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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Pokémon GO - I hate catching Zubat!!

    Pokémon GO - I hate catching Zubat!!

    I hate catching Zubat!!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:45 AM PST

    Does anyone else get extremely frustrated when a low CP, green circle, base evolution pokemon breaks out of a pokeball as easy and as many times as a high CP, red circle, final evolution pokemon?!

    I seem to have the same difficult time if not more trying to catch zubats, weedles, and other base evolutions and basically "useless" pokemon (in my opinion) What is the point in have a difficulty meter when it seems like it's just random. I have had low cp, green circle, base evolution pokemon break out of a great ball throw when the catch meter is "great."

    So, anyone else seem to have this problem? Do any of you have that one pokemon you just refuse to catch? If so what is it and why?

    submitted by /u/Clynt1purcell
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    Please stop the hat madness

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Hats, costumes, clones, ok. (Why not, right?)

    But please, do not release them with disabled evolutionary lines. Catching good specimen only to realize complete uselessness in their current stage is a pure demotivator.

    It does not help much that powerup and secondary attacks are available like a slap in the face either. I guess someone still wants us to spend resources, perhaps by mistake.

    The resolution is quite simple. Provide options to remove hats and custumes (not really sure how decloning would work lorewise), or provide evolutionary lines, or both!

    submitted by /u/komarinth
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    [Humor] In celebration of a recent catch: I've never seen a blue duck before and I wanted to see one.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:52 AM PST


    "I caught the blue duck because I've never seen a blue duck before, and to be honest with you, I wanted to have a blue duck."

    submitted by /u/OptionalPlayer
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    Moving from rural to NYC and I can't wait to catch pokemon everyday

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:09 AM PST

    After hoarding pokeballs and relying on friends and never participating in raids and being stuck on the same level for about 7 months now, I'm ready to become a pokemon master and have more than a 1 day streak

    submitted by /u/pez2214
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST


    My gf and I had tried to become lucky friends for ages and then we did months ago. Never checked the stats for some reason so randomly decided to do it today when bored and omg...srsly cant think this is feal life right now. Feels like I've ticked every box with this thing! Wow

    submitted by /u/asundinen
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST



    -took me 7 tries-

    After a annoying lecture at school, THIS DUDE CAME ON THE BUS, I ALMOST CRIED SEEING IT

    submitted by /u/IMsorrywrld
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    First Pokémon Lucky ever and this happens

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Have been playing the game on and off since the release, but never had been lucky enough to get a lucky pokemon. My bf and I became lucky friends so I told him I wanted the Rhyhorn shiny as I wasn´t able to do the community day, last saturday.

    We traded and when we both saw it was a shundo Rhyhorn we both screamed.

    Link to the print: https://imgur.com/y7cKJEY

    Now I need help naming this little guy :)

    submitted by /u/NervousTechnician
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    I had not noticed this absolute unit.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:26 PM PST


    I was going back and transferring for some space and had not seen this guy. Of course I had to change his name to something more appropriate.

    submitted by /u/elguitarro
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    This event made me fall in love with Pokémon Go All Over Again.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:26 PM PST


    Feeling very hopeful about the game after today. This event was much needed.
    It felt like I was playing the game that I learned to love as a little kid again.

    Hatched a shiny Squirtle from 7k, then my very first raid was a hundo Charizard and I ended the night with my absolute favorite Pokémon, Dragonite spawning in the wild (unheard of in our area).

    submitted by /u/robmeister66
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    Everytime there's a new event

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:54 AM PST


    This is the conversation I have with myself whenever a new pikachu with a hat comes out.

    submitted by /u/Psychic_dragonslayer
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    Meet Warrior, the Pokémon that will help me turn my life around

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST


    So I've gained a lot of weight during the last two years from overworking, and I decided to get fit again, and start running and exercising every day with the goal in mind to turn this Elekid into an electivire(by gaining buddy candy through running) it'll be a long process, but I'm feeling really motivated.

    submitted by /u/storytellerYT
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    Ready-to-raid button

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST


    Thanks to Wayfarer I have a gym nearby now that I can go to for raids that are possible to solo. I'm really happy with this since I live semi-rural (with this I mean that I live outisde of town but it also isn't that far) and being able to see raids from my house is very cool. I just went there to raid a party hat Charmander. Problem is, this gym is right next to a house that has 2 massive dogs who instantly start barking when you make the tiniest sound. It's not that I'm afraid of dogs or anything, but it is very annoying for me as well as the people living there if the dogs bark for 3 minutes straight while I'm just standing there. That's when I once again thought about the issue of not having 'ready-to-raid button' in Pokemon Go. And to not just once again repeat the issue I made a meme of it

    submitted by /u/TommetjeVE
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    Met my first shiny in the wild today

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:47 PM PST

    Named him "lilillbaby", because it looks like he could use a sandwich or two haha

    submitted by /u/mehshuggah3009
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    100% Clone Charizard

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:15 PM PST


    Here he is, a 100% genuine Hundo Clone Charizard, or Charizardtwo. Got him on my first try

    CP to get is 1651 for those wondering.

    And something else to boost the word count because initial post didn't have enough words?

    Also, is it just me, or are there more Charizards than any of the other 2 popping up?

    submitted by /u/sirjakobos
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    I went out in hopes of catching a shiny Eevee but I'll take this unit instead!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:26 AM PST


    It's still absolutely freezing here in England, so my playtime is only about 30 minutes a day. I saw a lot of Shiny Eevee posts so I thought I'd weather the bitter cold and try my luck. Was not expecting this absolute beauty to show up in the middle of my walk!

    submitted by /u/Aioni
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    Party hat Pokémon out of 7 Km eggs?!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Because I needed an even further diluted pool besides the endless Omanyte, Kobuto, and Anorith. They decided to give me worthless recycled re skinned "event" Pokémon that don't even evolve.

    I'm sure Niantic did this because everyone wanted more party hat Pokémon right? Am I right? Not enough of those buggers eh!

    That is all thank you.

    submitted by /u/Okkin-J-Flow
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    May not be a big deal but

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Hehe super lucky today ive never been able to encounter one even tho there is like a bunch of rock events but just lemme flex rq


    submitted by /u/bobbywu54
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    United they stand.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:47 AM PST


    After freeing itself from Team Rocket, Mewtwo was determined to put a stop to them, and their Shadow Pokémon. So it sent out all the other clones to help trainers across the World in their battles.

    But clone Pikachu was a bit inexperienced, and had some troubles with a grunt's Shadow Pinsir... luckily, an old friend of him was nearby...

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Just got my first 100 IV Pokemon!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:28 AM PST


    Just hatched this cute little bugger out of a 5km egg, I'm so excited! I have a 98 IV Latias and a 98 IV Armored Mewtwo, as well as a 2 IV Totodile, but finally got my first hundo

    submitted by /u/mustcat
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    all your buddy does is walking and eating , mine is training for another area 51 raid

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:01 AM PST


    There's a bug (I'd call it) where the buddy doesn't show up on map but it appears to be running in the buddy menu. Thought it looked pretty cool so I had to make it even cooler with that naruto theme playing in the background
    his name is Sasuke too

    submitted by /u/FunkyDwarf
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    Charge TM nightmares

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:54 AM PST

    I was just trying to get my alolan raichu to learn thunder punch and spent 6 charge tms only to be where i started when i unlocked the 2nd charge move for him. it went from wild charge to psychic and back to wild charge x3. so if u got any horror stories regarding your tm usage feel free to share so maybe i can feel a bit better. cheers :D

    submitted by /u/ZedIsLife
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    Adventure Sync (FIX): Android OS Battery and Mobile Data/Data Saver settings for PokemonGo

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:15 AM PST

    ADVENTURE SYNC FIX (Android OS): I know there is a small handful of us that have been having major issues with Adventure Sync, despite going through the troubleshooting guide in the app... and I finally got to the bottom of it!! The following was for an Android Device, FYI.

    To cover the basics: 1) Check that the in-game adventure sync is turned on and that battery saver is turned off 2) Make sure that Google Fit is logged in to the email account linked to your PoGo account and that it's connected to PoGo 3) Make sure that Location and Physical Activity permissions are allowed for the App.

    The above is covered within this link: https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?s=troubleshooting&f=troubleshooting-adventure-sync&l=en&p=web

    At this point most people will have no problems with adventure sync but that was not the case for me and I'm sure for a few others out there as well... With the OS upgrade of Android 10 came some very customizable battery and data saver options that will cause adventure sync to still not work despite having all the "correct" in-game settings enabled and Google Fit connected. I even went to the extent of deleting the cache/data for the app and even the entire app itself with no resolution

    (FIX) Mobile Data and Battery permissions need to be adjusted to allow the game to work in the background and ultimately count your steps: 1) Mobile data permissions need to allow background data usage and allow app while data saver on. 2) Don't allow Battery optimization. Once I did these two changes to my settings, adventure sync instantly started working again. What a relief after weeks of not having adventure sync.

    I hope this helps the few of you still having issues!

    submitted by /u/SoCalAlain
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    Wish I could summon more players to a raid...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:55 PM PST

    I really wish there was some kind of alert that was at a raid where folks were needing help. I was going around a tonight looking for a Mewtwo raid and every time I found one no one was there. If there was some kind of way I could see which raids already had players from the nearby raid map, that would be real cool.

    submitted by /u/KID_A26
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