• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Pokémon GO - [Idea] Alright, I’m gonna say it. Hats and costumes for Pokémon should be items you can unequip and re-equip when you want.

    Pokémon GO - [Idea] Alright, I’m gonna say it. Hats and costumes for Pokémon should be items you can unequip and re-equip when you want.

    [Idea] Alright, I’m gonna say it. Hats and costumes for Pokémon should be items you can unequip and re-equip when you want.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I know it's a big ol' FOMO mechanic used to get us to play and drop cash on limited-time Pokémon forms...

    But man... it could be so much better. Considering that the revamped buddy system introduced the best buddy ribbon that is ACQUIRED and can be shown or hidden at any time, it's likely not impossible to do the same with the costumes. It would just be neat if the incentive for the event was the costume item ITSELF and not another storage slot for a useless Pikachu or Eevee that can't evolve but has a ~unique~ hat on.

    For example: I play during the Pokémon day event and catch a wild Pikachu wearing a party hat. I can then take that party hat off and it becomes an inventory item. That pikachu I caught is now just a normal ol' Pika and I can transfer it if I please. From there, I can choose eligible Pokémon who can wear that hat and apply it to them if I so desire.

    Hell, put the costume items in the cash shop for all I care if you're desperate to profit off of it. Just PLEASE LET ME EMPTY MY STORAGE OF THESE USELESS COLLECTIBLES.

    submitted by /u/MewTwoBlue
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    Celebrate Pokemon with non-evolvable Eevee

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Seriously... celebrating the Pokemon franchise with an Eevee - named after evolution - that we cannot evolve, is a bit weird, no?

    submitted by /u/Hirovado
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    There should be a separate Pokedex for event Pokemon and variants.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:39 PM PST

    I think something neat that would make people more compelled to play during these hat events would be a separate part of the Pokedex for different variants, hats, etc.

    For example, each Pikachu hat and Clone Pikachu would be its own entry in this Variant Pokedex. Armored Mewtwo, Sunglasses Squirtle, etc.

    It would make collecting these event Pokemon actually feel fulfilling seeing as all they do is take up space for the most part.

    As a side note, a Shiny Pokedex would also be neat. Or at least a sort of check mark in the normal dex that shows whether you've caught the shiny variant or not.

    submitted by /u/dylandiangelo
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    Don't eat berries or you'll end up like me

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:28 AM PST

    I couldn't resist but ate only few of them. That's what happened:


    submitted by /u/czystybeton
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    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:43 AM PST

    I was literally sitting in my dorm room minding my own business and I opened the app and saw a wild Dragonite and freaked out. I gave it all my 3 left over golden razz berries. I was super scared it was gonna run away so I didn't skimp on the ultra balls. I finally catcher it with a regular razz Berry and a great ball. I checked it's appraisal and it's 3 stars so I kinda lucked out. I'm very happy :)

    submitted by /u/madonna_stan
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    Pikachu was hiding something!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST

    It turns out all these hat Pokémon are hiding something from us! Who would've thought there's an everstone underneath every hat!


    submitted by /u/mamba3890
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    My Buddy abandoned me!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:10 AM PST

    I fed, patted, and camera'd my buddy. Went to the overworld screen, and she got suddenly interested in...a stop? Ran to go check it out and hasn't returned!

    She's a baby Gible, 13.29 kg, .56 m tall...responds to "Tesla". If you see her, please let her know her trainer wants her to come home and stop running away after shiny objects.

    Edit: She just came home. Hungry, of course.

    submitted by /u/FoggyKnightRPGX
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    Event pokemon ruin the event

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:10 AM PST

    I'll click on every eevee and pikachu to check if its shiny, but just flee when it's not. Whats the point of catching something if its essentially just clogging space and i have to go through extra steps to transfer it?

    submitted by /u/Roobin69
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    Different Rankings For Different Leagues

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:32 AM PST

    I was doing decent in great and ultra league, got to rank 7 and usually won 3 of 5 at that level. I havent been playing long enough to be even close to competitive in master league and have to play other rank 7s at that level? Forget about it, I'm getting destroyed.

    When Master League was introduced, everyone should've started from the beginning and let the good players float to the top again. Some good Great/Ultra Leaguers just cant be the same at Master, it's a 100% different game

    submitted by /u/MomDidntLoveMe
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    "Fly" Ability for Pokemon GO

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:48 AM PST

    Sometimes it's really disappointing when you see all these raids you can't do because there are literally no other players around. So how about we get Fly as an ability to "port" to a friend to raid together. Set it on a 4hrs cooldown. Th walking Dead AR game has a similiar working tool. Yea just an idea so...

    submitted by /u/Coopernikus241
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    Pokemon Day 2020: more Pokemon in Sword and Shield, party hats in Pokemon Go, and a new Mythical Pokemon

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:17 AM PST

    Changes about snowy weather boost would be appreciated

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    This weather is truly the rarest to get, today is the first day since last year it is snowing in the north of the France, and pokemon go (so far) haven't even changed its weather from cloudy to snowy.

    So let's say, I can get the boost 1 out of 365 days, even less if we count by hours.

    My suggestion is that "freezing" should replace snowy, and works like windy. Once the temperature is below 0 or -5 C, the weather should go "freezing" and we finally will be able to get a damn ice and metal weather boost a bit more.

    submitted by /u/Beybarro
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    F in the chat, please

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST


    Got my first raid hundo. Thanks to the new party hat mechanics, little buddy can't evolve. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/ohreallynowz
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    Potential for change to buddy system= candy reward at best buddy

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    I know that there have been things pulled from the code surrounding the additional +5 level boost for reaching best buddy as opposed to the relatively feeble +1 but i also think there should be a one time candy reward additionally for reaching best buddy with a pokémon

    The reward could be determined by the current walk distance per candy for example a 5km buddy distance Pokémon may warrant you with a one time reward of 20 candy for that specific pokémon.

    In my opinion this just adds a potential third reason to go for best buddy and it could also potentially be a seperate tier in and of itself being past best buddy at certain heart based increments there could be additional one time candy unlocks for the specific pokémon

    submitted by /u/flynnhs
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    My first Nundo

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    After 19 hundos I've finally found my first nundo. Definitely very rare to find these. Is there any use for this Vulpix or is it just a collector's item?


    submitted by /u/SirMobi_
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    Add more variety to the game map

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Today was the first day since last winter that i have been able to see the 'Snowy' weather in game and the game map and encounter screen looked so nice covered in snow.

    This got me thinking that they could do so much more with this weather feature and give the game world so much more variety.

    Here are a few of my ideas:

    1. Make the in-game weather update more frequently. (I've seen posted on here before that somebody found out that the game grabs weather data from AccuWeather every 6 hours, this is nowhere near good enough and is mostly like the cause of the weather being incorrect more often than not.)
    2. Make the game world reflect the seasons as well as the weather.
    3. Make the game world reflect the time of day more, yes we have night time and day time but what about in between e.g. sunset/sunrise.
    4. Add objects to the game map that can be affected by the seasons/weather e.g. trees.

    Feel free to comment on any of my ideas however please remember that i have only come up with these quickly off the top of my head also feel free to comment with some ideas of your own.

    submitted by /u/danbywinby
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    I'm finally done

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    After 130 days, 864 candy (really 964 I forgot to take a screenshot before evolving) and 786,000 stardust I've gotten my Shadow Hundo to level 40


    submitted by /u/Burritony0
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    Decoy Grunts x13 No Giovanni yet

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I didn't just move past them. I actually beat 13 grunts this month. I finished the first part of defeating three leaders by 14th Feb. Though I met get two Raikous. But lo and behold. I took two days off and bam!

    So far I have gone through 13 grunts and with just one day left, it seems majorly unfair.

    submitted by /u/buffoonishwriter
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    Dear Niantic, Adventure Sync is literally broken because of the GPS requirement. It now kills my phone within hours.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Used to work through the health app step count and now seems to REQUIRE gps. This has effectively broken adventure sync. The whole reason I liked it was i could flip off the app, do a walk, flip it back on, get the egg steps. Since they decided GPS is needed it eats battery like go is running all the time.

    They've seriously broken this feature.

    To clarify, Adventure sync is the feature that lets you add to the step count even with the app closed. Which gets added in when you reopen the app. It lets you just pull out the phone when you're near areas of interest and used to save phone battery.

    submitted by /u/Shnazzyone
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    Niantic, I seriously don't see why we don't have a raid map and why even low tier raids can't give us top tier rewards. A BATTLE PASS IS A BATTLE PASS.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:30 PM PST

    Probably like you I don't have enough people to help with 4 and 5 star raids at certain times a day. So for me I am limited to the bottom of the barrel raids which I don't waste passes on until I can play on the weekend because the area I live in doesn't have raid groups. It's literally a dead zone for raids despite there being a lot of gyms around. This is due to the area itself which is not ideal for raid parties for your average Pokémon Go player. So, people drop their Pokémon in gyms but nobody actually plays here if that makes sense.

    I didn't get my 1st Tornadus 'til Sunday and it's not because I'm a slacker but because there's times I can't play to my heart's content on the weekend which is what left me Tornadus-less for this long. Since that day I have not raided. 1-2 star raids are not worth the passes and they are 90% of what spawns alongside 5 stars for me. This sort of RNG has been constant since 2017.

    A dex entry locked behind 1-2 star raids to me is not worth it. 3 stars I feel are also useless now that 4 stars are guaranteed to give charge TMs which is one of my focuses right now since I PVP. Niantic, I desparately need those top tier raids to farm items. I don't care what I raid. I need those rare items. I need map to locate where I can find raiders and meet up with some people there to complete it on a Thursday night at 6:30 after work. Help a player out. It's been almost 3yrs of raids. It's time for a change.

    Oh and by the way. No Regigigas here either. Because your algorithm only schedules EX raids Monday - Friday. Yeah.

    submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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    A poke-nightmare

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    I've been playing pokemon go for a bit over 3 years, and occasionally I'd dream I'm walking along, catching mon, or trying repeatedly to catch a particularly evil mon, all a bit tedious. But tonight I had my first Pokemon go nightmare.

    I dreamed I was walking along the street. game open on my phone. Then I saw a lady walking towards me with a phone in her hand, and she kept looking at me. Eerily, silently. She walked closer to me, just looking at me and silent. As she got close I noticed she had Pokemon go on her phone, and I thought she needed some help, so I asked if I could help her. She suddenly grabbed my free hand and pulled it toward her phone screen, trying to put my finger on to her pokeball. I tried to pull away but she was strong and determined to get my finger onto her pokeball. Then I woke up. True story.

    submitted by /u/uptoquark
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