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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Somebody literally murdered my Wailord

    Pokémon GO - Somebody literally murdered my Wailord

    Somebody literally murdered my Wailord

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Some sicko thought it'd be ok to decapitate my Wailord that I left to defend a gym? Pokémon battling is supposed to be all in good fun, this is totally unexpected and my heart is broken. My heart goes out to you Wailord, you will never be forgotten :'(


    submitted by /u/JeffTheEpic
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    Anyone else have a silly attachment to their Buddy?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    As more and more Pokemon have started to require buddying up to evolve, It's become more and more frustrating for me for an absolutely silly reason. My buddy normally is a shiny Poochyena named after my 13 year old dog, and I recognize that it's silly, but I've grown an attachment towards having them always be the buddy for my avatar. I managed to snag her one night a few months after rescuing her when she was begging me for a midnight stroll. Happened to catch the shiny Poochyena not 50 yards from the house. It was too much of a special circumstance not to name the Pooch after her.

    She's an old girl, and I recognize that, and it just makes it a bit more difficult for me I suppose. Anyone else have a similar experience or memory attached to a particular buddy/pokemon?

    submitted by /u/GoldenLink
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    People who don’t send stickers - are you ok?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    What are you doing with this massive excess of stickers? Do you also have undeleted emails, text messages? Is your life a chaotic mess of red notifications?! Explain yourself!

    submitted by /u/Impressive_Yoghurt
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    Hope it hasn’t gone rotten (2016 egg)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Started playing again after a 5 yr break, hope it hasn't gone off when it hatches


    submitted by /u/daddypoopup
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    Here’s a Tip! - Seven Coloured Rainbow

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Lots of comments about it... no posts yet on how to do it... I don't believe ...

    To Battle in the Great League for step 3 !



    thats it, thats all.


    Good luck out there, trainers!

    Happy catchin 'em all!

    Take care

    Stay safe!

    Happy gaming!

    submitted by /u/coolin68
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    Is Regigigas usable in anything? Worth powering up?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Given his super high CP, is there any place where he could be used? For raids, ML maybe? His attacks seems to be lacking a bit, but I guess that's to replace his ability in the main games.

    submitted by /u/RedLuigi69
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    "Come on, bud, i prepared everything. One quick 12-round sesh."

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:18 AM PDT


    Sometimes, on impulse, Machamps will grab anything available in the house and make a ring to train on. A similar attitude to the 'nesting behaviour' of animals in season, but for training and fighting instead.

    For this reason, Machamp must never be the only fighting-type Pokémon you have... unless you are remarkably fit yourself to train alongside them.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Am I the only one who thinks megas should be accessible in raids?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Ok let me explain. So every time i get invited to a raid and see that little orange indicator, i don't know bout y'all but i click that right away without thinking twice. But as soon as i get in the lobby I'm like shit i have all these Pokémon that i could've mega evolved for this but i completely forgot! And since i have no way of contacting the person who invited me in-game, since i only added them from a forum on reddit most of the time, i can't tell them to back out or wait for me to mega evolve and come back in. Does everyone always just have a mega going at all times or how do yall do it?

    submitted by /u/UconnThrowaway42
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    GBL should include an option to skip Pokémon Reward battles

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    So I've been constantly running low on balls recently. Last week I completed a task and won 35 Ultra balls and was so happy, but then a Shiny Regirock popped up as my reward on GBL (despite having caught three of them already) and it took me about 45 balls to catch it. Then this week I've been trying to make steady progress on Ultra League and increase my rare candies so I can finally get a Bastiodon for when Great League comes back, and the last three Pokémon rewards have been a Regigigas, so I'm completely out of balls again now which means I'm going to have to effectively stop battling in GBL until I obtain enough Ultra balls again or level up. Does anybody else get frustrated by this problem?

    submitted by /u/reddit_police_dpt
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    Can’t beat Giovanni, getting frustrated

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Giovanni is using Persian, Machamp, and Ho-Oh.

    He just smokes me. I open with Machamp and do a decent job against his Persian. But then his Machamp smokes me. Hard. I've tried so many counters, and I rarely even get to his Ho-Oh, let alone defeat it.

    I'm level 40, I've played since day one of launch, and it shouldn't be this hard.

    Any tips before I ragequit?


    submitted by /u/Hoylegu
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    A Laggy Mess

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    I play on a Moto G6. I've been playing on this phone since February 2020. I have not had a single issue regarding lag until last week.

    It's just been a laggy mess the entire time. It's been laggy on wifi and data. It's lagged both outside and inside. So I know it's not heat-related. It crashes my phone and it takes ages for me to be able to restart it. My phone has crashed three times today already and it was when I was actively using pokemon go. (And it's not even noon yet.) I can go on pretty much any app without issue... except for pokemon go.

    I got an invite to a random Regigias remote raid while I was out on a walk today. I joined the raid. I went through two mons and my phone freezed. Phone unfroze and the battle was over. I got my raid prizes. Went to capture Regigias. Got through two balls and my phone froze. I literally couldn't do anything. I ended up putting my phone away and driving home because I had things to do today. I got home, rebooted my phone, and got back onto pokemon go. The raid encounter was gone. Wasted a remote raid pass because the app won't stop crashing/freezing.

    I'm on the app right now. I'm doing absolutely nothing. No gyms/stops or mon are near me and it's fine. But once I try to catch mon, appraise mons, spin stops, open/send gifts, or join raids... it freezes. I checked this morning and I don't have any new updates.

    Is this happening to anyone else? It's been happening a little over a week now and I'm getting sick of it. I just want to play, but I literally can't do anything without it crashing my phone.

    submitted by /u/Tie-Dyed-Geese
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    [rant\in need of help] Pokémon Go Warnings - A testament to how unhelpful support can be at times.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Let me preface this by saying I have played Pokémon Go since 2016. I have never used any hacks, 3rd party software, or modified software in Pokémon Go, as I firmly believe that those sorts of things completely ruin a game for others and for yourself.

    Despite this, I have received a warning and a shadow ban this Wednesday during the release of the new update.

    These shadow bans last 7 days, but mine for some reason started with only a 5 day timer for whatever reason. I'm not only greeted with that but greeted with a warning that if I continue I could be suspended and permanently banned.

    But what am I continuing? I have not used any software, I'm not cheating, I've done nothing but played the game consistently for years. And upon contacting Niantic stating that I know it was a mistake, I'm given a copy paste response that says that the system detected behavior that suggests that I am using third party software.

    So now I have to live in fear in this that this system will detect a piece of behavior that could possibly suggest cheating and then I'm out for 30 days or possibly permanently when I have done nothing wrong. And from what I've heard, others have experienced issues as well. But there are so few notes of it that I doubt it will be noticed. It's incredibly frustrating that a game I've sunk so many hours into could now just have all my work demolished if the system screws up again.

    If you have any suggestions, please tell me. I won't lie, I really feel that this will harm my future playtime with the game.

    submitted by /u/AndrewOnline_
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    Dark theme for playing at night

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I bet lot of ppl though of dark mode at some point.

    Recently PoGo introduced outgoing animation, when you escape from catching Pokémon. It is like flashbang for my eyes. All menu elements switching from white to black would be nice too, but most bugging is the animation.

    What do you think, would you welcome this implementation?

    submitted by /u/nfsmw5
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    I am so sad

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    I found a raid with 10 people ready to fight and catch a regigigas, we won and I was excited to get a Legendary, but I used all my golden raspberries and I made and excellent throw and he still didn't stay in. Could someone please tell me what the chances are if catching it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Ill-Disaster713
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    Leaked Conversation from a Recent Niantic Corporate Office Meeting

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Employee #1: I mean, I like getting money from these rubes... I mean, our players... but can't we figure out a way to make the game suck a bit more for them?

    Emp2: Well, after the last update, it's preeeeetty glitchy. It has to be annoying for them to have these barely perceptible jitters in the animations.

    Emp1: Sure, sure, that was a great idea, but is there something a little more blatant we can do. Maybe we can just slow things down but make it look like it's ACTUALLY prettier or nicer.

    Emp3: I have an idea! Let's put in a pointless animation when you back out of the catch screen that slows down the process of going back to the map view by flashing the screen white and then sloooowwwwly fading to the map. I mean, I don't think anyone will quit over it - I have a mortgage, after all - but it should REALLY piss them off. What do you guys think?

    Emp1 & Emp2: HUZZAH!!!

    submitted by /u/WrlsFanatc
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    Catch A Cubone task

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    For anybody who still needs that and is frustrated as I was: You can do a Alola-Marowak raid and catch that. It actually counts!

    submitted by /u/Rixluu
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    Should I get multiple Regigigas?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    I was recently able to get myself a Regigigas via a raid and he ended up having very good IVs. I was wondering if it might be worth trying to get another one however. Is he a Pokémon worth having multiple of? Or is he more of a Pokémon you have for clout. (I kinda want a shiny one). I'm a free to play so remote raid passes are very valuable, so I should spend mine wisely.

    submitted by /u/PlebLordColin
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    Finally accomplished a childhood (and adulthood) goal that I never thought I would: a legitimate Shiny Mew

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:22 AM PDT


    I really like they way they did this event. I was worried that, if Shiny Mew were ever released, it would be in a way that would ruin its rarity, but I personally like the fact that they made this Shiny Mew not only obtainable through an event but also requiring thousands of hours of gameplay to obtain.

    It was a real challenge to obtain it but fun to have motivation to play and a goal to work toward. Really glad I started up GO again a year or so ago.

    Thanks Pokemon Go.

    submitted by /u/j4kz
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    How the heck do you keep track of gifts?!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    So I posted on pogofriends loads of people added me now I'm trying to figure out how to keep track of who I've already sent a gift to today Does anyone have any good tips for gift and friend management?!

    submitted by /u/firelordwasif
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