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    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon Go has kept me clean from drug abuse for over 2 years

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon Go has kept me clean from drug abuse for over 2 years

    Pokémon Go has kept me clean from drug abuse for over 2 years

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Heads up, I talk about some real stuff, though nothing upsetting. At least, I don't think so. ;x

    I'm 36 years old, and for 13 of those years I was a severe addict. I won't go too much into detail, 'cuz it's pretty dark and miserable. All I wanna say is: opioid addiction is dangerous and kills people. Getting OFF them was easy... staying off them? That required a lifestyle change.

    For 8 of those 13 years, I only lasted 3 days of "quitting" before relapsing ten times harder. By some miracle I survived the hallucinations, fever dreams and panic-filled anxiety attacks of withdrawals by watching e-sports (OW League was brand new).

    My wife had just started playing Pokémon Go and suggested to me, "maybe you could play this too. If you get out of this environment you use to get high in all the time, it'll help you." And it did. And has.

    I use to play Pokémon games when I was a little kid. I still remember dreaming about the first games on the 4 color(s of green!) Gameboy, the week before its Red/Blue release here in the USA. I'd look at the Nintendo Power poster on the wall, before and after school, carefully contemplating which starter I wanted (Bulbasaur).

    So I thought "sure, I'll play a Pokémon game again." And for the first year I was content to just collect things. I never battled. I didn't even know how. Making my drug-addled brain function normally again was difficult, but those childhood memories started coming back: "trees eat water... so water is bad on grass and grass is good against rock and ground because trees can break through cement." The old ways I used to memorize type advantages started coming back. Strange as it may sound to anybody who hasn't made the mistakes with drugs that I have made; it was relearning typing and movesets in Pokémon Go that helped me begin to regain control of my mind. I had to start with simple things. Simple things I could remember, from before I obliterated my brain with synthetic heroin prescribed by a doctor.

    My "drug" now, is this game.

    Every time my spine, hands, arms or legs start twitching out, I go for a walk. Which, after a decade of inactivity, was also very hard for me. But I needed to walk my Magikarp! My lovely 14/14/14. I live in a desert near the equator, where the fishies never roam. It took me over a year to walk my Magikarp to evolve it without rare candy, because I still never had done a single raid or fought in the GBL. Just collecting good Pokémon and evolving them brought me so much peace. Having small tasks and goals, and accomplishing them... I needed that. Merciful God Almighty, I needed that. Every ten seconds my mind raced through the old routine of "your back is spasming. Your Crohn's is flaring up. Take a pill or two." I literally, physically needed the constant daily distraction to keep a grip on myself. I live in SoCal. Getting my hands on more abusive substances is as easy as ordering a pizza here. The first year was the hardest, but every time the monkey-mind would say "take some pills!" I'd have to say "I agree let's hatch a 5km egg. Right now." I would punish the thought with brutality, which rewarded me with a few amazing Pokémon (shiny Aggron I love you no matter what they say). I've since lost almost all my body fat and have the slightest, vague hint of six-pack abs... with optimal lighting. ;p Nothing any body builder would care about. But for how I use to be? I hardly recognize myself as the same person I was for 1/3rd of my life. I still look a little fat anyway because that's just how it is, but in all my life even before the drugs, I've never been anything close to "fit."

    Now about 4 months ago I realized there's a gym 1km from my house. I'd spun it for two years, but viewed them as nothing other than "the big Pokéstops." I figured I'm so new to this game, everybody has the best everything. I'd just get crushed so why bother? I threw away revives and potions for two years. Never once looked at actual HP numbers. If the IVs were good it evolved, and if not it went to the candy machine. But I thought "maybe I can at least dent this gym? I need to stop being so afraid of any kind of change. I got off drugs by not being afraid of change. I can tap a phone screen..." So I fought, won, took it over and thought "THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE. I LOVE THIS."

    I walked over to the local "Towne Centre," (they really spell it like that) and crushed the other two gyms there, too. This began my daily ritual of taking both mine and my wife's phone there each morning. She worked nights, so I'd go spin stops and gyms for her in the AM hours before I crashed out around noon. I was and am Valor, but she was Mystic then, so no gym double guarding. That's cheating. ;x

    For reference, I get up at 4AM every morning now... to spin "my gym" next to my house and take it over if need be. The exp from fighting is a nice bonus to the walk I already take. Now I'm all up ons the GBL as a rare candy fuel source and finally, after this long, I thought "time to make my first reddit account." I've been using this and one other sub as a source of info for me, my wife and now my 70 year old MOM even plays Pokémon Go with us. We've been power leveling her with raids and hooking her up with epic bosses to catch. I tell ya, I wish I had a Tyranitar when I was level 22. It's brought our whole family closer together and made us tighter-knit.

    This game has been 99.99% a completely positive experience. My only regret is I was too low level to get an Armored Mewtwo when he was out. Yet, regrets can be chains that hold you down, or motivating reminders for you to become better--to be persistent, and filled with determination. So I don't care that I never caught the coolest Pokémon in any game ever from the movie I saw three times on opening day and then eight more times the following month and went home pretending to have my own Mewtwo every day... okay, I do care. But only enough to want to get stronger and be better.

    Getting outside again and getting exercise has helped me fight off the addiction urges since February 14th, 2019 when I made my Pokémon Go account. Last time I used was Jan 29th, so one month from now will be 2.5 years. Whenever I look at my top 25 Pokémon, I can look back on every step I've taken to get candy and dust to power them up. It's like a reflection for me to see how I've grown. I'm too self-critical and self-flagellatory to just look at, and see my own self-worth. Yet when I look at these little digital things on my screen, I DO get a sense of "oh, wow. You've done a lot. Don't stop now. Don't give up. Stay clean. This is better." All I care about now is fighting in Pokémon Go. I want to be the best. I want to savagely bring ruin to Mystic and Instinct! Just playin'. I couldn't fight without the others teams, after all. But no, really... if it isn't red?, it's about to be when I see it. My obsessive thirst for fighting and power accumulation multiplied with my already-intense desires to catch absolutely all things. I needed a lifestyle change, and Pokémon Go was the ticket on the train.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to Niantic for this game, and to this sub. I promise I'll never touch drugs again. Even if this game ceases to be one day. I'll never betray the value this game helped draw out of me. I know a lot of us watched the show as kids, and man... I know this is THE CORNIEST thing to end this with, but for me, the words in that silly 4Kids opening song couldn't be more true; "You teach me, and I'll teach you." Pokémon taught me how to be better.

    Thank you if you read my word barf to the end. Sorry if it reads jankily. I had to stop and take numerous breaks from crying, admitting all this. God bless you. Hope your day is rad.

    Edit: I expected this to vanish into obscurity like most things I've written on the internet. But I'm glad to hear others sharing similar stories of Pokémon Go being a coping mechanism. I was waiting in line at a restaurant and my phone started exploding. My mom read all your comments while we waited for our food and says "thanks" to all of you. It made her night. Been trying to message everybody who gave me an award, but I think I'm locked out of sending more 'cuz reddit thinks I'm a chat bot. So, thank you all again. You're all cool, rad, and I appreciate you.

    submitted by /u/OberonPrimeGX
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    On for a ride.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:13 AM PDT


    "Well, you ready? we've got a lot of road to cover until the next Rocket stop batch... and we're out of potions."

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    I wish Niantic brought Legendaries back into research breakthrough boxes

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    There are so many Legendary Pokemon that I don't have because I live near 0 gyms and I cant buy remote passes. I barely have any Legendary Pokemon in the Pokedex.

    submitted by /u/pinball12343
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    Anyone else get massively judged for playing this game?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Don't know why I see so many people bullied for playing this game irl. Sure, it's not as popular as it was at launch, so what? And yet they probably play older games without ever getting judged. I never publicly say that I play Pokemon go, due to the fact that some of my friends got judged pretty harshly for continuing to play a "dead game". What makes this game worse than every other mobile game? It's still very popular in terms of the mobile Audience.

    Edit: You are right guys, I shouldn't let these people ruin a game I genuinely enjoy. Glad to see this community is so supportive❤

    submitted by /u/Scrubyy2
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    I love this game

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    This is just some simple apreciation, I've been having too much fun with this game not to!

    I played GO when it first came out, back when there was 0 online components, no talk of lengendaries, no researches, no shinies, no events - and I still loved the game and went out daily with friends. The game was on everyones lips and it was simply awesome to share the joy of a game I grew up with with complete strangers across all ages. I don't have to explain how massive the game was when it initially took over the world, we all witnessed it.

    But I, like many others, got burnt out after a while. The core gameplay couldn't keep our interest elevated on it's own, no matter how great it was, it needed some incentive to keep playing, yet for a long while Niantic didn't deliver anything new. I don't recall if there was any issues preventing them from updating the game but fact is a lot of people, including myself, quickly got tired of the one-dimensional gameplay and forget about the game.

    Now, however, after 5 years of not following with the game, I'm back and preasantly surprised by the amount of content that's been put in. I'm right back in the fun like I remembered it!

    • There's actual online 1v1 battles, that pose some nice rewards, and a ranking system that works surprisingly well for a mobile game. While it is quite different from the standard turnbased action, pokemon is not really pokemon without having to show off the power of your mons and I actually enjoy this dexterity approach a lot. Sometimes the lag does cheat you out of a win but that's to be expected (I do need a talk with my wifi provider about the latency.. so it's not all the fault of the servers)
    • Then there's those cocky Team Rocket grunts offering different mons to catch, with shadow versions to really spice things up - back when the game was the same daily experience of walking outside and throwing balls, it's now exciting to see a grunt hiding in the distance and ending up walking that extra mile to hopefully find the one mon you're after
    • A IV tracking system that doesnt screw around with vague quotes leaving you to search online to understand it, making your hunt for that one perfect mon just that much more accessible. This is not new to the game, but it's been executed professionally so that it actually feels like a important part of the overall experience, rather than something only hardcore players would care about (like in the 'regular' pokemon games). Big up to Niantic for taking something old but kind of hidden of the pokemon franchise and integrating it into their own game in a proper way. IV just works really well for GO, compared to other pokemon games, because GO is moreso about what you catch rather than what your catch is useful for.
    • Now the many research tasks, some that takes months to complete, have finally left me with some somewhat long-term goals to progress towards. Along with event-themed pokemon in the wild and in raids, there's always that next rotation or task around the corner keeping me in anticipation.
    • Initially there was a severe lack of ways to get more pokeballs, which always turned out to be stressful whenever you had to decide wether or not to waste balls trying to catch a mon - one of my biggest gripes back in the day. Now that worry has been completely thwarted by the many different options, such as gifts, researches and even a daily box just to make sure you're not running out of your jiggles. This is a huge in my book. The days of fearing a missed curve throw are finally over. Now I'm actually having trouble freeing up space so I can spin pokestops and get those field researches. I'll take that over running on fumes any day.

    So yeah, I might be a little addicted to the game now but damnit if it hasn't been a good time doing what I always loved, catching pokemon and hopefully at one point eventually get to evolve that pesky magikarp..

    Yeah, this kind of turned out like a review, but appreciation where it's due - GO is a blast

    See you all out there! Good luck with those shiny hundos and legendary raids!

    (PS: I have seen some nitpicking being throw about on this community from time to time, and I just thought to remind those of you that do split hairs over small annoyances that once the game was a barren wasteland compared to what it is today. Of course there's things I could see improved, but what we have now is really solid as is. There's a lot to be grateful for - thankfully GO got back on the right track.)

    submitted by /u/newthrowgoesaway
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    50 CP Dragonite!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:40 AM PDT


    Thought this was funny. I managed to evolve a 50 CP Dragonite. Not sure if this is rare but I laughed.

    submitted by /u/Russtie
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    Unpopular opinion: The “trickle” of new Pokémon, as opposed to larger waves of new Pokémon, has led me to appreciate every Pokémon more

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    This is coming from the standpoint of someone who has been a Pokémon fan for a long time, but usually just sticks with my favourites in the main series games.

    But when something like Binacle or Swirlix gets the spotlight, and I spend my time with the game looking for good ones to evolve, I find these Pokémon starting to grow on me.

    There are various game design and consumer-friendliness counter-arguments to Niantics current release strategy of new Pokémon, which are valid, and I even agree with, but speaking in a strictly "this Pokémon gets a chance to shine" sense, I find I have a newfound appreciation for the design and concept of every Pokémon introduced.

    submitted by /u/grrrreatscott
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    Two shinies in the same minute!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    Last non-community day I got was 3 months ago and now I get 2 shinies in the same minute and they're not even event spawns lol Screenshot

    submitted by /u/ArchietheLegend
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    Somehow gained 200,000xp randomly, looking for reasons why?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    The only things I've done today were catching some Pokémon, spun a single stop, did a research task for powering up 10 Pokemon. I looked through the journal and I can't see a single explanation? Has this happened to anyone else? I ain't complaining btw, free xp

    submitted by /u/XimperiaL_
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    Use The Gotcha During Spotlight Hour?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    What would yall say is this best route in getting a shiny on spotlight hour? Ive been using my Gottcha lately and was wondering whether either playing, just Gotcha or playkng whilst having the Gotcha on was the best method...I really want that shiny Dratini 😅😅😅

    Also would you use an incense?

    submitted by /u/kirasupa
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    Not giving me revives!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Has anybody else noticed that Pokemon hasn't been giving them revives or max revives? The last month of playing I've only received a bulk of maybe 10 in total. I have a ton of Pokémon dead and can't use them!

    submitted by /u/Liv1515
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    Perfect Pocketmonster

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Could you hypothetically have this Pokémon: Shiny, Hundo, Lucky, Best Buddy and Shadow on top?

    submitted by /u/Timotheus-XV
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    Pineap curse ?

    Posted: 07 May 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Maybe it's just me, every time I give a 'mon a pinap berry it's harder to catch. I have gone 6-7 times in a row, pinap and then a ultra ball, it jumps out. I don't throw the pinap and just throw an Ultra, *GOTCHA• it's like the game doesn't wanna give you the extra candy then laughs in your face.....STOP LAUGHING AT ME !!! Sorry. I'm good. But really. Anyone else ??

    submitted by /u/slamere
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    Good timing just before Gible community day

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    Just hour ago I read about the Gible community day coming next month... now I got my first shundo


    submitted by /u/Twistedi
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    Why Can’t PoGo Be More Like Ingress? Re: gym attacks.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    In my local area we're having a really aggravating time with some utter chode wiping gyms and leaving them grey... I really wish they'd add the feature in like they have in ingress... when someone attacks your portal it pings up saying "your portal is under attack by _______" so my question is, does anyone know why PoGo can't adapt this feature as well? And if it could would it be a welcomed feature?

    submitted by /u/SirBeardwood
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    Glitch in GBL(Is anyone else facing this)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Does anyone also facing this glitch in GBL? What happens is the battle starts smoothly, then after sometime it stops taking my taps. And the opponent does not even get a scratch even though I continue to get attacked. There's no solution, I have to restart the game again. For this reason I've lost many ranks.

    submitted by /u/captaln_jackie
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    Every single time without fail

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    I always seem to mess up the last one. Literally just did it 3 times in a row at 4.


    submitted by /u/Survived2020Panthers
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    anyone else not getting mysterious components?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I've noticed the past couple days no matter which type of grunt (at a poke stop or balloon) I never get the component's. I can't do the luminous legends tasks 9f fighting each leader as I'm not getting the components to make a radar .... is this happening to anyone else? what can I do?

    submitted by /u/greenleah07
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    Is it fair if I create a second account to complete my missions

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Today i've noticed that most of my quests are complete except ones that have "send x numbers of friendships packs" and since I have no friends to send them to I created a second account. I wanted to ask if this is like a bad thing to do or if it is accepted.

    submitted by /u/TheRicPia
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    Help with a task

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I have a mission to evolve a weedle except i transfered all mine a while back and cant seem to find one. If anyone has one and could trade with me that would be great, im willing to giving a decent pokemon in return as los as the weedle isnt complete trash

    submitted by /u/ForeignIdeal1970
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    Didn't realize I'd been sitting on a iv100 thundurus

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:08 PM PDT


    Amazing huh? What does everyone else think I should do. Should I walk myself to death for two days until I max him as a buddy or no????

    submitted by /u/ThePokemonEnthusiast
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