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    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - FERROSEED?

    Pokémon GO - FERROSEED?


    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:14 PM PST

    FUCKING FERROSEED? Honestly I'm done grinding out for field research, it's pointless and worthless. Everyone has ferroseed, give us something cool (to be fair this is better than woobat but still). Maybe help out rural players and people with no one to raid with and give us some legendaries? I'm getting sick of the disappointment, honestly niantic get your shit together.

    submitted by /u/DjDarkrai10
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    A meme for the community. R.I.P rural players

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    This Meme is kind of like Niantics management of Pokémon go at the moment. Laughable.

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    Can Niantic help out rural players a little bit?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:39 AM PST

    I swear nowadays I'm more frustrated with the game rather than excited. I understand it's a co-op game but not everyone has people to do raids. As a solo player who has never seen another person in a raid, I primarily stick to one star and two star raids since they are soloable. But my heart aches everytime I see a 5 star legendary Pokemon. Heck even a 3 star machoke looks like a distant dream for me.

    But I loved doing the research breakthroughs because it gave me a guaranteed chance of getting a legendary. My jaw dropped when I saw a kyogre and a Groudon in those rewards. It made me do those challenges more and more. And then they changed it to Lapras which, even though was inferior, I was fine with. And then they made it to Woobat. Well woobat has not been in eggs and wild so it's fine. I thought I'll catch for my Dex and then save the reward for the Pokemon in March.

    And then they gave us Feroseed. Jesus it's almost as if they want players to be frustrated with them. My drive to grind those research challenges have drastically reduced. If only they become a little bit more user friendly and actually attend to the queries of players like me it would be so much better. And a scaling system for raids would actually attract more players to raids since they can solo it thus in turn increasing their raid pass purchases. You would think Niantic would want their players to actually have fun whilst maintaining their core gameplay. But no that doesn't seem to be possible in the coming days.

    I just hope to see one day when Pokemon Go actually becomes enjoyable for everyone. Until then Ratatta's it is.

    submitted by /u/NishantSj
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    Finally! Rural PoGo life has improved

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:21 AM PST

    I live in a village in the British countryside and our only pokéstop was the train station. As of New Year we now have 2 Gyms and 7 pokéstops! Gone are the days were aside from the train station the nearest stop was 6 miles away.

    Any other rural players found improvements to spawns and pokéstops?

    submitted by /u/Raph_Stirling
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    Ferroseed with bonus stardust is going to be March's Research Breakthrough

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I understand that we can't always get legendaries, but this is... a little disappointing, right? It's not even a brand-new 'mon. The bonus stardust better be a LOT!

    submitted by /u/dfotw
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    Why did Niantic have to remove the Legendaries from the Seven Day Research Encounter Spawn Pool?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Back a few months ago putting in the time and effort for the Seven Day Research Encounter was worth it because it meant that people like me could actually get their hands on a Legendary Pokémon (People who don't have a group big enough to take one of their Raids down) but, then everything changed when Niantic sensing that people were beginning to get tried of the 4 or 5 Legendaries that they had made available and instead of just rotating them out for a different batch of 4 or 5 Legendaries they decided that what people really wanted was 6 weeks of just Lapras then they realized that Lapras w/ a special move was far too magnificent of a reward for 7-days of work plus it didn't look nearly stupid enough then they remembered that Woobat existed and that it was both completely useless and it looked completely asinine as well and thus it was the perfect candidate to make those 7-days of work a complete and total waste of time.

    submitted by /u/Wrathful_Synn
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    10K eggs...

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    I've hatched so many Absol's from 10k eggs lately that it's becoming really annoying. Never once have I ever gotten anything decent from a 10K with a rare pokemon and or even good stats. Really wish they'd change up the pools for them.

    submitted by /u/catsming
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    Call the armies,boys.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:41 AM PST

    https://imgur.com/inpVP9M Yes I know it's a big,but it's just interesting how all the stars lined up to make it into a 9*.

    submitted by /u/TheRikari
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    Ferroseed - Dropping the ball in our time of need

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Niantic, this is probably the worst move you could make. If you want people to care about research, you need to give them an incentive like you have all the time in the past. Woobat, okay. Never saw one until I got the first research then after that I was just waiting until March to get a possibly epic legendary or something other than a Pokémon that is commonly hatched and seen in the wild not that often but often enough. Hopefully you'll see the error in your ways and redeem yourself next month, but until then I'm not really going to care about getting research everyday. And I'm sure it will discourage others from playing your game every day as well.

    submitted by /u/post_64
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    finally a dark theme

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:48 AM PST

    They finally made a dark theme for pokemon go.

    Now I can catch my pokemon from the void. What a great experience and totally not creepy.

    submitted by /u/theguywithoutaclue
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    Is it becoming too much?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:43 PM PST

    So last month we were overwhelmed with egg events. Niantic heard our concerns, so this month we're overwhelmed with raid events. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the new (or brought back) content but Niantic are really struggling to strike a nice balance.

    The FOMO is real, but when does it get to a point to where it pushes people away? I want to take part, I probably will but I am forced to be constantly on top of things on PoGo to keep up otherwise I miss out. It just need to slow down a little, Niantic need to slow down a little and focus on more quality events, whilst fixing existing bugs and QoL issues, rather than just throwing in a shiny here and there in cash grab fashion.

    How do you all feel? Honestly I didn't mind how things were only just a few months ago. It's all rapidly changed.

    Edit: Not surprised at all the "but you don't have to play" comments. Keep scrolling if that's all you have to say. You're clearly not that invested.

    submitted by /u/SirMobi_
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    Tips for a new player?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:45 AM PST

    Hey, I used to play POGO back in 2016 and stopped that same year. I recently got back into it about a week ago and I'm having trouble finding good pokemon or poke balls since I live nowhere near any pokestops. Are high CP pokémon common or able to be found in the wild? Or is that more for raids (which I don't understand what those are yet). My highest CP Pokemon is a vaporeon from 2016, which is about 1700. Is that still good? Can I still get a mewtwo even though I'm just starting up again? Sorry for being so naive to all this info but thank you guys!

    submitted by /u/scissorhand99
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    Anyone else getting consistantly weak connections when battling?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Almost every battle I do now will start by saying there's a weak connection. Every charge move I complete will end with the camera being stuck on my mon for 5 seconds, and when I try to use protect shields, I mash the screen til it's about to crack and it still won't register it. I'm tired of having potential wins taken away just because of connection problems. I've tried restarting my phone, changing internet or using only data but its consistently poor with every option. How is your luck with the battle system?

    (I will say though, I'm impressed with how quick matchmaking is, fastest out of any game I've played)

    submitted by /u/0Frokachu
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    I’ve given up on battle league

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:43 PM PST

    None of my Pokémon are strong enough to beat your maxed out Mewtwos so I figured I might as well just let people win at this point. I'm just a casual player so i don't have a ton of strong Pokémon, and i can only play in master league now. So if you're battling a wurmple with a party hat, it's probably me. Wish there was a way for me to keep battling in the great or ultra league to at least have a shot at getting some of the items :/

    submitted by /u/meaghynn
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    Thundurus raid guide. This will be a busy month, might want to raid one fast while people are still interested.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Is there any benefit to defending a gym for more than eight hours?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:49 AM PST

    I've looked around but can't seem to find a straight answer to this.

    If I leave a Pokémon at a gym it doesn't matter if it's there for eight hours or several days, I'm still only getting fifty coins total when it comes back. So is there any point in keeping it there more than a day?

    submitted by /u/TheRedMaiden
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    Make it so you can see when a rocket stop is about to disappear

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Fairly self explanatory, it would be so simple to have some kind of indicator when rocket stops are about to go. I've been thinking about this for a while but today i went out in the rain to do a couple and the first one disappeared right as i reached it and once i was 75% of the way to the second one it went as well. It's just so frustrating when it happens.

    submitted by /u/Zyxtaine
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    My First Lucky Pokémon!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:09 AM PST

    I've been playing for about a year and a half and have never had any rare, shiny or lucky Pokémon so this is a big deal for me. I was just trading for candy and I got this! here's the image

    submitted by /u/Not_So_Gamer_Girl_7
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    Do Niantic members ever browse or appear on here or the silph road? Surely they must see how unhappy we are with their decisions

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST

    For months now this sub and thesilphroad have been complaining of crappy events, bugs, research breakthroughs, raids, and so on. Surely this amount of negativity has to be heard by Niantic in some way? It's clear that a large amount of people playing this game are consistently unhappy and frustrated with their undesirable events. At this point it feels as though the majority are being ignored.

    And dont even get me started about rural players. Right now all we can do is catch whatever oddish is down the road. We have no access to decent pokemon or legendaries and raids aren't an option even though Niantic are prioritising them. I thought research breakthroughs were meant so anyone could acquire the legendary of the month by just completing tasks for seven days. They've really gone and kicked these players in the teeth.

    submitted by /u/leepeer96
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    Rocket Quests need to be reworked

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

    After you complete the whole quest line once the first three steps should disappear, or at least be condensed into one more relevant step. Why am I spinning stops, raiding, gym battling, and trainer battling for the rocket quest line? I think the radar assembly and leader battles work pretty well. The hunt for Giovanni could use some minor changes. I think you should have to defeat 3 decoys (who could use some new pokemon) then the next one will be the real deal. Finally the reward pokemon should flat out never be less than 3 stars. This takes the most effort for one pokemon by a massive margin. It is disappointing enough to get a 2 star out of a research breakthrough, raid, quest encounter, etc. but to spend a month completing the tedious tasks before you can battle leaders, searching for 18 rocket stops (which need timers), 3 Leader stops, battling decoys, finding Giovanni, putting the time and supplies into defeating these opponents, catching the pokemon, and spending too much stardust and Legendary pokemon candy to purify the pokemon only to appraise it and discover its a low two star. That is completely ridiculous!

    My personal experiences battling team go rocket: I missed out on Articuno completely because i spent the last week of the month looking for Giovanni after work only to battle 8-10 decoys and never find him. Zapdos and Moltres I managed to get. They were both decent 3 stars, and I was happy with them. I was glad to see the 2500ish CP too. I wish it didn't take so much candy to purify them though because I didn't have any left to power them up. I was worried I wouldn't be able to find Giovanni in time this month because I was cutting it pretty close, but I managed to find him. I was really excited to catch the Raikou right up until I appraised it and found out it is a low two star. All that effort for a dud. I guess I'm just done with the rocket quest line until something changes.

    submitted by /u/lukesamess
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    March events

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Google fit logging activites as cycyling?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Hi, google fit keeps logging my walks as cycles and even when I edit them, I don't get credit in adventure sync. Anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/hydro0033
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    Where is Shadow Entei and Armoured Mewtwo in the series or games?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:49 AM PST

    I did some googling and couldnt find anything about Shadow Entei. Every link points to pokemon go or looks like fan art.

    Not sure what armoured mewtwo is from but figured id ask here as well.

    submitted by /u/Chieve
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    Escape a reward encounter

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:57 AM PST

    Can you escape a reward encounter for good?? Just had a Lapras as a GBL reward that sucked up resources to catch, and that I didn't even want, but wouldn't be able to claim rank reward until the encounter option was complete.

    submitted by /u/tjroberts33
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