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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Buy a cat tree and this is what happens.....

    Pokémon GO - Buy a cat tree and this is what happens.....

    Buy a cat tree and this is what happens.....

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Wo else agrees that we badly need a “Trainer is challenging a nearby raid! Join?” Notification?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Especially because of the recent frequency of five star raids it would be so nice to have that notification since most of the raids I've been on I was alone and got my a** beat. I feel like no one goes on the raids because nobody has a guarantee they'll have support. Please upvote if you agree with me on this as I think this idea has potential.

    Edit: Lmao I didn't expect my first gold to come from complaining about a game I like. Many thanks stranger 🙏🏼 I'm just dropping a quote thats helped me in life for you guys. "Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble, and the sculptor."

    submitted by /u/Alezkazam
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    [Theory] Niantic's 'poor' Pokecoin test is purposefully bad, ala Epic Games

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    You may have read the recent blog post about the Pokecoin test that will begin in Australia. The test goes that:

    -You now get 1 coin every half hour, instead of 10 minutes. It will take 25 hours to get 50 coins using a single gym, as opposed to 8 hours and 20 minutes now.

    -You can get an additional 5 coins (for a total of 55 daily coins) by doing multiple additional tasks.

    This is a clear attempt at reducing the viability of F2P. It is so blatant, in fact, that I've seen it somewhere before, and I know exactly what Niantic is trying.

    You see, a while back, Epic Games (which has a very, very bad history of ruining good games), bought a game called Rocket League. Upon purchase, they changed the entire way that prizes work, such that it became outrageously expensive. Epic Games did this on purpose. Why? Because they knew that, no matter how they tried to redo the system, they wanted it to make them more money, and they knew that gamers would know this and be angry. So, their tactic?

    1. Increase prices and reduce availability (to F2P) of prizes so drastically as to make angry headlines.

    2. Pretend to apologize.

    3. 'Reduce' prices and 'give back' some of the F2P, and make things be the way Epic Games actually wanted them to be from the beginning.

    This way, fans will be angry, but they'll also be forgiving after the 'correction'. Hence, they will forget their anger toward them.

    When I learned how exactly they were changing it, and how outrageous the test makes it to play F2P compared to right now, I knew this was probably what was going on.

    submitted by /u/RunsWithLava
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    Was not paying attention and almost ran firm this amazing shiny

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    The Kanto challenge was so worth it.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    The new coin system is ridiculous

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    The new system Niantic announced of getting coins is ridiculous and unacceptable.

    You can only do the tasks ONCE per day which means you can get only 5 coins from those.

    On the other hand the gym system is nerfed so hard. For 50 coins you need to get kicked out of a gym or multiple gyms for a total of 25 hours each day! That is insane, considering with the old system it was just 8h20m. And there probably are not even enough gyms for every player.

    But why do they nerf the gym coins distribution so hard when nothing really changes drastically? You can only get 5 more coins each they. That is almost negligible considering the item prices in the shop. Also you can get it just ONCE a day so you still need to get the 50 coins from the gyms which takes you 3 times more time! The balancing would only be fair if we got the chance to do researches for coins untill we hit the limit (50 or 55 coins) or let us get us like 60% of our coins from research max and 40% from gyms. Now they nerf it from 6 to 2 coins per hour, but the new thing doesn't even come close to the coin distribution like it is now in the old system. So why balancing? Just keep 6 coins an hour and add the 5 extra coins on top. It are just 5 coins Niantic cmon, no need to balance that.

    So what will happen? Many people will actually get less coins than now, even with the task coins included. This is probably the worst thing I ever saw Niantic wanting your money. They basically force you to buy their digital coins because with the new system getting coins would be too hard.

    And actually I think this is killing the game. First people will get more aggressive taking over gyms. If they want to encourage people go battle in gyms more again that is great, but this is totally not the right way to do it. F2p players and children will be left out because they never bought any coins already with real money. So they just barely will get any coins so they can only do raids with daily passes then and cannot even try participating in egg hatch events because they do not get enough coins nymore to save for these things. Also the people who did buy coins would be angry since this is obviously going bar beyond the line.

    I cannot force anybody to take action, but I really want to advise everybody to NOT buy any coins anymore from the shop intill they reverse this idea. And also make your opinion and critism clear to Niantic and pokemon go youtubers because this is unacceptable and we, the community, should not let this happen.

    submitted by /u/Melvin28299
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    I did some maths regarding the new coin system. Yes it's bad. Here's proof

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    This is coming from a non-hardcore player.

    I don't raid often, due to a lack of people I personally know who play the game (Though remote raiding has made it easier, and i've even got a Giratina and a Darkrai out of it :D)

    Though I will always attend community days, and play it basically any time I leave my house with few exceptions.

    With that in mind, the first and foremost issues I see is the obvious one regarding the gyms. I don't often stay in one place too long, so i'll only add a pokemon to a gym if there's one left with low cp, or if its my colour and there's a slot. So, this is absolutely going to lower the number of coins I get from gyms, plain and simple.

    In fact! Let's do the maths for a player like myself, or one with only one gym on their regular commute.

    (Note: I will be assuming that the pokemon will remain in the gym for lets say 8 hours, since that seems like a fair average, if it isn't please correct me)

    For the current situation:

    Let's assume that I leave a pokemon in a gym at 08:00, that seems pretty realistic.

    At 16:00, my pokemon is kicked out and I get 48 coins, neat!

    Assume I somehow keep this up every day for a week, that's a nice 336 coins/week. Pretty good imo.

    Now, let's try the new system

    I leave a pokemon in a gym at 8:00 and do my daily challenges, awarding me 5 coins for this day.

    At 16:00, my pokemon is knocked out, awarding me 16 coins. I also do my daily quest, netting me 5 bonus coins.

    Again, assuming I keep this up for a week, that's 105 coins. Not that good :(.

    A loss of 231 coins per week!

    So let's say I do 2 gyms a day for a week? (Already unrealistic for some people)

    Current situation:

    2 pokes in a gym for 8 hours, 48 coins each, 50 coins limit is reached and I get 50 coins for that day. Repeat this for a week. 350 coins/week. Neat!

    New system:

    2 pokes in a gym for 8 hours: 16 coins each, 32 coins total with 5 coins bonus. 37 coins per day. Repeat for a week 259/week.

    Worse than what I currently get and double the effort.

    For the sliightly more hardcore people, let's say 3 gyms a day for a week.

    Current system:

    Caps off at 2/day. Still 350/week

    New system:

    3 pokes in a gym for 8 hours, 16 coins each with 5 bonus coins. 53 coins per day. 371 a week.


    Current system:

    1 Poke 8 hrs a day = 336/week

    New system:

    3 Pokes 8 hrs a day + Quests = 371 coins

    Not to mention the chances of the latter successfully being pulled off are ridiculously low.

    Let's make it more realistic and say every day, there's a 1/3 chance that the pokemon will be knocked out after 2 hrs.

    Current system:

    1 Poke 8hrs a day, 1/3 chance of being knocked out after 2 hrs.

    (For 3 weeks for math purposes)

    \/ (2 Hrs) \/ (Week1 + Week 2 + Week 3)

    7x 12 + 7x 48 + 7x 48 = 84 + 336 + 336

    = 756/ 3weeks

    = 252/week

    New system:

    3 Pokes 8 hrs a day, 1/3 Chance of being knocked out after 2 hrs. (+5 daily bonus coins)

    \/ (2 hrs)

    4 + 16 + 16 + 5 = 41/day

    = 287/week

    Now, this may look like the new system is better right? (No, it's a lot more work for a similar payout)

    Well, that's until we take into account the fact that now, everyone needs 2 additional gyms everyday to do what they would have done in a week normally. As previously, 3 gyms could satisfy 18 players for a week, now 3 gyms satisfy 6, and there is more competition.

    So let's re-do the math for the new system:

    Let's be generous (Imo) and say there's now a 2/3 chance of a poke being knocked out after 2 hrs

    \/ \/ (2 hrs)

    4 + 4 + 16 + 5 = 29/day

    = 189 coins/week

    Not good, but generous still, 1/2 chance of being knocked out after 2 hours

    (7 x 4) + (3.5 x 4) + (3.5x16) + (7 x 16) + (7 x 5) = 28 + 14 + 56 + 112 + 35

    = 245/week


    Current System: One poke a day for 8 hours, 1/3 chance of being knocked out after 2 hrs


    New system: 3 pokes a day for 8 hours, 1.5/3 chance of being knocked out after 2 hours, as everyone would need more pokemon in gyms, you therefore have a higher chance of yours being knocked out. (+ 5 coins a day)


    With the theoretical probabilities I have proposed (Which I have tried to be fair in doing). It would take triple the work, as well as the inconvenience of doing the quests daily to get about the same number of weekly coins.

    To players who have a smaller number of gyms, it undoubtedly gets alot worse than these probabilities, but hopefully I have clearly made my point highlighting the issues, I welcome any feedback! :D

    submitted by /u/Krankenstein20
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    Austalians we need your help

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Dear Australia please dont allow this niantic sugestion with coins it is realy stupid. If this pass and we all hope it doesnt game will become p2w and a lot of players will stop playing. Once again please send bad rewew aboit this.

    submitted by /u/DeadpoolCroatia
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    Way later to the party than most. But thanks to the throwback tasks (and beingtoo awkwardto group raid). I can proudly say I've now finished the Kanto Dex!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    For all the Australian players out there

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Please dear Aussies, don't let the new coin system pass, it forces players to spend real money and only encourages spoofing and camping

    submitted by /u/MsSocietyistaken
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    New coin system feedback

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Here are the details:

    1. Max coins that you can earn per day increased 50->55.
    2. There will be daily tasks rewarding you 5 pokecoins (after completing all the tasks, not one per each).
    3. Gym defending earns you less coins per hour 6->2.

    Wait what. What is this, you increase the cap limit but remove any good way to actually reach it. Gyms are now useless, no need to defend or attack gyms anymore. This doesn't make any sense, I mean at least some people will finally have a way to get coins, but what about the gym chaos that it will make? You can't reach the limit without having pokemon in gyms for 25 hours!

    Please, let them know this change is too drastic. Hopefully it won't be released like this globally.

    submitted by /u/DaRealProline4366
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    Reducing Pokecoins earned in Gyms from 6 to 2 per hour is an utter disgrace.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Day 1 player here. Started playing in Australia when it was first released back in June 2016. I've experienced a lot of changes in this game. Some good some bad. I remember when they first nerfed the amount of coins we can get from gyms. They halved the amount from 100 Pokecoins per day to 50 per day. I was at first a bit dissapointed but quickly changed my mind and felt it wasn't so bad and I can support the devs by purchasing coins from the shop as well. After all I loved the game.

    But this....This new change that is being "tested" in Australia is just plain horrible. 2 coins per hour is an unreasonable requirement for a lot of hard work and very little pay.

    Niantic if you are reading this, And you continue to go ahead with this change you've lost a loyal customer. I will not spend another cent on this game if this change takes place.

    I don't know how others feel but I would love to hear your thoughts..

    submitted by /u/AndroidTim
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    Should i evolve?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Niantic should add boxes to sort our collection (like in other Pokemon games)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    I mean I've never had 1000+ Pokemons on my cartridge games an yet I spent hours organizing my boxes. I think it would be an asewome addition. We could sort Pokemons by how we use them (battle, raid, arena...) or by the interest we have in them (shinies, events...). I think it would be much easier to go through our collection with that kind of feature. And we could make it really our own by sorting it as we please

    submitted by /u/Toulel
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    My 6-year-old loves Melmetal, so my mom sewed a shirt for him.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Anyone else tired of the lag in loading up next Pokeball on a catch?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    It happens so frequently, standard pk or otherwise. I throw ball, PK bats it away or ball misses and rolls off screen. PK has time to do TWO MORE FULL BLOCK MOTIONS/JUMPS before my next Pokeball loads up. Maybe it's petty nitpicking on a tiny few seconds but I feel I've missed many an Excellent throw opportunities through this glitch and the times I have tapped my screen so much for a loading pokeball may end up breaking my phone 😂

    submitted by /u/Avenged7FoldFan64
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    This research event is brilliant!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Why is it particularly good?

    1) Catch a ground type instead of Catch a cubone - much less luck based, much more chance for everyone to be able to do it and be happy.

    2) Battle in a raid instead of Win a raid - Still a contentious one but as long as you can see a gym, you can potentially finish this one. No frustration of being stuck indoors and watching 15 Giratina raids in a row with no mates to help.

    Please Niantic, more like this! No more evolve a scyther! ☺️

    submitted by /u/BenditlikeBenteke
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    "It's ok, bud... we'll manage with the fewer pokécoins..."

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT


    Trying to be as supportive as i can, but honestly, what can i tell him when he just found out they cut his gym salary by 66% all of a sudden?

    Hope you're happy, Niantic...

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    I should buy a lottery ticket

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    New player. Just caught a 100 shiny Giratina

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Started playing this friday and got hooked. Already at level 22. My collegue told me about the giratina raids so joined up. After having giratina fled 3 times the 4th raid turned out to be shiny. Apraised after and the stats are maxed! Photo of my lucky catch


    submitted by /u/80hdTMF
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    Here's an incredible way to cap off the Throwback Challenges

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Having played for years, my Pokedex is quite healthy. That's not bragging, just saying that the Throwback Challenges mean something different in my kind of situation. While I definitely appreciate the various reward encounters, especially the Legendaries (some of which I don't have), these events I feel are all about catching a ton of the various starters. You after all need likely close to 200 candy to evolve something and unlock a second charged move. So having them spawn constantly, which hopefully carries on with the remaining weeks, has been really great to see.

    Needless to say, you probably have caught and evolved each starter in the past, maybe with the exception of the more recent Unova ones. So why is it special to see them now? Well consider it from the standpoint of someone who missed basically every community day and/or started playing more recently. The only exclusive moves I have from evolving, for instance, are for Torterra, Infernape, and one ML Swampert. I want Swampert for every league, dammit! Mudkip has for some reason not been spawning at all for a while, even though every other starter has been out there and I am frequently by water. Cannot wait for Hoenn week.

    So here's my idea- the Throwback Challenges end in June; How about a June wrapup Community Day? That's right, the traditional December weekend, notable for allowing you to evolve for any released exclusive move, but in June? I know, crazy! Now that you've caught every starter and are waiting to evolve them until they can learn their exclusive moves, how about a chance to do so without waiting until December? The presence of battle league makes it that much more imperative to let people have those moves, the ones without which they now feel at a huge disadvantage. It would be wonderful not to be waiting until December, especially if we're still in quarantine, and I feel it would be the perfect way to cap off this celebration of each generation.

    Please let me know what you think, and thanks for stopping by my post.

    Edit: Shout out to everyone who disagrees because they already have the moves and don't want better opponents. That's just sad.

    submitted by /u/MalcontentRonin
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    It seems like you will get 5 coins total from all the tasks per day, and the rest from gym defending. I guess Niantic being Niantic here.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Shop problems

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I have 161 coins and went to transfer 100 for pokeballs. The spinning disk never ends so I can't get anything in the shop. I even reinstalled the app and it's the same. Anyone else ever had this happen? I need the balls to help me with the throwback challenge and I'm in a fairly rural setting so have to make a special trip to visit pokestops.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/EmiAndTheDesertCrow
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