• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Anyone else feel that one month, pogo bores us to death and the other month is filled with craziness?

    Pokémon GO - Anyone else feel that one month, pogo bores us to death and the other month is filled with craziness?

    Anyone else feel that one month, pogo bores us to death and the other month is filled with craziness?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    I took a long break and got back to the game in December. The legendary raid of that month was Kyurem and it lasted so long, people got sick of it. Then January came, filled with craziness and new raids every other week. February saw the well received Kanto day event, which really got me back into the game again.

    But ever since Kanto event, raids have been stale. Always the same Landorus, Tornadus and Thundurus for 2 months in a row. The only exception being Rayquaza, which sadly only lasted 2 days. It becomes increasingly harder to find raids, the longer they last, since everyone gets tired of them. Let alone 2 months in a row.

    And now they announce the raids and events for May, and I'm super hyped. It's gonna be a crazy month again. What I don't understand is why this can't be consistent. The moment pogo gets me back in the groove, they put me back off.

    Why are some months filled with new legendaries every other week and the other with the same tiresome legendary? After one week of raiding I get bored and don't raid for the rest of the month. It seems like a lost opportunity, because I would raid more if there were different mons to catch.

    submitted by /u/Koyatsqi
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    Dratini! May 11th! Spotlight hour

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Dratini spotlight hour on May 11th!

    May 11th Dratini Spotlight Hour!

    I'm gonna save 10282 ultra balls and 9182882 silver razz. I even changed my shift at work cuz' I'll need full power! It's also 2x transfer candy bonus.

    Lord hear my prayers! 🙏 I will get a shiny Dragonite! I will catch 10000 Dratini's in one hour! Amen!

    EDIT: Thanks for the awards kind strangers!
    EDIT 2: I'm normally someone who likes to react to everyone who responds at my post but I didn't expect this lol. Good luck catching everyone! 🍀

    submitted by /u/Cools90
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    My first Pokestop

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I live in a small village with around 600 inhabitants. There is absolutely nothing for playing. The closest big city is at 10 km (this is 6 miles if you don't use the metric system) and I can't manage to go there every day in order to play. I know this is not a lot but right now there is a lowkdown in my country...

    Last Saturday, I managed to reach level 38 and today there is my first Pokestop in my city. It ain't much but I'm so proud. I hope that it will be usefull for other players ! Now it's time to add more Stops in my city ! :)


    submitted by /u/hightea11
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    No Niantic I will not map a church/park/playground

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    I don't care what you offer me.

    They need some kind of "this is a bad idea" button. I'm half worried some creepo out there is gonna use "I'm just playing Pokemon" as an excuse.

    submitted by /u/Clientadmin
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    Deleting Friends before the other player gets the bonus XP

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I hope you are sound and well.

    This morning I just saw that one of my friends deleted me from his Friend list on the day we reached the "Best friend level".

    He was the one having a gift on his hand to reach that level.

    I usually don't care about not being the one getting the XP bonus first but I find this behavior really shameful.

    It's not like this player had to wait days or weeks ! And I play literally every day, he just got the bonus level and clicked on "Delete"

    Why can't we have a day or week before being deleted ? Niantic could add a temporary limit so players could connect and claim their prize.

    I know it's a common subject here but that's 100,000 XP I deserved as much as this player.

    Have a great day Be safe

    submitted by /u/FrankenRCT
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    how about: pogo showing how much more gifts you can open

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    (English is not my first language and I am sorry for the mistakes.)
    I have a fair amount of friends and send/open gifts daily. It is kind of stressful when you are opening gifts and see that waring "daily limit reached". Maybe there could be a way to show how many gifts you can open without seeing that warning.

    submitted by /u/holdtheduckup
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    Wherever it perches on, Winter perches on as well.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:52 AM PDT


    A certain town in South Korea has had -2°C average temperatures, ever since a certain legendary Pokémon took a liking to one of the phone towers in it.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    The new Mega Pokemon to be released

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    The next new Mega Pokemon is supposed to be featured at May 15 And around the same time, Yvetal is going to makes its debut, and it is related to destruction.

    My theory is, mega absol will be the new Mega trying to warn us about the upcomming destruction upon us.

    Since absol usually does that, also it is a dark type, perfectly setting up the theme for the legendary debut.

    submitted by /u/V3n0m4U
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    Legendary Raids

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one who's fed up with how long Landorus and his variants have taken up legendary raids. It literally has been since the beginning of March and all we've had is 3 slightly varying Pokémon

    The only saving grace has been Raquaza for a weekend but I know I'm going to get comments like "they leave it up for so long so everyone gets a chance to catch him not everyone has the time". Well if they actually cared about that then why was Raquaza only a weekend? There are like 59 Legendary Pokémon and they take up 2 months with the same ones.

    submitted by /u/Bone-Apple-The-tooth
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    Community days really should be set/known at least a month before they occur....

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    I feel like there really isn't a good reason to at least have dates set a month in advance for these events so people can actually plan for them. Not everyone is off for the weekends. And while I can understand setting dates to be hard when Covid hit pretty hard last year this has been a problem before that ever happened. I remember a time maybe 2 plus years ago where they did give out important dates like community day times with like a 2-3 month notice and I was so happy they were doing that...... but then they just went back to for the most part of not telling us the date until less than month. Over the last year the adjusted community days have been easier with their boosted rates if you don't have much time to go out but those are not going to last(probably ending this summer with other bonuses). I don't really care what the pokemon is I just really want to know the dates so I don't miss out....

    submitted by /u/JmantheHitman
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    Got my best nundo last weekend

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    My second nundo but clearly the best option- this is the crowning jewel of my collection

    I kinda wanna change the name to TheTrashMan- any suggestions?


    submitted by /u/thefehrgrounds
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    Noibat wild

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    So I just caught a noibat in the wild today with 14-13-15 ivs. My mate was freaking out because supposedly it's crazy rare in the wild especially with good ivs. Is this true?

    submitted by /u/Ben17298
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    Finally, a good event!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Finneon Spolight hour isn't working in NZ

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Its been 15 minutes so far and none, everyone in the local group chat is reporting the same thing yay.

    Update - Bunch of finneon just showed up

    submitted by /u/porkinstine
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    Rarest pokemon

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Can you show me your rarest pokemon? I've been playing this games since 2016 and I almost all them catched.

    My rarest I think is a shiny zapados

    submitted by /u/edufs13
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    Strangest pokestop

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    What are the strangest pokestops you have encountered? Mine was literally in the middle of a highway or one in a cemetery, the weird thing it's that it wasn't about the cemetery, the pokestop was a gravestone xd

    What are tou thoughts?

    submitted by /u/edufs13
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    Please Let May’s Community Day be Deino.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Not that I think posting this to Reddit will make the Community Day be Deino, but just curious, is there anyone else who wants Deino?

    submitted by /u/BladeGrass_1
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    XL’s made PvP completely unbalanced.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    I'm level 39 since rejoining game about half a year ago and I have to say grinding to level 40 just to compete in battle league is not balanced. In >1500 game modes it's fine, but pretty scuffed in UL & ML. Also when you get to ace rank and play sweaty people they all have XL pokémon - and over half of the pokémon in UL top 30 according to Pvpoke are xl's. Unbalanced for people grinding to level 40 without spending $, imo.

    submitted by /u/otisboii
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    What are your predictions for May Community Day?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    I would like to think it's Gible, because to my knowledge, Niantic has had a Community Day for every pseudo-legendary before Gible. Although, obviously Niantic can make it whatever they want it to be.

    submitted by /u/Background_Ad_73
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    Is Excadrill any good in UL

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    I recently evolved my Drillbur into an Excadrill with metal claw / rock slide. I noticed that the moveset just wasnt right. i was wondering if i should change the moveset or not

    submitted by /u/BrawlGod136
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    XL pokemon in ultra league

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who is frustrated with XL pokemon in ultra league. The ultra league is now becoming more like XL great league (I specially get irritated by XL umbreon, although I do think it is a good response to giratina altered but still)

    Any advice for someone who wants to play casually is level 37 and still wants to have at least a winning chance in Ultra league

    submitted by /u/KreedBraton
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    Golden Magnet

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    I finally found the golden magnet.
    Golden Magnet

    submitted by /u/KXS_PLAYS
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    By the end of May, it will have been possible to register more than half of the Kalos Pokemon to the Pokedex

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    The initial Kalos wave in December brought us 21 new Pokemon (9 starters, Bunnelby line, Fletchling line, Litleo line, Espurr line, Noibat line, and Klefki). The two most recent events added 6 more and brought us up to 27 (Skrelp, Clauncher, and Binacle lines). Now with the announced X and Y events, we have the opportunity to add at least 11 more (Xerneas and Yveltal plus the Spritzee, Swirlix, Pancham, and Goomy lines).

    That's 38 in total, 52.8% of the 72 total Kalos Pokemon, in less than half a year since Kalos was first released. And that's not even counting Sylveon which I have a feeling is just around the corner. Bottom line, the way Niantic has handled Kalos is so much better than how they handled Unova. With such a small generation, Niantic could have had an excuse to drag out Kalos by releasing one evolution line per month at most, and they didn't. And I have a renewed interest in the game because of it.

    submitted by /u/EcstasyCalculus
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