• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 22, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon in gyms should start collecting candy once they’ve reached the maximum 50 coins per day

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon in gyms should start collecting candy once they’ve reached the maximum 50 coins per day

    Pokémon in gyms should start collecting candy once they’ve reached the maximum 50 coins per day

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    It's clear Niantic won't raise the amount of coins for defending a gym, so why not create a secondary prize that makes holding multiple gyms as long as possible worth while? Whether a Pokémon is in gym for 8 hours, or 8 days, you'll only receive 50 coins. Why not give Pokémon-specific candies to Pokémon who defend a gym.

    It would create more competition and battling in gyms, but also allow players to start dropping in different Pokémon. I'm tired of always seeing some combination involving Melmetal, Slaking, metagross, rhyperior, and snorlax in a gym. I want to see variety, and receiving candies after X number of hours would promote players to drop in new Pokémon.

    Don't wanna walk 5km for a deino candy? Put him in gym for a couple hours. 20km too much for meltan? Gym.

    Would a candy every 3 hours be too much? Not enough? Perhaps the candies could be based on walking KM. 1 hour for magikarp, 5 hours for deino, etc. It's not up to me to decide that, but I'd be much more likely to hit up gyms more often knowing I can receive rewards regardless of the situation, and candies to me seem to be the best secondary reward.

    submitted by /u/rjbelz
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    Trubbish thoughts

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Trubbish is not too far away, but far enough for me to miss my first shot every single time. That is all

    submitted by /u/stku42
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    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    After playing since the beginning, with just a year off between generation 1's introduction and generation 2's, I have finally made it to level 40, and I am so excited! I feel like it has taken forever, but I finally made it.

    submitted by /u/saintnick524
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    More pokemon need to have higher stardust values for catches.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    Trubbish is great for its 750 base dust. Shroomish hour was great for the 300 base dust. More pokemon need to have these different dust values since the 100 base dust on 98% of everything in the game just isn't enough

    submitted by /u/Erockplatypus
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    What has my buddy been doing?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    So we all know that when we transfer Pokémon to the good professor, he grinds them up and makes a candy with them to give back to us. Therefore, a Pokémon's life equals 1 candy, right?

    So, how is it that I can walk for 3km and my buddy finds a candy of his own kind? Very suspicious... very suspicious indeed. I have a theory about this process, and why it takes different distances for my buddy Pokémon to "find" a new candy. My buddy, your buddy, heck, all of our buddies are serial killers.

    While us trainers are walking around, spinning stops, fighting in gyms, doing raids, and catching other Pokémon, our buddy is on the hunt. They are out for blood, and once you release them from their ball so they can "join your adventure", they are out and about, seeking other individuals of their own species to battle and kill for their candy. This is their quest, and every time you turn your back, your buddy is doing the unthinkable. It makes sense that a more rare Pokémon would take longer to find candy, as others of their evolutionary line would be more difficult to find, and of course, little innocent Magicarp can easily find tons of his friends to destroy with furious splashing. This, along with the fact that it takes 400 kills, I mean... candies, to evolve a Magicarp, probably makes it the most notorious and vicious offender of these heinous acts.

    To conclude, the next time you are feeding, petting, or snapping photos of your adorable buddy Pokémon, just remember that there is a cold-blooded killer inside, just waiting for it's chance to strike!

    Now tell me, which buddy of yours is the best at what he does? Who has the most kills? I'd love to hear all about their "adventures" in the comments ;)

    submitted by /u/TinThor
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    The highest possible cp in game right now

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Apple and Samsung (or any smart watch makers) should team up with niantic

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    I honestly don't know why this isn't a thing already considering the Pokémon plus and poké ball are already compatibly with the smart phone apps, but I would definitely spend the money I spent on my Pokémon go plus on an app or whatever to have my Apple Watch have the same capabilities. I'm 22, I'm not wearing my pokemon plus as a watch at work in the first place (which is when I use it most) and I know of several friends that haven't bought one because of how it looks and the impracticality. But for the same price, to pair with Samsung or apple, I think it would create revenue for both parties. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/nicole_kattie
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    Torterra raid issues?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    So I completed a torterra raid and received 16 white balls. The torterra broke through every single throw. About 10 throws I used golden razz The boosted legendarys were easier to catch for me, has anyone else has issues with torterra catching? I got a fair few greats too

    submitted by /u/Evodenzo88
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    Seasons of Legends is Bum asf

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    I just wanna know why we're still cycling thru the same 3 bum a** Pokémon till JUNE!!!! I'm so bored of just catching things in the wild. I don't want any more landorus, thunderous, or tornados. This is the driest the game has been since I've started playing and I'm not here for it

    submitted by /u/Cheap-Category4053
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    Ditto where are you ������

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    What Pokémon is ditto hiding as in the UK as spent months now looking for him to complete the mission

    submitted by /u/No_Yogurtcloset_7403
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    Best uses for pokecoins?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I have quite a few (about 700) pokecoins saved up, but I don't know what I should use them on. What are the best things I can get with them? What about the things that I should NOT get?

    submitted by /u/nctl296
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    Buddy Adventure Theme Removed

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Anyone else noticed this? I loved that theme. Anyone know when they removed it? Or a bigger question, WHY did Niantic remove it :(

    submitted by /u/MuppMartin
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    How would you feel if they pulled moves from official sources outside the MSG

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Specifically I was thinking from the TCG, especially for pokemon who lack a signature move in the MSG but have a well known move in the TCG.

    Something like Night March to make Lampent considered over Chandelure, or Trashvalanch/garbotoxin on Garbador, or Silent Fear/tree slam/forests curse on Trevenant or kaleidostorm on sylveon/Gardevoir

    It could be even easier to translate since most moves only have Energy and damage stats, usually with simple effects. Like silent fear for 2 energy does 30 damage to all your opponents pokemon (ignoring resistances and weaknesses) and Trashvalanche does for 1 energy 20 damage for each item card in your opponents discard.

    What are your thoughts on using moves not from the MSG, and is there any other official source you would like niantic to pull inspiration from?

    submitted by /u/dsv686_2
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    Who would like an eventless time period with lots of diverse spawns?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Essentially we wouldn't have super limited spawns for weeks to months in raids or wild spawns, there would be no strange theme of sorts. Just lots and lots of pokemon from all over the generations, preferably all the ones they currently have (i imagine there is a reason why they can't have all the pokemon at once though).

    So you could do a palkia raid and then do a ho oh raid straight after cos they both so happened to spawn near you.

    Or you could see more then plusle, minum and the nidos for a month.

    Hell even a daily overhaul in spawns/raids would be great, it would keep people coming on everyday while also having a variety.

    Maybe it's just me but i just have no motivation to play for months at a time cos there's just no interest in those few chosen pokemon spawns for that month.

    submitted by /u/someguyhaunter
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    Hi! Is the friendship xp bug fixed?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I was wondering if the bug where you get the friendship xp at a random time is fixed? I made some 2 hearts interaction with a few friends and it seemed fine. But I don't want to risk it with the 4 hearts interactions I have, since I don't have many lucky eggs and I'm grinding xp at the moment. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/AKost206
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    Great League Remix is even more boring for me

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    You still come up against the same 10 Pokémon everytime. Aren't there like, 600+ in the game at this point?

    submitted by /u/kagesmith
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    Does anyone else have a problem with pokeballs falling off your finger while trying to catch raid bosses?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    After a raid battle when trying to catch the boss I usually lose at least 2 or 3 balls because I start spinning them and they just drop off my finger and roll away before I can throw them.

    submitted by /u/bendover912
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    Your biggest mistake?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    What is your worst oopsie, such as accidental transfer that really ticks you off?

    I can't remember transferring anything accidentally, but I did purify my 3* articuno when I shoulda left it shadow.

    Edit! I do remember a recent transfer, a male 3* litleo not knowing there was a difference between sexes.

    submitted by /u/Fantasstic91
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    Season of legends

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Hi, I came back to the game last week, I know i missed the Thundurus and Tornadus. I'm stuck in a field mission where i need to take a picture of Tornadus. Is there any other way to complete those missions without catching them?

    submitted by /u/DrPingu69
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