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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Please read this post regarding the rules of the sub before posting

    Pokémon GO - Please read this post regarding the rules of the sub before posting

    Please read this post regarding the rules of the sub before posting

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 04:49 AM PST

    As we hop into the new year we are making a bigger effort to curb rule breaking posts before they happen. We hope that an education effort will help and have already started with an auto mod message DMing all posters a link to the rules with a message about rule 2b and rule 3 being the most broken rules of the sub so they have a chance to self regulate.

    The rules for the sub are available here in their entirety, but I will break them down into shorter versions in this post for everyone

    So here we go

    Rule 1: Be kind, Be civil, Don't be a creep, don't witch hunt.

    Rule 2a: All posts must be relevant to Pokemon Go, and not simply Pokemon in general. This means that art, crafts, memes, must use assets from Pokemon Go. This means your meme templates need to have something from Go in them. Simply saying something is related to the game is not enough, you must show us it is related to the game if you are posting images.

    Rule 2b: Non AR INGAME SCREENSHOTS and VIDEOS must be posted as a link in the BODY of the post, supported by 100 characters (not 100 words). This formatting rule only applies to Non AR ingame screenshots and videos, and not memes, art or AR images.

    Rule 2f: Please do not share trainer codes for any reason. There is a dedicated subreddit for that, as well as a Discord.

    Rule 3: No cheating. Do not tell others how to cheat, where to get advice on cheating, or how you do or have previously cheated. Play the game the way the creators intended. These are the trainer guidelines as defined by niantic

    Rule 4: Don't spam. If you want to share a Discord, Etsy, website, survey, give away, etc ask permission in modmail first. Unless your group page offers something unique that an affiliated sub or discord doesn't, you will likely be denied, but we are always open to hear about new ideas.

    Please remember this is only a short breakdown of the bulk of the rules, and that the rules in their entirety are available in the hyperlink above.

    Now, a lot of users ask why to some of these rules so here we go. Here is one resource to the why.

    Rule 1: Because nobody likes jerks. We are all here because we love the game. If you have a problem with a user on Reddit, modmail us, if you have a problem with a trainer in the game, contact Niantic. The user base is not here to fight any battles for you.

    Rule 2a: There is another Pokemon sub of equal size. If you want to show off your cards, plush collection, surprised Pikachu meme, general Pokemon drawing etc, it is better suited there. We obviously don't want content that has nothing to do with the game either, there are like a million subreddits, find the right one if it has nothing to do with PokemonGo.

    Rule 2b: We have a bot that removes non ar ingame screenshots and that is literally all it does. It is about 50 percent effective, and still performs something like 10k actions a month. The bulk of our human moderation is honestly catching what it misses. The subreddit would be overwhelmed with non ar screenshots, and essentially useless if we did not attempt to mitigate this through forcing users to post them differently than other images. The alternative to this rule is to simply ban non ar screenshots.

    Rule 2f: Similar to rule 2b, when friend codes first came out, and about every time there is a make 3 friends mission, the sub gets flooded with requests. The automod is much better at catching these than Magic eye is at non ar screenshots so you don't see it, but the spam can get pretty significant, even in the comments on top level posts that have nothing to do with friends codes we see dozens of automatically removed attempts to share codes.

    Rule 3: No one likes cheaters. Even if there is some justification for cheating, like say, there is a pandemic and going outside is risky for your health, the risk to your account is not worth it, and we do not want to be responsible for spreading information that may result in bans. If you are unable to play fair, don't play until you can. There are lots of other games that you can play in the meantime.

    Rule 4: We are not here to make money for any one, we don't make money being moderators. We want anyone who is turning a dollar off linking to this sub, to also be an active member. We want any one using this sub to do research to be verified to some level so we know users aren't being sent to risky sites. We don't want to direct users to cheating groups, and a fractured community is not very beneficial to most users, so we want to peak at any Facebook, Discord, Telegram or similar group before allowing it to be posted. There are already a few well established groups out there, and the affiliated discord is run by different moderators than this subreddit.

    As a warning to all users, we have started issuing short bans for minor rule violations because the rules have been excessively ignored in the past.

    We have a 0 tolerance stance on cheating in this sub and bans are significant to permanent for all rule 3 violations.

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Gotta catch em all!!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:31 AM PST

    Finally got a shiny on the last day.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:08 PM PST

    Today's spotlight hour be like:

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:28 AM PST

    I am at the left except I don't have muscles ��

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:16 PM PST

    Suggestion: A feature to show how many trainers are currently in a raid lobby, so you wouldn’t have to click back and forth between every single raid

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:28 AM PST

    The link's in the comments for the real tweet

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:17 AM PST

    Was inspired to do this after my first Lando Raid

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:27 AM PST

    Sitting in my house (nowhere near a pokestop) watching Netflix when suddenly my phone vibrates. I see a zubat. "Big deal" I thought before continuing to watch Netflix, then I remembered the 'catch 10 flying type task' so I thought, fine. Best decision I ever made.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Don’t forget to pinap your wurmples for optimal mass evolves!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:05 PM PST

    Finally reached level50 as a FTP player

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:07 AM PST

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a day one FTP player and I've never had a break playing the game. I remember back in the days when friendship or even raids didn't exist, to spend the whole week grinding low cost evolution pokemon such as pidgeys or weedles, so I popped a lucky egg on sundays (when I complete my 7th day streak) and evolved 80+ pokemon. And I did this week after week until I reached level 40 in nov '17 (of course by that time raids did exist, so I tried to chain several legendary raids with a lucky egg on too).

    After reaching level40 I stopped grinding XP, but with friendship I earned a lot of XP by just adding my real-life friends. Then John Hanke said on an interview that they were thinking on raising the level cap, but no date or even roadmap was planned yet. I didn't mind, I looked at my XP: 69M, and decided not to look it again until they officially released the level increase. So back to grinding again, but this time with the huge advantage of friendship! I added lots of random people and started sending and opening gifts.

    1,5 years passed and the level increase was officially announced! I waited until the XP requirements where datamined and I saw: total XP required to level 50: 176M...and I had 181M! Mission accomplished, I "only" had to do the tasks.

    Thanks to the beta test in Australia, I was able to prepare several requirements in advance, such as walking the eevees and to wait to claim the GBL rank 10 rewards (remember that mini season?) which awarded 100K stardust. So since there were no raids when the update was released worldwide (I live in Europe and it was 10pm iirc) I just did the other tasks, powerup and 200 catches.

    The following day I did all the 30 raids (I had saved a lot of coins) and the levels 42,43 and 44 were reached the same day pretty easy, thanks to the previous preparation.

    Level 45 was quite a grind tbh; I had saved a lot of shadow pokemon but the grunts and most of all, the leaders, were a pain. Thankfully the wooper day, with tons of grunts, helped and I managed to do about 11 leaders that day and the same number the following day: only bought 1 radar.

    Level 46 was no brainer, basically wait 6 days: excellents and field tasks were easy and the hatches too, since I was awarded some incubators with the level challenges (besides I always keep all my egg inventory with 2km eggs and hatch everything else).

    Level 47 was a pain, tbh. It was hard to track whick pokemon I had more XL candy for and since I work full time, it was difficult for me to go outside to grind due to covid curfews. I ended up powering up a melmetal , a wigglituff and bunnelby , those last 2 were powered up beyond 40 and traded by friends, so I hadn't have to spend the whole 296XL candies.

    Level48...oh my. Basically put your levelling up on hold for 7 weeks. I managed to level up to 47 on a sunday, so just in time for the 1st adventure sync. But since I spend most of the time at home, I had to go out to walk every weekend to reach the 25km, thankfully I was able to do it safely.

    Level49, easy enough. I had the medals, I had hatched and saved a lot of 7km eggs to trade with friends, added a lot of friends and used my 2016 and 2017 old pokemon to get the lucky trades. This was possible because I save male and female of every species of pokemon (+1 per evol line) so I swapped my old kanto and johto pokemon for the new ones we got at the celebration events.

    Level50 was a huge grind tbh. I reached level49 on friday morning and managed to get 200 excellents. Then I spend the most part of the weekend walking with incense and trying to get excellents, I managed to get some difficult ones such as magikarp and weedle excellents, or even 3 excellents in a row to minccino!

    So there I was, sunday 21:32h ,at home with an incense, and I reached 998....then a bronzor popped up, I clicked it and it was shiny! Enabled screen recording, I threw...excellent! Captured...and level 50!!

    It was a fun journey, although I'd have preferred to be a more challenging one tbh. Why did they lower some requirements such as reach level 10 in GBL instead of 20? Why change the "win 20 times in GBL" to "Battle"?

    Anyway, I managed to reach level 50 in 90 days, on the last day of the month, feb 28th, the last day of the season, on sunday and catching a shiny bronzor... I believe it was quite nice!

    Thanks for reading my story!

    Edit: Orthography mistakes

    submitted by /u/MysticalTh0r
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    That hitbox tho

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:40 PM PST

    Looks like I missed that deadline. On the plus side, I've always wanted to see the toilet flush in the opposite direction.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:47 PM PST

    So hateful not being able to do the excellent throw...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:01 AM PST

    My first perfect.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:14 PM PST

    The only Canadian Pokémon

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Family photo

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:18 PM PST

    Pòkemon Days of the week! I have made this edit, Just thought I'd share it ����

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:04 AM PST

    Glitchy game past 2 days

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:45 AM PST

    Has anyone else been having major problems with the game not loading stops, gyms, spawns? I have to restart my game over and over and over again. I have certain places i stop daily on my way to work and the game is always unresponsive the past two days. I reset the game data. Is it just me?

    submitted by /u/susiecapo71
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    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:46 PM PST

    MY 3RD RAID AND IT WAS SHINY!! I wasn’t able to catch the first two regular ones but this more than makes up for it!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:40 PM PST

    When I try to enter the battle, screen freezes to this

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:01 AM PST


    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:43 AM PST

    Groudon and his Vanilla milk and chocolate chip pancakes

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:32 AM PST

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