• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 15, 2021

    Pokémon GO - The ‘who gives the last gift game’ is annoying and needs to be changed

    Pokémon GO - The ‘who gives the last gift game’ is annoying and needs to be changed

    The ‘who gives the last gift game’ is annoying and needs to be changed

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    I'm guilty of this too but it's so frustrating when you take the time with another player and get one day away from best friends only to just sit there on one day because no one wants to send the last gift.

    I think niantic needs to change it where lucky eggs do not double friends xp or if one friend uses the egg both friends gets the double xp.

    I currently have 11 friends sitting on one day to go, very annoying

    submitted by /u/LordMarty
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    I Needed A Win

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Really glad - I've been struggling immensely with my mental health the past few days. Logged onto GO seeing as it was swablu community day, third swablu I saw and subsequently caught was shiny. Really small thing that has helped me not feel so dark on the inside.

    submitted by /u/MarshmallowAndCrew
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    They approach...

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:52 AM PDT


    "Huh, that's weird... that storm is moving fast... and against the wind..."

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    My first hundo

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I'm so happy that this guy was the lucky one! I've been playing since last December and I haven't had the opportunity of catching a hundo until now, i'm so happy!

    Can't wait to evolve it and killing it with Salamence lml

    Thank you for reading!


    submitted by /u/Kaihora_
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    My Swablu CD experience

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    It's halfway into CD now and time for lunch break. At the same time, here's my take on it.

    Total Swablu caught: 177

    Total shiny: 11

    Total 3*: 36

    Total 4*: 0

    The weather in real life is partly cloudy but not in the game unfortunately so no boost. So far gotten 82 XL candy today.

    Maybe it's just me but the catch rate doesn't feel like your usual CD. There's been some Swablu that requires few Pokeballs to be caught. Yes I'll admit I'm just using normal balls with normal Pinaps only and also Swablu even at CP400-ish is quite high level already so maybe it's that.

    But my advice to everyone for this CD is focus on XP! 6000 for excellent throw plus other additional XPs, this is the real bonus of the day. IMO way easier excellent throw than Fletchling.

    The usual CD perks like CD pokestop research, 5 photobombs, special research Altaria knows Moonblast are still there so that's nice.

    Now I think I saw LeekDuck infographic on Field Research rewards giving out Golden Razz but I'm sure I didn't find any, just like Snivy's. In addition, there's also 20 Altaria Mega Energy as reward too. So hurray Niantic for giving out Mega energy! So I'll guess there's no need to raid it?

    In general, CD with XP raining!

    submitted by /u/panpantastic
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    Anyone else confused about the coins in the shop?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:20 AM PDT

    In NZ I can buy 100 coins for $0.99, that's cool, I'm happy with that. Where I start getting confused is when the next pack is 550 coins for $8.99. I can spend $5.94 and get 600 coins if I do 6 separate transactions of 99 cents. There's not even a transaction fee that I've noticed because I never have less money than I expect.

    What is Niantic up to with that? Im not sure what they're trying to achieve but it confuses and frightens me.

    Edit: here are our prices.

    100 coins - $0.99

    550 coins - $8.99

    1,200 coins - $16.99

    2,500 coins - $34.99

    5,200 coins - $69.99

    14,500 coins - $169.99

    submitted by /u/GreenieBeeNZ
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    I wish I knew how many gifts I already opened for the day and how many more I can open!

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I wish there was an option to see the amount of gifts you already opened for the day and the amount you can still open before you hit your limit.

    submitted by /u/SimpSquirtle
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    Just figured I share my luck before we all get him come June community day

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Caught this from a catch 10 dragons quest reward. Figured before he loses his shiny "value" next month id get to share my luck with everyone :P


    submitted by /u/Frankmenistan
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    Not too shabby!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    So close to the perfect shiny! Still stoked on this little fella though! http://imgur.com/gallery/6K0VD5w

    submitted by /u/ReefJames
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    Gyarados basic attack help

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Hey guys, just a quick thing here, i have a 15/14/13 gyarados i currently use him in the pvp battles, his moveset is dragonbreath/ aqua tail/ crunch, and my question is should i trade deagonbreath for waterfall? I kind of feel he would charge attack recharge faster, am i wrong? What guidance can you guys give me on this :) much appreciated, keep on catchin'em! Cheers

    submitted by /u/frailoldhand
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    First hundo was a shiny!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    I caught it as a Ralts, forgot to take a screenshot before spending some candy. Whoops.


    submitted by /u/wholebeansinmybutt
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    Shiny beldum

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    hey guys i just wanted to share my happiness, this is like my first shiny ever, ive been playing almost 3 months and never got a legit shiny (cd day and last sunday shinies doesnt count that much to me) and now i caught this shiny, a shadow beldum, 99% i mean holy shit just look at this beauty AAAA


    submitted by /u/limestred
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    Is an Excellent throw an Excellent throw?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    When you make an excellent throw, does the smaller the circle is of said excellent throw give you better odds of catching than a larger circle excellent throw?

    submitted by /u/Winriguez1
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    Need help with shadow pokemon.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I'm struggling to understand shadow pokemon for pvp.

    From what i understand they get a 20% boost so even a 0% iv maxed shadow is better than a 100% none shadow, but to counter it they get 20% less defense and more expensive to power up.

    With the upcoming event (that you can remove frasturation) and how easy it is to fight a grunt/leader and get a hold of some amazing shadow pokemon atm (aero,lax,moltres etc )

    Would it make none shadow of those versions useless ? even at 100%?

    for example

    i have a 98% aero 15,14,15

    I have another 14/11/14 shadow aero

    And a shiny shadow aero (first enounter don't ask) with horribly ivs but a shadow .

    Which one would you recommond,

    if my logic is correct the 98% one is basically a candy at this point.

    Did i miss something ? if so than do help me understand the logic behind it and what i should do in the future,

    (max out only shadow even if not 96+ , max out any shadow if i can affored too , try to still get 100% none shadow, )

    i just can't figure it out.

    Can someone explain it to me like a 5 year old,

    Thanks so much in advance/.

    submitted by /u/Booraz342
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    Your throw percentage!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I really wish the game would show you your different throw percentage, with the 3x catch xp going on I have really focused on excellent throws and feel like I have been nailing it. I think it would be really cool if it showed you personal stats like excellent throw % and what not. More ways to see your own stats and where to improve imo.

    submitted by /u/roastedranger
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    PSA: If you are not a swablu fan use insence when cday is about to end to get event spawns with each insence lasting 3 hours.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    If you are not a swablu fan, you can use one or multiple insence in the last 5-10 minute of the cday and get event spawns after the cday spawns ends. Each insence used will last for 3 hours.

    I am not a swablu fan and I was thinking of just playing the first 3 hours, taking a break and using the second insence after 4:50 to get event spawns.

    I like the event spawns more and I am not looking to get a UL altaria. I feel like I personally don't miss out on much if I do this as the bonus is 1/4 hatch. I thought others might like the tip so shared.

    submitted by /u/GRVP
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    This game really doesn’t want me to have a shiny snubbull...

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    So far I've seen 916, with no shiny! I'm starting to wonder if the game developers went "lol watch this" & made shiny snubbull unavailable for my account or something 😂 send me some shiny luck please!!! 🙏

    submitted by /u/addymydear
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    Can I believe my luck? No.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    Two 4* pokemon in two days.

    4* (1)

    4* (2)

    submitted by /u/No-Bird-2523
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    Now we have Volume Sliders here is the next QOL they should add

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Let us pick our default ball when catching wild pokemon. I think this would be a much-needed improvement to the game, there was a time when one of the updates remembered what ball type you used last used and it was great. If they added this into the game it wouldn't change much for most players but people who use a Pokemon GO+ or the Pokeball+ know the pain of having to switch from normal Pokeballs to Greatballs to catch random pokemon because you want to stock up on Pokeballs to use with the official accessories when you can't look at your phone. I even made a mock-up of what it could look like I did it really quick just to show how it could look like.

    here it is https://imgur.com/DuwEr8z

    submitted by /u/Digip3ar
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    Finally caught Ditto. It's was Bidoof.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    After a frustrating 3 months, an uninstall, a reinstall and countless bidoofs, hippops and whimsurs i finally caught a ditto. I seriously thought I won't ever. Phew

    submitted by /u/unfoldingtragedy
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    Pls help. I need it.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Everytime à photo bomb happens, the photo is covered in purple. This was happening ever since Snivy CD. Do you know how to fix it? If ya do, tell me! Please!

    submitted by /u/Oofpeople
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    Hundo & Lucky Shiny Altaria - max out?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    I have a hundo Altaria and a lucky shiny Altaria. Is it worth maxing both of these out? They're currently just under 1500 cp. Not sure whether they're useful for Battle league or not...

    submitted by /u/buy_me_lozenges
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    Are all Eggs from CD Swablu?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    On the CD are all eggs from pokestops going to be 2km and Swablu or is it just a higher chance for such eggs?

    submitted by /u/-mathemagic-
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