• Breaking News

    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Pokémon GO - With iOS 14 coming this fall I made a Pokemon Go widget idea!

    Pokémon GO - With iOS 14 coming this fall I made a Pokemon Go widget idea!

    With iOS 14 coming this fall I made a Pokemon Go widget idea!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Evee smy Buddy lol

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    When you see a Tier 3 Raid Egg thinking you'll be able to solo it....

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    When you see a Tier 3 Raid Egg thinking you'll be able to solo it....

    And then this guy pops up when the timer has clocked down...

    People, do not be tricked into attempting to solo this, he might look cute, but looks can be deceiving, and in this case he'll take your Raid Pass and you'll get nothing in return.

    I fell it for it once; and never again lmao.


    submitted by /u/VeryBoringg
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    Shiny Skarmory majesticly hovering above the neighborhood.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Feild research tasks during bug-out event

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Spinda caught Red handed ;) ( still tracking down its green cousin )

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    10 KM Egg pool

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Niantic should remove Alomomola, Absol, Audino and Sawk from the 10 km egg pool. Like it's hard to even get a 10 km egg and hatching a useless pokemon feels so bad.

    submitted by /u/bekoboy
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    The bug out event has started in some places, what did you got?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    The Current Bug Out Event Has Proven.....

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    The Current Bug Out Event Has Proven.....

    ......that female Combees are in fact in the game. Had to repost this to correct formatting. Just a little light humor on a lonely, semi-lockdown Friday.


    submitted by /u/mikey_v69
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    He would not let me pass so I had to catch and release!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Throwing tips

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Does anyone have tips on growing an excellent throw? I've been stuck on making an excellent throw for a few days now. I've been getting a ton of great throws, but can't seem to get timing or angle right. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Zianna1991
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    My shiny plusle

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Here are the current raid bosses (26th june to 1st july)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Something shiny beside the road

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    my charmander is water resistant

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    The GBL "Real Time" Battle Style Hurts the Game

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    I feel like the reason most of us get bored of battling is because it's somewhat bland. We all know it. Pokemon only get two moves (or three if you feel like grinding), the meta mons run the show since there's such a limited number of effective combinations to use, plus it's more rewarding to just lose a bunch and drop your rank down. Of course, by keeping the player feeling disadvantaged, they're more likely to wanna spend money to eliminate the grind of leveling up.

    Not only that, but the horrific lag, cheating, and bugs also contribute more to a bad experience using real time 'button mashing' mechanics.

    10/10 Niantic should've gone with the shift style battle mechanics similar to the original games, or at least bring a little more balance to the meta so a large number of pokemon can be useful instead of a select few.

    submitted by /u/NeonPrisoner
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    Cannot Log in Randomly

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Hello out there! I log in every day (level 38) around the same time every morning and log in multiple times after that pretty much every day for the last 2 years. Today however, I am getting a 'Log in Failed' and 'retry' . If I retry it asks me to choose an account, which the two options are my g-mail that I have always used and 'add another account'. I have tried restarting the phone (Galaxy S8+), hard closing and opening again, making sure there are not any updates pending.

    Anyone have some thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Romex80
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    I was kinda excited for the Bug Out event, until I remembered that these guys literally inhale balls and have a catch rate of 0.0001%

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:43 AM PDT


    ... And that's just non-boosted Combee! Not looking forward to throwing about 20 balls, just for it to jump out each time and give me that vacant smile. I think that's what makes it event worse!

    submitted by /u/fossilmerrick
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    My first 2000 cp pokemon :)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Gentleman Thomas and his Growlithe aboard the S.S. Anne. Circa 1996.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:40 PM PDT


    Adding Growlithe's Pokedex entry because character requirement:

    'Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything, this Pokémon won't forget the scent, no matter what. It uses its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of other living things.'

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Is Go fest worth it?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Do it's cheaper than buying a plane ticket to another country... but idk. Is it worth it? The rewards seem okayyy, and victini I really want. But is it worth 17 euros? Are you going to get it? I'm thinking about getting it but have no idea. I also need at least 50 words I think so I'm just gonna ask you again if you think it is worth it. Like some YouTubers may not think it's worth it but buy it anyway for content and some people may think it's worth it but not buy it because they're saving up for something else and don't get much money. So what do you think? Will you get it?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/47_Ollie
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    AR Cam not working?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Can anyone else that has an Android or more specifically a Pixel let me know if you are able to use the camera when selecting a Pokemon from your collection. Was trying to take a picture for my daughter with the Alolan Vulpix we caught but I just kept getting a black screen.

    Edit: just tried opening my camera app and it's putting my selfie cam as the main camera for some reason. Still able to switch to the regular camera but I'm guessing that's causing an issue with the app loading.

    submitted by /u/RockOutToThis
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    They extended the quarantine bonuses!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    I really hope they keep this going for a while, I started playing in January but these bonuses really helped me get into the game. Do you guys think it would help or hurt the game if they keep extending these bonuses indefinitely?

    submitted by /u/KingNigglyWiggly
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

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