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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Wishing you all shiny luck this weekend. Cheers!

    Pokémon GO - Wishing you all shiny luck this weekend. Cheers!

    Wishing you all shiny luck this weekend. Cheers!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    The notorious photo bomber getting a taste of his own medicine.

    shiny boy

    submitted by /u/Bio-Matter
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    That one time Cherubi saved my butt.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    There was this one time where I was in a group work (don´t exactly remeber if it was Christmas or school) but i remember someone posted the number 420, and if you´ve been on the internet for long enough, that number is infamously refered to drugs. So my mom asked what did the number meant? And i said they were referencing Cherubi, cause Cherubi´s pokedex number is 420, and she bought it. So yeah, God bless Cherubi. I´ll be best buddying one after Deino as a symbol of gratitude.

    submitted by /u/TheLennyChannel
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    I just wanted to share my rarest shiny!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    Shiny Seviper

    Not only was it the first Seviper I'd seen, it was caught in Australia as part of Rivals week!

    submitted by /u/ScramWizard
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    Dude are obsessed with gyms

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    I dont understand why some people are overzealous about holding a gym for more than 8 hours. My dudes i want some coins too. Does it hurt your ego so much to let another group hold for 8 hours? To your benefit im trying to hold overnight with low cp so we can switch in the morning.

    submitted by /u/Taste_like_CrUMb
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    Im not going to get smeagle

    Posted: 01 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    I know it sounds pathetic, it's just a altered coloured pokemon in a game, yet I've seen a lot of people get it immediately, even some friends who don't play it too much. I'm sat here, having done all the snapshots and nothing. And I'm sad I'm not going to get it. Sorry, had to rant. If you have it, serious congratulations to you

    submitted by /u/PokeHobnobGod21
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    A year or two ago I realized I somehow had an egg all the way from 2017. Now I can never hatch it.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    I just caught a perfect iv shadow beldum

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    Anyone know how rare that is? Also I wasted all my beldum candy from the beldum event on a regular metagross so I don't have much candy is it worth the grind?

    submitted by /u/Boring_Moment_6125
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    Suddenly hundreds of pokestops appeared around me

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    There was only 1 gym and 3 pokestops in the area where I normally live. I just opened the game and saw hundreds of new pokestops around me. There are even 2 in my house. All the apartment buildings in the neighborhood are now pokestops and none of them have photos, only names. It wasn't like that 1 hour ago. What is the reason of this? Is it all a mistake and will it be back again?

    submitted by /u/umutmcan
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    No shiny smeargle. Fine.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    shiny smeargle hunting

    At least it's easy to throw to get the decent XP......

    submitted by /u/WBBx
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    I have a Kecleon theory that would be pretty cool

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    I have this theory that Niantic is working up to the Kecleon release, but are kind of using us to help the technology get there. I've noticed they've started to make a lot more pushes to AR, with both the "scanning of stops" as well as the Pokémon snap event, and I'd like to believe they're using us to create easy 3D models of outdoor stops. At these 3D models, we'd be able to turn on AR function and look around the stop with a silph scope, and find a kecleon clinging to it somewhere.

    I know this is quite a long-shot, but I think the idea of it is pretty neat! What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/electricsquidwilliam
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    ice castform is having its spring time~

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    so my castform suddenly turned this beautiful bright green colour.. what does this even mean.. i would appreciate a little explanation behind why this happened


    submitted by /u/Significant_Tale_403
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    What does the dragon air challenge mean?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    My special challenge is to evolve one dragonair.

    Does that mean that I have to evolve a Dratini into a dragon air? Or a dragonair into a Dragonite? I already have a Dragonite. It is my most powerful Pokémon. I want to use all the dragon candies I saved to power it up to max. So I don't wanna waste it.

    submitted by /u/TaxTheRichEndTheWar
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    Returning Player

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Feel free to remove this, I'm just ranting.

    I noticed where I'm at I can't seem to get good CP for any pokemon even if I train them up. When I go to do a battle, I face people twice my CP with all legendaries. How exactly did this game improve? I can see how unbalanced some of this stuff is.

    submitted by /u/Cynical-Cha
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    Most common gym Pokémon around the world

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Just trying to see what kinds of Pokémon end up in gyms around the world.

    Where I'm from in Vancouver Canada it's always blissey, chancey, slaking, dragonite, salamence and metagross.

    I usually try to theme them but someone always screws it up with one of the mentioned above.

    Just wondering what other parts of the world are like.

    submitted by /u/xTmackdx
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    Giovanni questions

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    Currently Giovanni has a shadow moltres and I have a super rocket radar. Can I save that super rocket radar until he gets something that interests me? And if yes, can I battle other grunts, earn mysterious components and battle other leaders in the meantime?

    Also, how often does Niantic give Giovanni tasks (for you to get a super rocket radar)?

    submitted by /u/taetaeggukkie
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    Niatanic needs to fix this!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Whenever I click on the challenge rewards, it says that I can claim stuff, and there is nothing to claim in the today, field, or the special. It frustrates me because I like to have everything organized.

    submitted by /u/yeetman121509
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    Are "Rising Star" Pokemon recorded anywhere?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    Sorry if this was asked already. I'm trying to get the Platinum medal for "Rising Star" (got 88 so far). Is there a way to check which Pokemon I have already battled? I prefer to spend my raid passes on legendaries and megas, so grinding random 1* and 3* would be quite inconvenient.

    submitted by /u/AnhelHeim
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    Who’s That Pokémon?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Long story short I was trying to appraise a Dodrio I recently caught and all of a sudden this happened... thought you guys might get a kick out of it lol


    submitted by /u/-BabyYoda-
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    AR scanning a general area

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    So I have a farm on the mid coast of NSW and since purchasing it we've done up a new drive to get from the road to the house plus a big dam off to the side, as well as a huge creek that runs past our house and all the way along to the end of our land. The only problem is that since this obviously wasn't there before and it's out in the country, the whole map is blank except for the road which barely appears on the map when you're looking at it from the house.

    My question is wondering if there's a way to scan your surroundings in the same way that you can with a Pokéstop to put points of interest on the map like water, roads, etc. Or if not possible through scanning, how would I go about putting in a request to Niantic to analyse my area to put everything on the map?

    submitted by /u/No_Advantage_237
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    Logging in issues - iOS 14.5

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Hey all, just seeing if anyone else has had a similar issue logging into PGO with the latest update for iOS 14.5? I've tried signing and it keeps saying my browsers has disabled cookies even after checking the settings I'm not blocking them and not sure what to do. I've tired quitting the apps, restarting my phone and no difference.

    submitted by /u/throwaway24643696
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    Should i power up the pokemon then evolve or can i just evolve it?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    Sorry if this has been mentioned but i cant find anything about it. Im not really sure if its a good idea or not because i had a good phanpy with really high HP and then i evolved it then i lost over half hp. So im not sure if that is normal or not.

    submitted by /u/oceanbluecrimson
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