• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Finally able to have my dog be my buddy in Pokemon Go!

    Pokémon GO - Finally able to have my dog be my buddy in Pokemon Go!

    Finally able to have my dog be my buddy in Pokemon Go!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:50 PM PST


    To preface, my first dog my family had passed away last year, and for longest time I have wanted to catch a shiny lillipup to evolve into a herdier to accompany me on my journey. Super happy to finally have her along for the adventure!

    submitted by /u/Vihreaa
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    7 km eggs are trash

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Same old alolan forms hatching only need the galarian ponyta and darumaka. Would really be nice to have those alolan forms removed or at least the hatch rate dropped significantly. Its just frustrating seems like all the eggs need a reworking but mostly 7 km. I want to open gifts everyday but I don't want to waste an incubator just to get my 1000th alolan geodude

    submitted by /u/Prymetyme420
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    Sending gifts to friends.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    I think it would be a pretty good idea if Niantic adds a way to sort your friends by those you can send a gift to!

    I've spent so much time scrolling through my 100+ friends trying to find those to send gifts to.. does anyone have a workaround for this or is there none?

    submitted by /u/koko_cc
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    Does anyone else wish you could turn off the screens that come up after you catch a Pokémon? Also raid invites should pop up over all screens.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Very rarely do I immediately want to know exact stats and i know how much candy and xp im getting, I wish there was an option in settings to turn those screens off. Would make playing much more fun because it would take less time to do things and you wouldnt be caught in those screens forcing you to miss a raid invite. Also raid invites should pop up over all screens.

    submitted by /u/RadiantHeater
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    Since many of you will never see this

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Since not everyone lives far enough north (or south) to ever see what Pokémon Go looks like when trying a capture during wintersnow, I thought I'd show you: https://i.imgur.com/mWgNIEN.png

    (I'll admit, not even I had seen this before, as I was on a hiatus from 2017 until covid-19)

    submitted by /u/Arve
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    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    dunno if this will get deleted, but want to give a big shout-out to all the Trainers from Japan, Australia, India, Norway, France, etc ---- for hosting Uxie and Mesprit raids and doing a great job wih the invites. You made it possible for me and my family to complete the elusive Lake Trio, earn a good amount of XP, and make some new in-game friends along the way. I can only hope that the Azelf raids that we hosted got you a 3-star (or better!)

    Looking forward to your Friend Eggs from your corner of the world.


    submitted by /u/cheersdom
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    Platinum Hoenn Medal?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    How am I supposed to get the Platinum Hoenn medal when Kecleon is still nowhere to be found? Does Niantic know something they're not telling us?

    submitted by /u/pyr0reborn
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    Weird Medal "flksdaghdlksgjlksdfgjlsafkgjalk" :)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hi there,

    my gf received a super weird medal called "flksdaghdlksgjlksdfgjlsafkgjalk" ( I hope I didn't do a typo there). She cannot remmeber 100% what she did before - most likely she finished a battle.

    see on image host

    Anyone has seem the same? (And I hope that I made it work with adding the screenshot....)


    Adding: Me = Level 35 = didn't get anything
    Gf = Level 37 = got it

    submitted by /u/Phil_S_
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    Does snorlax do the nest now? Or there is a new event with more Snorlax spawn?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    I suddenly see way more snorlax today in a street that used to be a nest. I don't remember this new event include snorlax as special spawn and if i remember well Snorlax doesn't do nest.

    submitted by /u/1_dont_care
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    So done with people deleting you once you reach the best friend level

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Yes, I add random people from all around the world. I do not have many friends that play where I live.

    Go all the way up to reach best friend level.

    Sending gifts.

    Inviting each other to raids

    Laughing at stickers

    Sending more gifts

    Thinking you're making a bond

    But then you reach the best level friend. Next day, or in the next days you have one friend less.

    Of course, it was another "best friend".

    It has happened 6 times in the last 2 months or so. It happened again today, so this is a rant.

    I even once did the shameful thing of re-adding a friend that deleted me from Spain. After a couple of weeks she once again deleted me.

    Since you can't chat or be able to post something like in a some sort of wall, I know that for others I'm but a random person, maybe a waste of gifts if I'm not going to help giving xp.

    But it freaking destroys me, man.

    I need a sorry to bother you with my friendship sticker

    submitted by /u/Ninkastmin
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    The amount of poeple in a Raid at nearby Raid sacreen

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:26 AM PST

    I would like to be able to see how many people there are in a raid at the raid screen. That will save a lot of time for us all, we will not have to watch the raid animation just to see should I do this one or not? Also maybe make a category in nearby raid to not show all the eggs (I had once way too many raids nearby but there were like 20 eggs)

    submitted by /u/Yukasem
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    I've just earned the flksdaghldksgjlksdfgjlsafkgjalk medal

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    When Niantic hasn't done the translations and decided "yeah we'll just put some random strings here" flksdaghldksgjlksdfgjlsafkgjalk Update: apparently it's fixed now lol

    submitted by /u/infernologywf
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    Returning to the game after 4+ years and need help deciding which Pokemon to invest stardust in.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    I just got back into the game this week after over 4 years and a lot has changed. I've done a fair amount of research to get myself caught up, but I'm still having some trouble deciding which Pokemon I should invest my startdust into powering up. I was at level 23 when I stopped and have gotten myself to 28 in the past week.

    My wife's cousins that got me back into the game are much higher level and raiding with them has gotten me 2 Azelf, a Charizard, a Houndoom, and a Blastoise. We were visiting them for Thanksgiving (they live 6 hrs away from us) and that made it easier to do multiple raids together. Now that we're back home, the number of raids we can do remotely are more limited.

    My primary goal right now is to collect legendaries from raids and build up teams to help take them down more easily. I'm also trying to build up a good collection of counters for the Team Rocket bosses and taking down gyms. We have 3 accounts in our house now at levels 28, 26, and 20. If we can get to a point where we can take down level 5 raids with just these 3 that would be great, but I'm assuming that's not enough even at much higher levels.

    The highest CP Pokemon I have are a 2500 Gardevoir, ~2000 Snorlax/Machamp/Gyarados/Aerodactyl, Charizard at 1800 (levelled up a few times), and the two Azelfs around 1800. It seems to get any of these to my current max level would take a crazy amount of stardust (~150k+). I have 265k at the moment so that's only enough to invest in one.

    I know Shadow Pokemon get a 20% attack boost for raids and PVP. For someone in my situation, would I be better of keeping them as Shadow and powering them up or purifying them and then powering up for reduced stardust cost. Top candidates here are a 2* Electabuzz, 3* Machop, and 0* Bulbasaur. I have higher IV and level versions of all of these Pokemon as well that I could spend the candies/startdust on. I have a 2000 CP Machamp (3*) and two 1100 CP Venasaurs (0*) already.

    I'm working my way through the Team Rocket battles to get to Giovanni and then get a Shadow Mewtwo. It seems like he is definitely worth the stardust investment while keeping him as shadow version. After that I'm not sure who to invest startdust into or if I should just save until I get something worth the investment.

    Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate any help I can get.

    submitted by /u/b1adesofcha0s
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    Thoughts on Lvl 40+

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Am I the only one who had no desire for level 40+? For me the new level cap has killed most of my remaining interest in playing the game. To me, getting to level 40 felt like a grind, but it was worth it because it's a relatively attainable achievement, and the gameplay after 40 is more fun than grinding xp. I enjoyed having pokemon powered up all the way to compete in Master League, and now need XL candies to continue powering up to stay competitive. Add to that the requirements to level up feel super grind-y and geared towards getting us to buy raid passes, etc. I've played the game since August 2016 and have really enjoyed the time I put into it, but feel that this latest "improvement" has sapped the last of my desire to do much more than catch a few pokemon here and there.

    submitted by /u/707-320B
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    Mass evolve for fast xp

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Hey guys, seen a lot of people looking for ways to get lots of XP to hit level 40 before the end of the year and wanted to share this tip. (Apologies if you already know this but someone might find it handy).

    Go through all your Pokemon and any that you don't think you'll need the candy for for pvp or raids mark down as 'ev'. Stuff like whismur and caterpie and the likes.

    Each spotlight hour has added bonus' and usually once a month there'll be one with double evolve xp. There are two of these this month, one today/tomorrow depending where you are and another on the 29th.

    Each evolve is usually 500xp, doubled at the moment due to this end of year event, then doubled again through spotlight hour and if you double again with a luck egg you can grab 4,000xp per evolve. You can get through 100-150 evolves in an hour depending how quick you are. That's why you mark them down as 'ev' so you can find them all with one search (quicker) and no other Pokemon start with those letters (clearer).

    As I said I'm sure plenty of people know this already but for anyone that doesn't good luck and happy grinding!

    submitted by /u/_blackstar__
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    Did they boost the spwan rate of evolution forms?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Like in the past hour ive been playing ive seen like 4 mightyenas, 5 seakings, 1 sceptile, 3 lanturns and 2 Grovyles all of them within 1 hour and they weren even that far between them. Am i just lucky or what?

    submitted by /u/cesar451
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    Where is the big update for Pokémon GO beyond

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:48 AM PST

    I don't see nothing special I expected ice types I expected snow in the background at least something different there literally is nothing happening all I see is that it says the event is active for a certain amount of days I'm in the northern hemisphere so it started here at 8 AM local time or am I getting something wrong

    submitted by /u/Rocko19936793
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    Excellent Throws now 2000XP!!!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:31 AM PST

    What!! I don't see an update anywhere yet but. I've hit 3 so far and it's no mistake. I don't know how long this will last but start practicing and hit the excellent because it is now much more worth it than just securing the first throw bonus.

    submitted by /u/djr5861
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    I don't think the 100:1 ratio for regular candy and XL candy is worth it...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:02 AM PST

    So I thought the XL candies would have been great for a huge CP boost for Pokemon, since it costs 100 regular candies for 1 XL candy. I wasted 1000 Dratini candies... and only for a 24 CP boost...


    submitted by /u/HiFraaands
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    Suggestion: Ability to convert Premium Raid Passes into Remote Raid Passes

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I though it would be useful if you had any excess premium raid passes than you didn't need, you could convert them into raid passes. Though you wouldn't be able to do it vice-versa as you would pretty much be able to do it infinitely if that happened.

    submitted by /u/Invenomo
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    Having a problem with special research rewards

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Anyone else having a problem with some special research encounters. I've just completed investigate a mysterious energy 4 and encountered Victini but it doesnt show any berries or different pokeball selections at the bottom of the screen and the number of pokeballs never changes no matter how many attempts I have.

    submitted by /u/lins1416
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    Silver Pinap Berries

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:10 AM PST

    I've been getting 7 candies and 1-2 XL candy for using a silver pinap. Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/pyr0reborn
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    Anyone else feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the updates coming now and at the end of this year? XL candy, more trainer levels, Mega candy, etc...

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but the game is starting to go a direction that I'm worried is going to make playing the game not as rewarding and feel like I'm always missing something more so than it already feels.

    submitted by /u/ahenley17
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    seasonal event

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:02 AM PST

    is anyone else getting the wrong pokémon for the seasonal event? on the pogo website it says seels are more common in the northern hemisphere but I live in the southern hemisphere and all I can find is seels.

    submitted by /u/toeconsumer1
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