• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Pokémon GO - What about a public poll for next month's 5 star raids? ( As it was done for Community Day)

    Pokémon GO - What about a public poll for next month's 5 star raids? ( As it was done for Community Day)

    What about a public poll for next month's 5 star raids? ( As it was done for Community Day)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    As i wasn't able to upload photo, Heres the concept ( sorry for bad editing)

    A public poll for raids

    submitted by /u/Sahilkolhe47
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    I just caught a wild shiny Gible

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    I want to post a picture but it won't let me without a URL. Anyways I'm happy and wanted to tell someone Edit: I noticed his CP is 777! They must program it like that, I love it

    submitted by /u/PurpleSpicyCheeto
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    It’s the same like 25 Pokémon

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    I'm an east Texas player and here's the Pokémon that always spawn near me: Starly, Bunnelby(fuck you), Phanpy, Minun, Plusle, Spoink, Pikachu, Nidoran male, Nidoran female, Whismur, Tailow, Dunsparce, Combee, Litleo, Drilbur, Meditite, and Bunneary.Lemme know if I missed anyone. Please. Give us some more variety, I miss the days when I could freely catch a Turtwig or a Mudkip. All I ask for more Pokémon in the pool because I'm tired of these ones, especially when I've already gotten the required amount of candies to evolve them.

    submitted by /u/Edwin_King90
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    All Rotoms were renamed

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    German player here, i just noticed that all my Rotoms (on my gf's account, too) were renamed to Motisma. We live nowhere near the french border so it shouldn't be a gps problem. And its only affecting Rotoms as far as I found out.

    Is this a known bug? Anyone else having this issue?


    submitted by /u/Pokemundo
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    Coin Buying Amounts Are Stupid!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    100 coins is 99 cents. But 550 coins is $7.99. Who buys that? I can get 800 coins for $7.92 if I buy them slower.

    I have never seen a game give you Less when you pay more!


    submitted by /u/SnowWhiteCampCat
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    Is there some method or trick to using charged attacks in battle league that I'm missing?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Probably like 80% of the time my attack will be fully charged and I'll be sitting there tapping the attack button over and over again before it actually registers the attack. Sometimes it will be halfway charged again before it finally attacks, or I'll be tapping it for literally 2 or 3 seconds after it's full and then die before it actually does anything. My phone is new so I know it's not a touch screen issue, and my fast attacks seem to work immediately when I tap. Is there a timing trick or something with the charged attacks that I'm not getting? I'm rank 20 so it's not the end of the world but it gets me frustrated enough to have to take a break and come back to it later almost every day.

    submitted by /u/SirMasonParker
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    I made a Pokémon GO Iceberg

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 07:13 AM PDT


    I know there was an Iceberg tier list posted here a few months ago, but I thought I'd make my own to emphasize other aspects of the game and really venture into the depths of the PoGo rabbit hole. Let us know how far down the iceberg you can recall - there's really no shame in not reaching the bottom (in fact, it's almost a good thing if you don't).

    submitted by /u/MonolithyK
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    The future of TGR (team go rocket)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Well, first I think Team Go Rocket should leave & be replaced with Team Magma and Aqua. (I'll be expanding greatly on u/Jemmo1 's idea).

    This would introduce a few things: New Megas + Primal Reversions Obviously, adding Mega Rayquaza, Primal Groudon, and Kyogre. Including shadow Groudon + Kyogre. Including (hopefully) releasing all or most of the missing mega evolutions. (I'm not going to list all missing megas as that would be a pain in the ass).

    Magma/Aqua Gyms + Double Raids Team Gyms, would basically be gyms with really strong Pokémon (7-10k CP) that players can defeat and catch one of the shadow Pokémon in the gym. I would prefer to let niantic decide what goes in magma's and Aqua's gym, but things like Shadow Camerupt, and Swampert would be cool.

    Double raids would be at special pokestops where 2 trainers can que up for a double battle with say, an Aqua team Admin and a magma team Admin.

    Team leaders can be encountered the same way TGR works, if you beat 6 Aqua grunts you get the Ocean Radar, and 6 Magma grunts for the Magma Scanner.

    Finally, it would add 3 new shadow legendaries, Groudon, Kyogre, & Rayquaza.

    Groudon would be obtainable after completed a special research "Double Trouble: Magma" and getting the Super Magma Scanner, and defeating Maxie.

    Then you have to complete a second special research "Double Trouble: Aqua" and get the Super Ocean Radar, to deafest Archie, and capture shadow Kyogre.

    This will also introduce holdable items: Red orb, Blue Orb, and delta stone.

    After obtaining SHADOW Groudon and SHADOW Kyogre, you will get a special research: "The Omega, The Alpha, and The Delta" once completed you will get the "Jade Stone" which will make a ballon appear. Fighting this balloon would require you to use shadow Groudon & Kyogre + a Pokémon of your choice to fight Maxie and Archie, now even stronger than before.

    (You will get a break in between battles to heal)

    After you have defeated both team leaders (Archie first, then maxie. Archie using prima Kyogre and Maxie Primal Groudon). You will get a chance to catch Shadow Rayquaza.

    Before I get into the special research tasks & rewards I wanted to say most of the Pokémon team leaders, grunts, admins, and gyms will be using I want to leave up to Niantic.

    Task rewards and shit in comments Sorry if this is rushed or cluttered, I'm bad at writing ideas down

    submitted by /u/8bitEclipse
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    Throwing mechanics

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Does anyone else feel like the throwing mechanics for the pokeballs have been changed? Or the distance of the Pokémon have been changed?

    I used to be able to hit great throws with minimal effort and on the first throw with common Pokémon. But now it's not hitting the inner circle and the flight of the pokeballs feel weird to me.

    I shouldn't be rusty since I log in everyday. But for some reason I just haven't been making great throws as easily as I used to. I usually follow a "path" on my screen that used to work to hit great throws. Now I find myself having to figure out the sweet spot all over again.

    Am I crazy or is anyone else experiencing a change in their throws??

    submitted by /u/protoj14
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    Today (4/20), I have officially beaten Pokemon GO

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Today is officially the day I complete my collection. I did it for the memes.

    submitted by /u/DEmperor95
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    Global challenge reward stated it would last till the next global mission came out...so...48 hours? really?? I find that misleading.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Im sure I am not the only person that read this and found it misleading. I was expecting either a new global challenge or the reward stardust lasting longer.

    I feel sorry for all the people that binged raids thinking the reward time will last more than a week. I had a vision that Niantic will screw up and something like this would happen, next time I'll warn you.

    submitted by /u/10012511
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    12 10km eggs hatch results

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I spent the last 4 weeks trying to get 12 10km eggs and I finally did it and hatched them today. I've done 12 12km eggs 3 times already and decided to challenge myself with this. https://imgur.com/gallery/vTdUGxI

    submitted by /u/Bryanrobledo6
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    Anyone else having an increase in game crashes?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    The past few days my game as been increasingly crashing almost constantly. Especially when trying to load the buddy camera and during Go Battle League. I've gone through Niantics bug reports and there's no mention of it as well as contacting them about it. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and if they have had any luck troubleshooting.

    I'm using IOS if that helps.

    submitted by /u/staticskai
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    Nothing loads on my tasks/challenge tab. Potential bug?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    When clicking on the tab for the challenges nothing loads. All three mini tabs have pink circles next to them indicating there are new challenges or tasks to be completed but there is nothing on any of the tabs. After ive clicked on it and seen nothing loads, the out button doesnt work either. Help plz

    submitted by /u/Cucumber-Active
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    What are your thoughts on a few changes to gym reward systems?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    Some background history, I have multiple gyms in my area that are dominated by the same people everyday to the extent that I can already picture what I would see when I click on the gym, which makes it very difficult for me to earn pokecoins as my pokémon are instantly kicked out by these group of friends. Not only that, even if I manage to get a gym down to the last pokémon, players from other teams can join and sweep the last pokémon and claim my credit as their own, wasting 15 minutes of my time. I'd like to suggest:

    1. Player who deals most damage gets to put their pokémon first to prevent leeching

    2. A person can only hold the same gym for 24 hours per week. That way they can't hog the gym all the time

    3. Some coins are rewarded right after the gym battle. I was thinking 10 coins for the initial win, 5 additional coins if most damage dealt and 5 more coins if its solo, while also toning down the coins per minute to 1 per 12 minutes instead of 10. That way, at least there is some compensation for the time taken to battle a gym. Of course, this would have to be regulated to prevent people from win-trading, but that can be easily handled by capping the no. of times you can fight a gym per day(1 or 2)

    submitted by /u/Pol0we
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    Pokemon Go Hit 120 Million Downloads in 2020. Generated over $177 million in the first three months of 2021.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    The number of downloads during the first pandemic year was 120 million, which was an increase of 5 million as opposed to 2019. During the first three months of 2021, Pokémon GO generated over $177 million in in-app purchase revenue, and Asia-Pacific accounted for 40% of that value.

    Source: https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2021/04/pokemon-go-the-number-of-downloads-jumped-to-120-million-in-2020/

    submitted by /u/SnowFlakesMilkHoney
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    Signing into POGO via Google not working

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    So, when trying to sign into the game via the 'Sign in with Google', after typing out my email address into the text box provided and clicking 'Next', the page will continuously load, and not continue onto asking for the password. I've already tried all the solutions in this guide , but nothing has worked. If anyone can help me with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ItsVeteranJaime
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    What Pokémon can be ditto?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Can anyone please tell me what Pokémon can be ditto, cause I have been chasing one for like a year and I have 3 challenges to get one. So if you know please tell me. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dmcombs517
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    Changing the speed limit in different places

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    Do you think Niantic could be able to change the speed limit in different areas of a city? I ride my bike on a trail everyday but more often than not my progress doesn't count as i'm moving too fast. In order to hatch my eggs I have to ride like a grandma and that doesn't provide the fitness challenge i'm wanting. So perhaps on a bike trail the speed limit could be much higher so I can hatch my eggs accurately according to my workout!

    submitted by /u/PHILIP__BOBBY
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    Search terms

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:08 AM PDT

    When you search through your mons and can use the search terms like "fighting" or "4*" etc, can you search for non favourites? I know you can order them so they are first or last but can I show just the non favourites? Thanks

    submitted by /u/WormyJellyBaby
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    walked about 3 miles to get to my nearest Gym

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    i live in a rural area, closest gym is 3 miles away and i can only get there by walking currently. walked alll the way there only to find that the only pokemon there was a magmortar with 553 combat power. walked all the way back home after beating it in like 5 seconds tops. i think i might have blisters now, it was not worth it at all lmfao

    submitted by /u/wyvernagon
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