• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Goodbye for Now…

    Pokémon GO - Goodbye for Now…

    Goodbye for Now…

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    This game was fun, but there comes a time when the company (niantic) doesn't listen to their customers/fans and it really is a bummer. Just like a real relationship, you don't want to be with a person who won't listen to a thing you say. With that, I am leaving and I will return once Niantic learns to listen.

    submitted by /u/Mr_FROGninja
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    TIL: You can save searches in PoGo

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    If you did a Recent search, it is temporarily listed under "Recent". You tap and hold on one of the searches, it will "Save" it for Favorite

    Just wanted to put it out there if no one else knew about it

    submitted by /u/allatain
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    Does anyone else feel that the Ultra Unlock rewards from Go Fest are more of a cleverly arranged devious ploy by Niantic to rinse more money out of us?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    120 plus raids later over 3 accounts no shiny Palkia or Dialga! One account did get a shiny Bunnelby!

    Would it help if I pretend to be an unmotivated player and not login for a week? 😤

    submitted by /u/Empty_Election_6212
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    My 10-day Grind For Hatching 12x12km Eggs Concludes

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    My aim was to hatch 12 12km Eggs at the same time with a star piece and a lucky egg on.

    Didn't buy any rocket radars. Just bought the super incubators.

    Gained 101620 XP and 78246 stardust. I think it was worth it. As a solo player, it feels very good to be able to execute these kind of high level strategies.

    Also, I have some screenshots taken during my grind but couldn't post them. I would post them if permission is granted.

    submitted by /u/Lord_of_Empires
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    PoGo PVP sucks

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    tldr sort of: I was going to rant about why it's so garbage but I remembered nobody cares, everyone thinks it's either a great thing, or the worst thing, or they don't play it, and niantic won't change anything about it anyway.

    Here's some screaming into a void of "why did I spend so much time and effort into doing this when I can't even get anything worthwhile out of it"

    aaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaa here's why;

    • Spent 24ish hours of focused game time playing pvp to get to "max" rank (to get ranked at all)
    • Spent many hundreds of thousands of stardust making decent pvp pokemon.
    • got back about 200,000 dust in total
    • frustratingly fought for every single win and every battle still usually just comes down to who gets lucky with their first pokemon sent out
    • after all that effort and about a 60% win rate, I still start off with a low rating of 1975.

    On my "friend's account" I threw every single game till I was in matches with other people also throwing. I get up to max rank through pathetic wins (30% WR but every game I wanted to win was super easy), and I get a better starting rank of 2000. Also got more stardust since anytime I wanted to win Id get the 5 bonus win anyway.

    why even have a hidden mmr in the first 20 ranks if it doesn't mean anything? why have a time investment of 20+ hours of dedicated screen tapping to get to the point where you can have a rating? why have the cost of making a good team so high with the return so low? why hide the best appearance items behind the grindiest garbage ever? why have mmr in the first place for this, the game has very little to do with any skill and much more to do with if you can afford to have ideal pokemon with bad IVs so that they maximize their damage/survivability in pvp? I get that it makes a marginal difference in stats, but even when you get rid of that barrier to entry you still just have a game of rock paper scissors; Did you send out a pokemon weak to the enemy? if yes, congrats you lose because if you switch theyll switch to counter and you're down one poke no matter what. If no then you won maybe, whoever has to switch first loses. mmr is a stupid system anyway that encourages everyone to have a 50/50 win rate which sucks all the enjoyment out of being good at a game, you can never be bad at it because "ideally" you're winning half the games because "ideally" you go against someone your own skill level, and even when it doesn't work out like that you have about the same odds of versing a higher rank player as a lower so it evens out unless you're at the very very top, but regardless of that exception even if you face a higher rank or lower rank player, luck makes the biggest impact because of the first pokemon to be thrown out thing. Whatever, doesn't matter, never touching this again, might throw more games just for the free stardust.

    This is worse than league of legends.

    extra bonus side note: It's great that niantic has so many places we can voice our opinions! Reddit is the ideal place for something like this, strict arbitrary rules on good posts breeds a healthy environment :) p.s.s. And the only environment not counting twitter!

    submitted by /u/Zyga21
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    Another side of the removal of perks

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    I know that everyone has been upset about the distance reduction to the interaction of pokestops, and I know that people would most likely say that my complaint is just how you should play the game. My complaint is the removal of the effectiveness of incense, as someone with a newly diagnosed condition, the incense giving a pokemon a minute helped since I can't go walking during events anymore. A little background, I have been playing Pokemon Go since launch, and within the first year of the game releasing I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. When I was doing treatment and out of work, I would walk to keep myself occupied. Eventually the cancer went into remission and came back. I had to spend time in the hospital a week at a time, taking 22 hour bags of chemo, which meant I got a half hour a day to walk down to the bottom of the hospital and out to a courtyard to spin the pokestop. After those chemos, I ended up being in another hospital for a bone marrow transplant, and this was during the 2017 event with Lugia and all of the other birds rolling out in raids. I had a pokestop and no spawns for a solid month, since I was stuck in the ward with no immune system. I would walk daily, even though at that point it didn't help much, since adventure sync wasn't a thing. Once I was on the mend I would walk almost constantly, though as everyone in my family would point out, my walking was getting worse. I ended up with a pretty severe foot drop and knee pains. I went to physical therapy and while there I walked the most I have ever walked in a week, adventure sync had said about 40 km. Now about 2 years later, it turns out I was aggravating a side effect of the steroids I was given during the chemo, osteonecrosis. So far I know it is affecting my right knee, but I am figuring it is affecting both ankles as well. My walking distance is horribly cut, and now I can't really do much to play Pokemon Go, besides driving somewhere to park and play, or playing from home, which just lost pokestop access (just out of reach, but who's counting, I haven't spun in 3 weeks out of protest), and I get a fair amount of spawns every 30 minutes or so, but incense was a godsend for me during the pandemic. Now that it is one every 5 minutes I don't see a reason to care anymore, especially seeing as I would be putting myself in more danger trying to walk a local path to increase spawns.

    submitted by /u/republicbuilder
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    Hands are shaking…

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Are you kidding me with this? I assume this is what a surgeon feels on his first day after med-school. https://imgur.com/a/yN9yY23

    submitted by /u/parothed28
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    Niantic make stop distance 80m and just make it so if you’re 40m or closer you get extra items

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Niantic make stop distance 80m and just make it so if you're 40m or closer you get extra items from the spin. This would incentivize players to go closer at times while also allowing safety for areas that you can't get right up to the stop and would benefit all players while also still keeping to your "exploration agenda". On another thought maybe being under 40m could have a percentage to drop a rare candy which in turn would make people want to get within the specified area even more and could be a great addition to the game alone.

    submitted by /u/Spec-X_X-Ops
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    Niantic's Business Page says quite a bit about what we can expect from Niantic's "Task Force" findings come Sept 1st.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Not shocking to many but well worth reading just how extremely important it is for them to have players go right to the exact poke stop locations. Gives a pretty good indication of what the community concerns listed in zoetwodots's letter are up against and what the likely outcome will be. Their player statistics are a bit sus too lol. The press highlights at the bottom are a real nice touch lol. Is the right approach then to mainly boycott sponsored stops and let the sponsors know why?


    submitted by /u/Equivalent_Yak8861
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    I’m Being Targeted and it’s Exhausting

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Mainly to rant about what I've been going through the last few weeks. In the area I live in, there's a bunch of spoofers. There's specifically this Valorant group that takes a lot of gyms around. I had gone to one and took it over once and they had immediately kicked me. So, I moved on. For some reason after that, the group follows me around in the area and kicks me out all the time. it's annoying since it's the neighborhood I live in and it's limited to where I can drive to.

    Lately they've been kicking me 9-10 minutes after I take the gym near my house and then leave it neutral. I stay there and can definitely confirm no one else stands there.

    It's really upsetting that they're so petty over me just playing the game and trying to take the gym once.

    submitted by /u/FlorDelaFleur
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    Let the players be Joys and Jennys

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    We are allowed to cosplay Jessie and James, we should also get officer Jenny and nurse Joy costumes. Buddying with chanseys, blisseys and growlithes would be great!

    submitted by /u/silverweaver
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    Frequency of Pokémon you get from 12km eggs

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Tier list about Pokémon what you frequently get from 12km eggs


    (These are mostly my opinion)

    submitted by /u/1yakup1
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    Seriously though..

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    All I'm saying, is that if I'm close enough to catch a pokemon at a gym or poke stop, then I should be close enough to spin it.

    submitted by /u/Ashcourtz
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    We should be able to take back our Pokemon from a Gym, if need be with 50% discount on Pokecoins

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    I get the monetizing strategy of Niantic to limit ways to get your Pokemon back from the gym. It's to reduce the Pokecoin creation from Gyms. But when a Pokemon is stuck in a Gym for 3+ days with no hope for short term salvation in sight, you are getting severely limited in getting some Pokecoins.

    Not to mention that it also discourages people to actually put down their strong Pokemon in there. You say bye to your level 40 Slaking, which turns out to be a farewell.

    My idea for compromise with Niantic would be to be able to pull out your Pokemon from a Gym at will, with the following consequences:

    -You can pull out a Pokemon from a Gym from any distance

    -The amount of Pokecoins you earn is halved

    -You can only do this once a day

    submitted by /u/sharpgreen
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    Pokemon Go should let you know how many gifts youve open for the day (since there's a 20 gift limit.)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    I just started this game recently, so my item and storage space is limited to about 600 or so. I grind gifts because of the friend bonus, better items, and some stardust is nice (that and most of my friendlist seems to enjoy gifting and receiving.)

    With my item space limited to 600, I usually delete the redundant items (20hp potions, 1/2 revives, berries etc) and keep the best ones (max potion, max revives, etc ) until Ive reached the 30 gift limit. Problem is sometimes I may over delete not knowing I am unable to accept anymore gifts since I've reached the daily maximum. Would a # of gifts left button benefit anybody else?

    EDIT to 30 max gift limit, but can't adjust the title =(

    submitted by /u/jackswhatshesaid
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    Pick a shiny, any shiny

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    What is the one shiny you DON'T have, but you want the most?

    For some reason, I've always wanted a shiny Wingull, and honestly it's not even a great looking shiny. But for some reason, I've always wanted one.

    submitted by /u/MacChz
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    Friendship rewards deserve a claim button

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Trying to time a lucky egg on a friendship reward is tough, AND only one of the two trainers can actually trigger the reward leaving the other without an opportunity to use a lucky egg, unless you both are able to coordinate. That may not be as much of a problem for friends IRL, but 99.9% of my PoGo friends are people I've met via raids and have no way of communicating. What makes matters worse is that it takes months to achieve "Best Friends" status (and who knows how much time spent opening/sending gifts).

    It seems like a total crap shoot to be the lucky one who gets to triggers the reward (not to mention it could be delayed several minutes or even much, much longer), or you and your friend play these mind game tricks to on each other to be the lucky one who gets to trigger the reward. This problem could easily be solved with a simple claim button, much like practically every single other reward in the game.

    I have been trying my hardest to hit level 40 by the Eevee community day, and I thought I could actually do it if I could use a lucky egg on 5 "Best Friend" friendship rewards I am about to hit, but none of them are lining up for me to trigger. That's a potential 500k XP loss simply because I can't claim the reward when I'm ready.

    submitted by /u/drquiz
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    pokemon home - Meltan

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:39 AM PDT


    I downloaded pokemon home just because I want to be able to evolve meltan on GO.I dont have any pokemon games on nintendo switch yet but I do plan on getting shield, when I enter pokemon home it keeps saying that I need to link my nintendo account now or NEVER!

    But i dont have my switch with me and dont have any pokemon games on switch yet, wouldnt I be able to make another acc on home once I wanna link it to the switch?

    Thank you and im sorry if its a stupid question

    submitted by /u/reemsh98
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    Bring Tyrogue back to eggs

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    It's the only mon I need to finish out my Johto dex and it's really crappy that I have zero way to get one outside of trading (friends don't have one either).

    I wish they didn't lock out available mons like this. Who knows when they're gonna switch up the egg pools again.

    submitted by /u/Chloroform-D
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    Here’s to the new home

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    I haven't played for a couple of months, when I feel I can't commit I just cut off -I think that's for another subreddit tho ;) Anyway.. I've just moved to a new place annnnd I think I might be playing a little bit more these days….https://imgur.com/a/wztkhZ2

    submitted by /u/rowscho
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    What are the current max attainable for each dex category ?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    As per title, does anyone have a complete list of the current max attainable for each dex category ? I think Purified & shadow might be 209. Unsure about the rest though. Feel free to link a resource if there is one that is up to date.

    submitted by /u/Harbinger0fDoom
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