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    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Pokemon Go in Iraq

    Pokémon GO - Pokemon Go in Iraq

    Pokemon Go in Iraq

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I have no political motivation behind posting this -- although I can imagine the comments coming -- it's just a crazy article about Pokemon Go:

    Screenshots of Bagram after the troops left show low-level Pokemon, normally easily defeated, stuck guarding locations, perhaps indefinitely. A tiny Lotad has defended the former Warrior Chapel at Bagram for 10 days, while a lowly Aron has defended a memorial to a fallen servicemember for about two weeks.


    submitted by /u/gafalkin
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    Y'all need to stop hating on this Bidoof event.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Seriously, it's great. I know a lot of you don't play the mains series and thus don't know how Bidoof is a huge meme, but this playerbase really can't take a joke.

    Bidoof is a meme, the XP gain is great, and it's all just for fun. So lighten up a bit lol.

    submitted by /u/Icy_Laprrrras
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    Just caught a shiny skarmory!!!!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    http://imgur.com/gallery/jHcyKsU I just caught a shiny skarmory I've been chasing for a really long time!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Deadshotdeads
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    �� Bro Shiny Bidoofs Do Not Exist ��

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    I have caught 689 Bidoofs in the past two days and not one of them have been shiny man. I have over 1,200 Bidoof candy. I have heard the squeak of that Bidoof 689 times in a row and my mental state has deteriorated. I hear Bidoof squeaking in my sleep. I hear Bidoof when I'm walking around the house, taunting me. All for not one shiny Bidoof.

    I'm just repeating the Untitled song by Simple Plan in my head over and over. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME" then hear Bidoof squeak laugh at my agony. Send help.


    🚦UPDATE AT 10:39PM🚦


    submitted by /u/Martywtss93
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    How to Element Cup

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    I'm not good at PVP in this game, but I enjoy it. The element cup seemed fun so I tried it out. After getting 30 consecutive wins, I thought maybe my team and strat wasn't just a series of flukes. I seen a lot of people having troubles with it. So, maybe this can help some folks if you have these Pokémon because they're crushing for me.

    I have only used:

    493CP 4/7/15 Growlithe, Ember/Flamethrower

    494CP 6/14/5 non-TM'd Shadow Oddish, Razor Leaf/Frustration

    498 14/14/14 Clauncher, Water Gun/Crabhammer

    I keep seeing people trying to be cute or clever bringing in Ducklett, Chinchou and Slowpoke with Wing Attack to counter grass, Spark to counter water and Confusion to counter Bulbasaur and Oddish. Hasn't worked out for those people.

    This cup isn't like other cups. It couldn't be, because I'm actually succeeding at this one. Quick Attacks and quickly switching to counters is all that matters. Only one of my wins was the result of a charge attack winning the day. All the rest was the same basic rules:

    Lead with fire. If they lead water, instaswitch to grass and chunk out half their HP before (if) they switch to make them anxious. Your opponent is a human like you, and element cup moves very fast so take advantage of how quickly tides can turn in this cup. ALWAYS be looking at the top right corner to see what type they switch-in to. Don't wait until you see their switch-in because it'll already be attacking you by that point. Use the type icons in the top right corner so you know sooner. One second is 25% of a health bar in this cup. Every Super Effective hit you avoid is critical.

    Big chunk moves like Charm on Cottonee are good in other cups, but without Super Effective bonus damage, Charm just doesn't cut it in this cup. Avoid it. There's no dragons to fight here. Just use standard fire water grass. Don't try to be clever: be quick instead. Hope this helps somebody. I like this cup a lot.

    Just for clarity on the pic: I usually hand out wins most of the time after getting to 20. Hence my awful W:L ratio. That, and I suck. ;p


    submitted by /u/OberonPrimeGX
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    Er…I the only one who didn’t get a shiny?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    I never thought the failed pursuit of a derpy discolored beaver could cause such anguish but…here we are. WTF

    submitted by /u/buttersbottom
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    My shiny Celebi is 69% iv

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    I used pokegenie to check the iv of my deoxys and decided to check my mythical and legendary and my celebi came out as 69%

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Wolf753
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    Just a point of interest, Bidoof day is today, July 1, which is also Canada Day a country renowned for its beavers

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Beavers have a place in every Canadian's heart, right next to Shania Twain, plaid shirts and maple syrup.

    submitted by /u/fast_xp
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    Can someone explain to me what’s the hype about BIDOOF?!?!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Okay, I gotta ask this after too many days of bidoof and more bidoof. Currently sitting on 5k+ bidoof candies. Caught so many because of the bonus XPs but I don't understand the hype lol

    submitted by /u/pgomav
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    Guide on how to raid defense Deoxys with the poke genie app

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey guys, since I've read about people having trouble with this, I thought a quick guide would be helpful. If there is already a guide about this I'm sorry for being late lol.

    Step-by-step guide: 1. First of all you look for the too counters for dd. 2. After you have done your research, you choose the 6 best counters from your collection. 3. Add them to your Pokémon collection in poke genie via screenshot 4. Tap on these pokemon you've added and tap on the sword symbol. Here you can choose, which fast and charge move the Pokémon has. Add the moves to the Pokémon. 5. once you have done this the app will calculate if the damage output is high enough for you to join the queue for dd. 6. if the do is not high enough, you can choose other Pokémon from your collection or tm them other moves, as a gengar with focus blast won't be as useful as with shadow ball. After you tm ed, you can change the move also in the poke genie app and it will calculate the damage output again.

    Pardon my poor choice of words btw.

    I hope it helps you guys.

    submitted by /u/PINCode143
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    I dont have a giovanni quest.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Ive apparently already completed a troubling situation and i legit have no giovanni quest in my questlist. I have lets go meltan a mythical discovery and stuff like that which dont have nothing to do with giovanni. At least i dont think they have anything to do. I looked online and it says that there is a quest called a seven colored shadow or something but it just doesnt exist what should i do?

    submitted by /u/divineneos85
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    My buddy got promoted to BEST BUDDY!��

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    So my buddy, Rainer ( Aka Vaporeon) got promoted to BEST BUDDY today! He has helped me so much since I started playing, He is really the BEST POKEMON I EVER HAD! and I'm so proud of him💙💙

    submitted by /u/Josiiieee15
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    My first ever 4* Pokémon!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    I started playing seriously earlier this year and I got my first ever 4* from an 10km egg!

    And it's one of my favourite Pokémon too! A Riolu!!! 🤩🤩🤩


    submitted by /u/ReeceyTV
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    Bug report: Powering up Bidoof does not count for the level 41 power up a legendary 20 times task

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Like I said in the title, powering up Bidoof does not count for the level 41 power up a legendary 20 times task. I hope Niantic fixes this disrespectful bug as soon as possible.

    submitted by /u/mismatched7
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    I made my 2 accounts look exactly the same, got the Style achievement

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    just thought it was amusing. I got the style achievement when both my trainers looked exactly the same, even the hair and eye colors.

    Photo of the raid and rewards: https://imgur.com/a/0C6gu3q

    I also did a raid with a 3rd person, I asked him to do nothing all raid (the pokemon was Pinsir) and got different rewards

    submitted by /u/Communist-Toastt
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    my lil sis sent me a twerking Bidoof as a result of her game glitching

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Im not sure how to feel about it, but she told me to post it here. enjoy

    The video is here.

    submitted by /u/Moonimations
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    Is there a way to actually get a spoofer terminated from the game?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    I have a malicious spoofer in my local area that has completely invaded a park. They have EIGHT accounts in total: 2 valor, 2 instinct, and 4 mystic. This spoofer found this park back in December 2020 when it was a popular nest and has decided to live here ever since (today is July 2021). They inhabit all gyms in the park. They 'shave' other players with opposite colors to make room for their own accounts. They will golden razz repeatedly if active when you try to remove them. They have targeted several of us local players to the point where we leave the gyms blank. They play all 8 of their accounts daily within a several hour span partially when the park is closed to the people that actually live and play here.

    Basically, I am wondering if there is anyway to permanently remove this player and their EIGHT accounts. They have been a frustration on the locals that play here.

    submitted by /u/Academic-Factor-9711
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    Thanos at it again collecting all of the Infinity Doofs

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    I walked over 100km and check over 2,200 bidoof and I would 100% do it again.


    submitted by /u/_sangarang_
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    QoL - Raid Timer

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I live in a less populated area and every raid I do is solo. So usually i can only take on tier 1-3 mons.

    Most of the gyms around me are playgrounds and schools…I don't want to sit in front of these areas for two minutes waiting to start a raid.

    Please give us the option to skip the 2min timer.

    submitted by /u/xxTonayxx
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    Today's event got me like

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Joked around all day about the bidoof event.

    Image here

    submitted by /u/Contefeu
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    When was the last time you got something useful from an egg?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    I have been holding incubators for longer than I would like to admit, almost nothing in eggs has any value. It's been months since I have received a Pokémon worth keeping

    submitted by /u/Chewskiz
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    How do I change the recommended team in poke genie?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    I'm trying to join the Deoxys raid in Pokes Genie but it says based on recommended team, my contribution is 5%. If I can choose the team instead, I can get it to the 20% needed to be allowed to join. I'm level 41 and have good mons to be a good contributor. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bryands89
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    What happened to Magikarp?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I swear I think I've seen 4 magikarps in the past 7 months I've been playing this game again. Where'd they all go? And it's not a region thing I live in south florida near a handful of pretty big lakes. I just want a Gyrados man

    submitted by /u/WhiteArch
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    Bidoof woes

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    I have been HUNTING for a shiny Bidoof, just like the rest of y'all, since last weekend. Yesterday, I played about a total of 4-5 hours, catching every freakin' Bidoof I could find. AT THE LAST MINUTE, my FRIEND (who was hunting with me all yesterday) finds and catches a shiny Bidoof! I start grumbling and complaining, etc. I think, oh well, it's just a game. BUT YO, I open the game this morning, see 1 Bidoof among other Pokémon, and it was a shiny! It's like the game is listening to my complaints!

    submitted by /u/nickwalk2014
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    How to make most of Boosted XP events: Excellent Throws or Expert Handler?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Which is better for getting XP: Excellent Throws or Expert Handler? I did the maths, found the answer, and shared it in the bottom.

    Story: This 4x XP Bidoof event had me wondering what really is the faster way to earn XP during boosted events between going for the +1000 bonus for excellent throws and the +300 bonus for expert handler in AR+. So I did some analysis thought I'd share what I figured out. Hope some of you find this helpful.

    I didnt mean to get this in depth when I started but here my whole dive into a speed catch vs AR plus XP earning comparison analysis

    First lets make assumptions: •We are getting x6 xp (x3 from event x2 from lucky egg) •We are trying to catch any Pokémon •Pokemon: never dodge poke-balls; get caught on first attempt; immediately respawn after caught •Nobody ever gets curve ball nor first throw XP bonuses (they basically cancel and it makes maths easier later)

    Starting with speed catch going for excellent throw every time you get 6600 per Pokémon but only 600 if you miss. Your speed catching so 140 (25 seconds per catch) Pokémon per hour seem about right.

    AR+ gives +300xp for expert handler and getting close makes great throws basically unmissable for easy +100. So a great expert handler catch gets you 3000 per Pokémon. Expert handler takes some amount of time to approach so you're also only catching 75 (45seconds per catch) Pokémon per hour.

    Now lets maths: •For AR+ trainer 100% great throws with expert handler (75poke/hour) XP per hour is: 75*3000=225k

    •For the speed catcher to earn more XP than the trainer using AR+ then: 6600(140X)+600(140(1-X)) must be greather than 225k; Where X is the probability of hitting the excellent throw.

    X must be greater than 47/280 ~ 0.17

    CONCLUSION: A speed catcher will only earn more XP than a trainer in AR if the speed catcher lands excellent more than 47 out of 280 throws or greater than 16.8% of attempts.

    Other tradeoffs to consider are that the AR player uses much fewer pokeballs and can almost endlessly chain encounters one after another with only incense. Speed catching is more heavily reliant on being near poke-stops and populated spawn areas however offers almost double the chances to get a hundo or shiny through sheer volume of encounters.

    Hope this helps some of you with future events. Have fun catching them all!

    submitted by /u/AmatuerGenius
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