• Breaking News

    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Have you been the one missing the Mewtwo EX raidpass? Maybe you haven't been lucky the whole week and that damn raid Tyrannitar ran and everyone else caught him.

    Or the worst part, maybe it's monday again?!


    Here we rant about everything that goes wrong, someone who sniped a gymspot (  ̄Д ̄), a missed Tyrannitar again (ಠ_ಠ) or that stupid bug which made you miss your raid because of the server desync, ending the raid prematurely (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

    No personal insults, no trolls and provocation but all salty stuff is accepted.

    • Only salty posts allowed ( ಠ_ಠ )

    • No uncivilty or personal information allowed. ☜(`o´)

    • Complaints can be posted here as well, agree that stuff needs to change here as well, like the spawn rate or gym bugs.


    Don't forget to hydrate after all the salt!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Mechanic Mechamp at your service

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    SlayerRJ from Norway

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Feels like a long shot you'll see this, but we did become pogo friends on reddit.

    Just wanted to say, seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm currently in quarantine much like the rest of folks on the planet. I have a restrictive lung disease so I can't even take a walk for fear of covid. You've sent me a gift every day for over a month now. I haven't had any to return but you just kept sending them. I have this narrative in my head that you know I can't return them because of the situation but just keep sending because you're a good person.

    Just thank you, don't feel obligated to keep sending them but know that every one of them is appreciated

    submitted by /u/jmatta113
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    I fell in love with this game again

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Since I got a new phone today, i thought that I should install Pokemon Go again. I have been playing it for the last 5 hours and can´t stop. I even found a shiny Eevee about 20mins in.

    Just wanted to say that I love this game again.

    Hope yall have a good day!

    submitted by /u/bybjoern_
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    How the Buddy Up event ending feels

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:27 PM PDT


    This is a meme made due to how I really liked how the event and how the lower excited requirement actually make getting double hearts possible for a F2P player

    submitted by /u/DuDe-87
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    Shiny shadow pokemon

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Shuppet’s Face After being Purified is Priceless

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Shuppet's Face After Being Purified is Priceless

    I've purified plenty of Pokémon but I don't think I've ever noticed this. Little guy looks so happy to be have been saved

    submitted by /u/trainermitch
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    Does anyone else have zero luck with the battle league?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    I don't get it honestly. I'm not a try hard player, so I'm not exactly decked out, but clearly I'm not properly equipped for the battle league stuff. I used to play and dropped off for awhile, just getting back into it and I'm feeling so behind. I'm sending in eeveelutions up against damn near maxed out legendaries every battle league match I attempt 😂

    Any tips for someone with low legendaries and not that great of Pokémon? Or any team suggestions that might give me even a slight edge?

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/TheMLGPancake
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    Nurse Joy Outfit

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Niantic should release a nurse Joy Outfit to thank all our healthcare workers! (And also nurse hat Chansey)

    I'd buy that Outfit in a hot second!

    submitted by /u/Tindomerelhloni
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    Pokestops that spinny spin but no deliver

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    I have been trying to find a poke stop within walking distance of my home, so I can include it on my daily walk. But, for several poke stops around me, when I get close enough to them, walking, and spin them, they always tell me to try again later.

    This has happened on several different days and several different times, and when I'm walking. Any ideas as to what's going on? I'm in Fort Washington, Maryland, and I am somewhat shocked at the complete lack of poke stops anywhere in even the most trafficked areas where you normally see them, like shopping centers.

    Is it possible to somehow petition to get a pokestop put in? I'm now on day, like, 43, of being at home, and it would really be cool to do more than just walk to hatch eggs, eggs that I get only by driving across the bridge into Virginia where I can actually hit poke stops that work.

    ----from a sad, 45 year old middle school English teacher stuck at home

    submitted by /u/DiedNYourArms1975
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    Met this little fella on my way home after work!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Close but no cigar!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    0.1km off of 50km weekly distance. Still not bad in these uncertain times!!


    submitted by /u/tommyd89
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    Returning player

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I have not played in years, just got back into it. What are critical things i should know? also i dont have any friends in the game, was wondering if someone would share me their code so we can send gifts and stuff

    submitted by /u/rcallejas713
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    Is the 4th go battle league always Landorus lately, or is it just my bad luck???

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    We all know how annoying it is to catch a Landorus, and I've been getting it as the go battle league reward Pokémon at least 10 times in a row. I remember I used to get Coballion back in March. Is it gonna be Landorus the whole month of April? If so, I need to stop winning more than 3 times asap.

    submitted by /u/agirlnotonreddit
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    When did 10k eggs change to only hatching feebas?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Seriously. I'm sick of them. Useless. I'm not walking 20k to evolve one so they are instantly deleted . It's making me question the wisdom of buying incubators when the results is 99.9% feebas(or other trash )

    submitted by /u/justunbelievable
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    Shiny mr seel thought he would join the shiny Abra party!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Shiny seel! https://imgur.com/a/9MWJ2Ze A shiny seel wanted to join the party! I hope you guys had good luck too!

    submitted by /u/BeAnOofer
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    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I have already claimed 50 pokecoins and my Pokemon keep making more do I get them tomorrow or do they just delete

    submitted by /u/BuckerH2000
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    About mudkip

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    Today I got into an argument with my friend where he said that mudkip is a bad Pokemon. Is he really bad?

    submitted by /u/craftworldyt
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    Last day of Landorus

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Today is the last day of Landorus on raids , but do you believe that is the last day too in PvP? And wich next legendary do you think will be on raids and PvP?

    submitted by /u/stntox2
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    Impossible to win in GBL

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    Is anyone else finding it excessively difficult to win at the minute?

    Seems like every single game my opponent has two hard counters to me, I'll be lucky to honestly win 2 out of 15 games.

    Its super frustrating I think I've dropped like 300 rating points since master league ended.

    submitted by /u/Rossticles117
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    This little shiny one hatched after recent rains and picked some flowers to make a crown.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Adventure Sync, with or without Google Fit?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Has anyone tested is there any difference in recorded walking distance with Google Fit installed? Is there any gain from using it anymore?

    submitted by /u/Edward_Makes_Contact
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    Shiny Marill?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I have seen a bunch of people on this sub with one or more shiny marill. I haven't seen many marill at all lately and was wondering how people are getting them now that the league encounter event is over.

    submitted by /u/Communist_flash
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    Is there a map somewhere where I can look at pokestop distribution somewhere else online

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    I'm moving this summer, and want to check out the stops in my new area. Is there any way to do this online somewhere? Or do I have to wait until I get there and then physically do it?

    submitted by /u/DoctorLotus19
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