• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 20, 2021

    Pokémon GO - So i was busy with a bachelor party this weekend and didn't get to participate in the fest very much. Just finished my Meloetta quest today and...well...

    Pokémon GO - So i was busy with a bachelor party this weekend and didn't get to participate in the fest very much. Just finished my Meloetta quest today and...well...

    So i was busy with a bachelor party this weekend and didn't get to participate in the fest very much. Just finished my Meloetta quest today and...well...

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    I just got my seventeenth 4* of the game. While technically not a shundo (of which i have zero), a 4* mythical, exclusive to an event, that you can only get ONE of is still a pretty exclusive club.


    submitted by /u/Taggart451
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    Pokémon Go has brought me and my sister together

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Me and my sister haven't had a good relationship. We have fought for several years now, but now we are so much closer. We drive in her car and collect pokémon, and we have never bonded more. This app really impacted our sibling relationship in a very positive way. Now, we are able to talk to each other and get along perfectly. I thought you guys might want to know

    submitted by /u/ringth
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    Does anyone feel like pogo needs to change the common spawns?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one who has no interest in playing in non-event days because of the boring spawns like bunnelby, lillipup, sentrent, etc. I feel like it should shift more often and include the rarer spawns more (like noibat or deino, not as commons but more frequent). Logging in and seeing the same 3 Pokémon by my house everyday is very discouraging and monotonous, anything to spice up the boring everyday Pokémon.

    Edit- I see many people taking this as me saying I want more and more rare spawns to replace common spawns. I was more getting at maybe they should change the common pool more frequently and add a few new ones here and then to spice up variety. Maybe change the spawn pool once a month rather than each season?

    submitted by /u/nicky45900
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    Poke genie is a blessing to have

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    The area I live in barely has anyone that plays so now that I can raid just by using poke genie, it feels so good to have.

    I played when the game first launched and it was great before but after a month or so, the game died in the area i was in. No one to raid with and despite legendary raids everywhere, there was no one to raid with.

    Poke genie lets me raid now and finally get legendary Pokémon that I actually want. I found a mewtwo raid and hosted the raid, within 5 seconds the lobby was full. It felt amazing having people to raid with .

    Tldr; Poke genie pretty much brought back my enjoyment of playing pogo. Hopefully more people in my area will play soon but for now I don't need to worry about having a legendary raid and no one being there.

    submitted by /u/LittleGiant_10
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    I’m certain PokémonGo hates me

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    I seen 45 Mewtwo's and not a single shiny? How is that even possible? To be honest, the first two sightings of Mewtwo there wasn't a shiny variant in game But still...


    submitted by /u/Jeffreygeurtss
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    Made a fun GO FEST themed lunch

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    I like to make fun themed lunches. And of course this past weekends theme was go fest.

    A salami sandwich PokeBall and Pikachu broccoli cheddar rice


    submitted by /u/dev_doll
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    Can I teather my iPhone 8 with no sim in it to my iPhone 12 and be able to play so my 6 year daughter can use my old phone without having to buy a sim or contract ect?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I recently upgraded my phone and my daughter has really expressed an interest in playing my Pokémon go, with the school summer holidays starting soon I thought it would be the perfect time to set her up her own account to get her out doing stuff through the holiday.

    My question is if I use wick to install and log into her account and then teather it to my phone with unlimited data would she be able to go on long walks out and about and play as normal?

    submitted by /u/DR_Eric_Cartman
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    What is your GO Fest trophy?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    What pokemon did you catch at GO fest that you want to brag about? 100%er? Shiny? One you never thought that you would get?

    I finally caught a pink dratini. I played the community day and still did not get one. So I am super excited that I finally have one.

    submitted by /u/MaraMarieMadd
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    Anyone else feel hungover?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    After a marvellous GO Fest, everything is back to normal. Instead of shiny bonanza and super cool raids, it's Sentret, Pidgey and Caterpie.

    I'm just an average player but still managed to get 27 different shinys, and 13 legendary. Of course I could have played harder on sunday but hey, life is more than pogo right?

    But the emptiness yesterday and today is real. What do I do now? Why should I bother taking a walk or doing raids? Why would I even open up the pogo app…

    Anyone else who needs therapy?

    submitted by /u/Humlannitton
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    Hosting raids with Poke Genie

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Just a day after Go Fest 2021 I discovered the possibility to easily host raids with Poke Genie. I thought I could only raid with remote raid passes because I have nobody to raid with in person. Now I can use my daily normal raid pass to keep raiding Mewtwo till Friday. I am excited!!!

    submitted by /u/_freshness
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    I caught a Mewtwo on my first raid battle! It not the best but I love it. I'm only a level 21

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    My gf was not happy she was at work and I couldn't inv lol but I told her i would try again and help her

    submitted by /u/Pokemon4lyfe480
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    Getting a new Pokestop approved

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Does anyone have some insight on what it takes to get a new stop approved? I'm a semi-rural player and have submitted a local cemetary which is not yet a stop to become one. It's been without approval or review or something for quite a bit now. Due to the location I'm guessing nobody comes around the area so I don't know if that matters or not.

    I think it meets all the criteria I believe, being historically significant as a pioneer cemetary where the markers are still maintained, it's publically accessable, and the grass is constantly maintained. Would appreciate any input as this would bring the closest stop within a reasonable family walk rather than having to get in my car.

    submitted by /u/RONINY0JIMBO
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    Pokemon to invest stardust/candy

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    I'm currently level 35 and looking for a strategy for upgrading/powering pokemon. The question can be divided in 2 parts; battling, raiding. I want to know what your strategy is.

    1. Battling: Do you guys have a squad for battling (how big is the squad)? On which criteria do you chose a pokemon for that squad (other then iv's)?

    2. Raiding: Do you have a squad dedicated to each raid boss? Which iv pokemon do you invest candy/stardust (80+ or 90+ etc.)?

    I hope my questions are all clear. 😅

    submitted by /u/StrijderI2
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    5 years old egg

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    I just noticed that my beedrill has been inside its egg for almost 5 years. It was probably one of my first eggs back when I downloaded Pokemon Go http://imgur.com/a/2aUZlvp

    submitted by /u/BillyfromItaly
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    Help me defeat Giovanni!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    I keep getting shadow Persian, shadow Machamp, and of course shadow Ho-Oh. I cannot beat Giovanni to save my life. I don't even get close.

    submitted by /u/h_brad12
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    Post GO Fest Bonus

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    So I just found out something actually kind of nice today after GO Fest ended yesterday. If your buddy is swapped from whatever you currently have to Meloetta, you'd then get to hear the pop star/rock star music from the event again. This ends once Meloetta is no longer your buddy, but it's still a nice touch that lets people continue to enjoy music from the event, even though it's over.

    submitted by /u/The-Purple-Mew
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    2021 GoFest was NOT a bust

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I left this subreddit because I only felt like I saw complaints about the smallest issues.. say what you want. But I came out with 14 new shiny Pokémon and 12 legendary (two of which were shiny). Oh and I still have almost 200 ultra balls. Please tell me there are people that were happy with the outcome of this weekends events?

    submitted by /u/DoUCThatTree
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    I played all Go Fest alone

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    I'm into Pokemon Go since its beginning, and so are all my friends. We used to go out together, catch shinies, legendaries and have fun. One day, one of my friends told everyone the name of an app where you can play from home, so they became all flyers. I'm the only one who remained loyal to the legit way of playing the game. I prayed all my friends to at least be with me for this year Go Fest, but none of them showed up and I ended playing 6 hours walking alone while they were to their houses playing in San Francisco. It was the saddest Go Fest for me. I think spoofers/flyers and the platforms who permit it are ruining the game. Doing a Go Fest alone really sucks, I caught a lot of shinies but could't celebrate with anyone. The best my friends think they could do was tell me where to find hundos, thinking that in this way they could make amends. They don't understand that's not the point. Pokemon Go cheats ruin the spirit of the game, and this is a real shame. Hoping for a better Go Fest for me next year.

    submitted by /u/yeaahbitch
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    How to find out about upcoming events

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I keep seeing people saying something is coming a week in advance, obviously things like go fest everyone knows about but stuff like the Squirtle spotlight hour I can't find anything out until 10 minutes before half the time by accident. So basically, what's the best way to find out about upcoming Pokemon go events?

    submitted by /u/YoungMeerkat
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    Can iTunes cards be used to get poke coins?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Thinking about buying one but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to buy poke coins! Has anyone tried this is it possible? Thanks a lot ahead of time!

    submitted by /u/SnooPredictions7193
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    Shiny Mewtwo 98% IV - I'M SHOCKED & SO THANKFUL

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT


    I don't know how many times I had to raid Mewtwo this year, but I was never able to get any luck with a shiny one until this month, and here it is. A huge thank you to all of the amazing trainers I've raided with and to the awesome Pokemon Go community! By the way, Pokemon Go Fest this year was a blast! I'm definitely looking forward to next year's!

    submitted by /u/TheSnorlaxTrainer
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