn't take adventure sync.

    submitted by /u/rufusmaru
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    Petition for Stantler costumer in Dec 2020

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:28 AM PST

    With the addition of Stantler with harness bells this year, I now have an overwhelming urge to collect 8 of those, and have one with a red nose...ideally a shiny, and you know what their names would be.

    So next year, can we have a special costume for shiny Stantler that gives him a red nose in addition to the harness bells?

    submitted by /u/DrNO811
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    My best Pikachu!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:44 AM PST

    Hi! I was looking at my all pokemons IVs and I just realised that i have a 0/0/0 Pikachu! https://imgur.com/gallery/KrcmgP9

    submitted by /u/VerteZus0L
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    My first hatch of 2020!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:42 AM PST

    I just hatched my first egg of 2020 and it's this cutie

    Couldn't not share. I'm so happy!

    submitted by /u/menax
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    Prepare for trouble and make it double!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST


    Two Sierra spawned at pokestops less than ten feet apart today, pretty hilarious

    submitted by /u/novatachyon
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    You can catch the research breakthrough Lapras through the winter event pokestop research

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:18 AM PST

    If you have the 'Hatch 7 eggs' research task if you stick with it would will be rewarded with the Lapras with ice shard and ice beam.

    I caught one this morning.

    submitted by /u/Balthazar_bop
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    How does friendship level increase?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Dows your friendship level increase daily no matter what, or is it every day that a gift is sent and recieved?

    submitted by /u/mikenzeejai
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    Issues since last update. Anybody else?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    Game is super slow/choppy on my Razer Phone 2, even with High Performance mode/120hz. Never had this issue before.

    Also, game keeps asking me to turn on AR for literally every Pokemon encounter, which I've never used before, but did work before update. Now it's completely broken and only gives my game a black screen/frozen screen that forces me to reboot.

    Is Niantic going to hotfix soon?

    submitted by /u/A_Wild_Zyra
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    A positive News story for the New Year.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:45 AM PST

    Buddy assist

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    If you wondered if there was any advantages to the updated buddy system, here is an example of one. I saw this happen several times but had to record it to believe it.


    submitted by /u/gaffer60
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    Can't open game, black screen

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Hey ;w;

    Idk if someone is having this problem as well, but suddenly I can't open the game. Everytime I try to open it, first comes the niantic logo like always, but instead of the loading screen with the loading bar, I get greeted by a black screen and nothing happens.

    Everything was alright 2 days ago, it just happened randomly, I tried searching for a solution, but cleaning cache, reinstalling didn't work.

    Was hoping if someone could help :c

    submitted by /u/_Chaos_King_
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    AR+ not working

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    The AR feature appears to have been updated and no longer works when catching Pokémon. I keep getting a popup telling me to try it but when I do the screen goes black with only a few parts of the UI visible. It works when interacting with my buddy but not catching Pokémon.

    In case this is needed, I'm using a Vodafone X9 Android version 8.1.0

    submitted by /u/Not_So_Gamer_Girl_7
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