• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Pokémon GO - This sub will not tolerate Covid deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists etc.

    Pokémon GO - This sub will not tolerate Covid deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists etc.

    This sub will not tolerate Covid deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists etc.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    r/Pokemongo generally tries to stay out of the issue of politics except if they are directly related to the game.

    Unfortunately Niantic's decision to revert the interaction distances have brought out a lot of people who do not believe in science to the discussions, and a lot of bans are being issued related to this.

    So to be perfectly clear, ESPECIALLY SINCE POKEMONGO IS A UNIQUELLY SOCIAL GAME we will not tolerate comments from users that minimize or deny Covid, or the science behind vaccines, or spout any form of conspiracy related to the topic. As comments of this nature spread dangerous lies that could directly impact the health of users playing the game.

    If you see comments like this, please report them. We will be issuing permanent bans.

    Recent examples of removed covid denial comments are:

    • "COVID is never going to end, it's too beneficial to the agenda."

    • "Because it's over. Turn off your news stations, unfollow your politicians. You'd never know. There isn't anything to be afraid of. Don't be whiny that you've gotta walk around."

    • you realize it has a 99.7% survival rate right? Like, what exactly is there to be afraid of with it?

    • for example in the UK covid cases are going up Based on flawed testing.

    • The new COVID variant lmao. God forbid someone gets the flu. Stop using it as an excuse just because you don't like the way they changed things in a game.

    • if I want to go use my free daily pass for something, I will. No bogeyman virus that's not even as deadly as the flu will change that

    These are just a few examples from the last week, but I hope it gives every one an idea of what we mean incase they were unaware.


    Hello to everyone from NNN, conservative, srd, and all apparently.

    For those unaware, pokemongo is different from normal pokemon in that it can require physical interaction with other players. The game is a quasi augmented reality phone game that is played in real life at landmarks in the real world. You can see dozens, hundreds, and some times thousands of players packed into one spot.

    While random crowds like this one are not as commonplace anymore the game still has an extremely active playerbase and monthly events get us all out into groups.

    This is why covid especially is an issue for us because we actually physically see, speak to and play next to other players.

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Noticing a lot of people on this sub calling boycotters “spoiled” and “entitled” because they don’t agree with Niantic’s stupid decisions. What’s up with that?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    The increased interaction distance made this game safer and easier to play for everyone, most importantly the disabled. The majority of this community is standing up to Niantic's because we love this game and don't like the direction it's been heading the last couple of days.

    I don't know what's going through some of your minds when you call us boycotters "entitled". This is a change that benefits everyone (including Niantic in some ways), and wanting it taken away because it doesn't affect you personally is incredibly selfish, plain and simple.

    submitted by /u/Icy_Laprrrras
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    What is the point of the "I'm a passenger" button, which appears when the game claims you are moving too quickly?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Clicking said button accomplishes literally nothing; the game still treats you as if you're a driver, and loses its mind when you try to spin a stop or click a Pokémon. Either remove the button, or change the outcome of clicking the button altogether. It's completely pointless.

    submitted by /u/Raynman90
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    Just another reason to hate the distance change

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Okay so I don't post on here often but I know how much some of you enjoy these stories, myself included. Today I was running an errand to the bank and when I got there I opened up the app because it is a hotspot for gyms and poke stops. I noticed there was a Palkia raid near by with 36 minutes left. This is huge because having a small toddler, I never get to just raid without using my remote passes. I figured that I would have time to run in the bank and then get to the raid with plenty of time. Get done with the bank and run over to the spot. Turns out it is a little park and there looks to be a summer camp going on with a ton of little children running around. It also turns out that I can't reach the raid from the sidewalk where I was. Now… imagine an older man going into a park where your child is playing. Then doing something with his cellphone for what seems to be five minutes, then leaving. Yeah.. I quickly closed out of discord with distaste and then walked back to my car. If this were with the old distances I would have been happily doing a raid from a safe enough distance away from the children. Hope Niantic is getting what they want out of this though..

    submitted by /u/GUYWH0SUCKS
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    COVID-19 isn't over. So why does Niantic think it is?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Link to original article

    On August 5th, 2021, the hashtag #HearUsNiantic reached #2 trending on Twitter amidst rumblings of "Pokemon No Day" - a 1-day boycott which took off on social media and was sponsored by prominent Pokemon GO content creators. How did we get to this point, and where does the Pokemon GO community stand at present?

    A Brief History of COVID-Related Bonuses in Pokemon GO

    Before we start, we ought to cover a brief history of changes made to Pokémon GO to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the players. If you've been playing for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and are already familiar with all of this, feel free to skip down to the next section.

    • March 12th, 2020: Niantic first implemented in-game bonuses as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which rendered playing outside unsafe. These bonuses included double effective Incubators and super boosted Incense.
    • March 23rd: Niantic implemented a few more bonuses related to gifts.
    • March 31st: Gym interaction radius was doubled.
    • April 27th: Pokéstop interaction distance was also doubled.
    • October 1st: Incubator and Incense effectiveness were reduced to normal, and buddies brought gifts less often. These changes were later partially reverted.

    Niantic stated that these bonuses were guaranteed until at least June 2021. In June, Niantic announced that some of these bonuses would be rolled back and replaced in the United States and New Zealand. Specifically, the reduction of Incense effectiveness, a reduction in how often you would receive items from your buddies, and (most notably) the removal of doubled Gym and Pokéstop interaction distance. Niantic's goal with these changes was to incentivize people to get back outside and play, probably feeling that it was once again safe to do so.

    #HearUsNiantic and Niantic's Subsequent Response

    Players were not particularly happy about this, and asked Niantic to keep the in-game bonuses. However, Niantic gave no indication that they had considered the players' feedback, and on August 1st, 2021, the rollback of COVID-19 bonuses went forth as planned. This frustration with the poorly-timed removal of bonuses and the lack of communication from Niantic led to the #HearUsNiantic Twitter hashtag, where Pokemon GO content creators collaborated on an open letter that asked for 80 m interaction distance to be reinstated, explained the benefits thereof, and requested acknowledgement from Niantic. You can read the letter in tweets such as GoStadium's.

    Concurrently, the concept of "Pokemon No Day" gathered steam across social media sites like Twitter and Reddit, later magnified by prominent Pokemon GO content creators and gaming news outlets. "Pokemon No Day" was the threat of a 1-day boycott, exhorting players to shut off the game for a day to protest these rollbacks by attempting to make an impact on Niantic's metrics. While I am pessimistic about the efficacy of this protest, my specific impression of it is outside of the scope of this article and will not be elaborated further.

    Niantic's response was not very inspiring. You can read Niantic's full response to the topic, linked here. I promise that I'm not intentionally omitting anything, but you're more than welcome to read their message and arrive at your own interpretation. I primarily want to focus on one section:

    However, we have heard your input loud and clear and so to address the concerns you have raised, we are taking the following actions: We are assembling an internal cross-functional team to develop proposals designed to preserve our mission of inspiring people to explore the world together, while also addressing specific concerns that have been raised regarding interaction distance. We will share the findings of this task force by the next in game season change (September 1). As part of this process, we will also be reaching out to community leaders in the coming days to join us in this dialogue.

    We completely understand that, as a large corporation, Niantic would elect to choose their words carefully and offer the bare minimum commitment. Despite that, their response expresses little with many words, and in a way it is almost insulting to the players behind #HearUsNiantic. It was intentionally kept as obscure as possible, as it was not shared to any of their social media accounts, nor was it posted to the pokemongolive.com website, which is where Niantic reports Pokemon GO related news. It did not commit to any action, designating instead an arbitrary date of September 1st on which the community should expect any verdict.

    If 5 years of Pokemon GO has shown anything, it is that lack of transparency and dragging feet is Niantic's modus operandi - whether it be withholding reward rates for Pokemon GO's various lootbox-like mechanics, throwing their community manager to the angry mob every time a controversial measure is introduced into the game, or the persistence of numerous game-breaking bugs in all domains, from PvE raid battles to the PvP arena of Go Battle League. Most recently is the debacle around Niantic's stealthy attempt to cut gameplay rewards in Go Battle League, a change that was only reverted after much community outrage. The culprit, according to Niantic? A programming bug. I am not sure what is worse: that a bug this significant (among many others in the game) snuck past QA, or that Niantic couldn't bother to hold themselves accountable by blaming a bad decision on a programming bug.

    COVID-19 Isn't Over. So Why Does Niantic Think It Is?

    If the stated purpose of the in-game COVID-19 bonuses was to protect the health and safety of their players, one only needs to glance at the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in August 2021. The United States and many other countries around the world are in the throes of yet another surge, driven by the delta variant - a COVID-19 variant more contagious, inflicting greater morbidity, and responsible for more breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals than any other variant of COVID-19 to date. In the United States specifically, the number of new reported cases has doubled over the last 2 weeks, with the most heavily afflicted states posting new infection and hospitalization records on a daily basis and scrambling for intensive care beds. Relative to the rest of the world, the USA is blessed with ample vaccine availability. Looking beyond our own backyards, COVID-19 is surging almost everywhere - from Asia to Africa to Europe. Just about every nation in which people play Pokemon GO is also playing with the delta variant of COVID-19.

    So why is Niantic waiting until September 1st to decide on whether to preserve the in-game pandemic bonuses? COVID-19 isn't waiting. It's here, right now. By the time that September 1st rolls around, the US will likely have peaked in this current surge.

    Furthermore, why haven't the in-game pandemic bonuses been reinstated in the interim period between now and September 1st? How is this not the more obvious approach in the midst of a raging plague?

    Please don't tell us that you need an "internal cross-functional team" to tell you what exists right before our eyes - unless you mean to suggest that player safety isn't your priority, or that these in-game changes were never meant to improve player safety in the first place. Come September 1st, if you tell us that, after a lot of thought, deliberation, and inaction, nothing further needs to be done, please explain to the players how, in your expert opinions, COVID-19 is over. We'd love to know.

    As an aside. I think it is important for the player base - at least the portion that is active and engaged on social media - to stay angry about this. It seems fairly obvious that Niantic delayed any decision making to September 1st in order to let the issue burn itself out. Putting aside all of the fantastic points about how the game was simply better to play with the increased interaction radius, it's particularly unconscionable that Niantic insists on rolling back measures intended to improve player safety while there are parts of the country where health services are so overwhelmed with COVID-19 that sick people are having to be shipped across state lines or waiting for days for a hospital admission.

    submitted by /u/dondon151
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    Caught my first Shundo

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    I've been playing since 2016 and finally caught my first shundo. I'm beyond excited. Now I just need to decide which eveelution I should go for. shundo evee

    submitted by /u/kingbuddah
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    No More $$ To Niantic

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    TL;DR : used to spend $40+ a month on bundles and passes. Going free-to-play until they undo the pokestop and gym interaction distance reduction.

    I played the game when it first came out and people were roving in parks en masse. I then took a break for years until I came back January 2021. I thought a lot of good changes were made to PVP and raiding, the buddy system, community days, etc. and I've been addicted since returning. I've enjoyed the community days and remote raiding especially, and have a great time walking downtown with my family and dog on weekends catching pokemon.

    I have a decent job and can afford to make purchases on this game---spending about $40+ a month on bundles and passes. I refuse to pay one more $1 until the interaction distance has been restored.

    Ever since the reversion, my enjoyment of the game has been hamstrung. I can't reach pokestops in my neighborhood on the way to work every morning. I can't reach pokestops near work that used to be accessible.Yes, I am spinning the majority of these stops from my car. I can't even raid using normal raid passes because gyms that used to be accessible in parking lots near work are no longer accessible. No, as a grown-ass man I am not going to disembark my vehicle, walk into a government building, and stand there raiding pokemon on my phone like a weirdo, then turn and leave without a word. Another thing I've noticed is gyms in my area turn over dramatically less than before because people have less access to them---resulting in a net loss of daily free pokecoins for everyone.

    I get that Niantic wants to give pokestops the ability to be powered up, but the increased base distance shouldn't be mutually exclusive with powering up.

    Niantic's distance reversion is losing them consumer support and $$$. I'm sure they believe they know best, but luckily as a consumer I can vote with my wallet.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/esqfid
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    Covid is brewing again in my state. But hey let’s go back to 40m poke stops so we can be on top of each other

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    This is the worst thing to ever happen to this game. Time to retire. Most of my pokestops are inside the buildings. So now I have to walk inside, sanitize my hands, whip out my phone and then walk back out looking like a weirdo?? Not to mention getting close to a bunch of sick people.

    submitted by /u/mitchellkess
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    Do you ever wonder how many Pokemon names you mispronounce in your head?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    I'm sure there are more than a few for me lol

    & then I'll hear someone else say it differently, & I'm like hmm which one of us is wrong...

    submitted by /u/emdawg3000
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    Make RAID lobbies visible on map with a simple number indicating how many players in the lobby are waiting for the raid to start

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Make it visible on the map of how many players have joined a lobby, and make it visible with just a number. And increase Raid lobby time scaling with the difficulty of the raid. Im surprised that this is not even implemented, if Niantic is so eager on local pogo players to socialize with each other and spread coronavirus by making gym and pokestop radiusses so small, then atleast put in the effort to make the entire process of local people raiding together easier.

    Oh wait, Niantic doesn't ACTUALLY care about all this and only want us to buy more remote passes, hiding behind a façade of 'meet up wiTh fEllOw PoGo plAyerS!!'

    submitted by /u/TheMoraleBooster
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    How do people still not understand the issue with Niantic and the changes they reverted?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    I'm really sorry but I just need to vent about this.

    It genuinely hurts my soul to see that people, usually in more mainstream social media spaces, do not understand why people aren't going to buy the latest research ticket, or continue playing at all.

    "we gotta start walking again. That is what the game was designed to make us do. Get out and Go." "jesus don't say that out loud! They get angry when they realise they have to walk again!"

    These were actual comments I found in response to someone criticizing the distance reduction. "Just walk!" Do these people really think that the massive response of Pogo players are simply lazy, and don't want to get up and walk about?

    I truly wish more and more people would open up their minds to the possibility that not everyone can actually walk, and a tremendous chunk of players have some kind of disability or accessibility issue that may prevent them from walking or getting out in the first place.

    Then it's "well just stop playing idiot."

    I'm lucky and fortunate enough that I can continue playing, albeit without buying extra research tickets. I can get out and walk around, but some of my fellow players may not be able to, and that's what it's all about.

    Remember when the game first came out? This is about community and treating other people with respect. This is about having fun and meeting new people, and ultimately having a good time.

    Sorry for the weird rant but I really just needed to get it off my chest. Thanks gang, stay safe and healthy.

    submitted by /u/BombermanZero
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    I’m colorblind and as far as I can tell most shiny mons look identical

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    To the non colorblind people out there is it just me or are they pretty much a tiny difference in hue?

    There are a few that are distinctly noticeable and that's cool. But it's lame that most of them don't look different at all.

    I just evolved a Jolteon and Vaporeon they don't look different at all to me. Like blue versus slightly lighter blue. Yellow versus a little bit lighter yellow. Only way I can tell they're shiny is the little stars around them.

    submitted by /u/Shigglyboo
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    My Eevee CD experience

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    4 hours into CD and time for lunch break and phone recharge. At the same time, here's my take on it.

    Total Eevee caught: 248

    Total shiny: 11

    Total 3*: 52

    Total 4*: 0

    Alternating partly cloudy weather (for XL candy) and cloudy weather (for PvP IV), loving today's weather!

    Spawns are abundant and catch rate is easy as usual during CD. Even high CP are easily caught in normal balls with regular Pinap.

    This is the first time I've completed CD special research in less than 1 hour, mainly because I've already tagged beforehand Eevee to evolve. I'm stingy when it comes to evolving.

    Niantic could have at least do some gimmicks for us to get the Kanto eeveelutions, just for the weekend. Or reset the name trick just for this CD. Bummed that all the Eevee I've tagged for Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon didn't evolve as what I hoped. Fortunately they are not that high rank but still I wish they evolve as what I wanted.

    I'm probably having PoGo fatigue though as I've been grinding whole week for Clefairy XL candy.

    I'm not taking advantage of the 1/4 egg distance in any CD, mainly because I hate how you can't skip the egg animation. It's my lost and I've accepted it.

    The usual CD perks like CD pokestop research, 5 photobombs, special research Eevee knows Last Resort plus it's eeveelutions with respective moves are still there so that's nice.

    In general, nice CD as always and looking forward for tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/panpantastic
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    Rural player: Hope Niantic reads

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    I've played PoGo since 2016. On and off. I live in a rural area so we don't have many pokestops.

    Recently several of our gyms and stops were removed and in combination with the reduced distance, has made it impossible to play.

    I've uninstalled the game because I am tired of having to buy items because I don't have pokestops.

    On top of that, because I'm not an everyday player, I can't complete many of the quests.

    I doubt Niantic will miss me, but I will miss the game.

    submitted by /u/CamaelKhamael
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    I just want to know how many hearts to the next buddy level…

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I know everyone is upset about the distance disaster, but I still don't understand why we can't know how many hearts until our buddy hits the next level. We can see how long until the next level for friends, but I've been working on getting more buddies to be best buddy and it drives me crazy that I can't tell how long until the next level. Ok, rant over and feel slightly better…slightly.

    submitted by /u/russellufugus
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    Does anyone else think that lure modules suck

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I just used an icy lure module, and over the entire time i got only one ice type pokemon, and i was right on pokestop, it was really anoying

    submitted by /u/orbvulture1234
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    Am I lazy or does this make no sense?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I just moved into my college dorm today, and I was excited to be able to reach the gym and pokestop that are located in my new residence. However both of these are UNACCESSIBLE due to the new interaction distance even though their locations are literally named after and placed for my residence.

    submitted by /u/merkz02
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    Finally 7 nice curveballs!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    If this helps anybody wait until you have clefairy around you they were the easiest to hit dead center and make sure you use some bananas to keep them from moving

    submitted by /u/Stankonmyhanglo
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    Today I got my first shiny

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    So, yesterday I reached lvl 20 in GBL and encountered my first mon today and it was a shiny Palkia my first legendary and shiny. I can't believe it happened

    Edit: Just got another Palkia this one not shiny tho

    submitted by /u/PresentPen3727
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    Eeveelutions tattoo for Comm Day

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I've always loved Eevee and even have her tattooed on me already but decide to get all evolutions for community day.


    submitted by /u/eddwrdd
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    I Wish We Could See Star Rating Below Each Pokemon

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Disregard if this has already been suggested many times, but the one thing I wish was easier in this game is how to find the appraisal of each pokemon. Why can't the star rating be listed below every single pokemon so we just can easily see the appraisal without having to go through extra steps. Would make mass transferring way less time consuming. Rant over

    submitted by /u/doherallday
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    I'm so hecking stoked. Thus far, I've found 6 shiny Eevees for Eevee day

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Just wanted to share my excitement somewhere, haha. Eevee has been my favorite pokemon since I was a kid, and after spending an hour or so wandering around and catching the hoards of Eevee in my area, I have 6 different shinies to show for it so far.

    It's so lovely guys. Oh my gosh. ♥

    submitted by /u/SFyr
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    Best moveset for sylveon?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    What is the best moveset for sylveon?

    Is the CD move the best? or should i swap it with something else?

    submitted by /u/CrispyTurtleUwU
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    I know everyone’s ranting about gameplay issues or Niantic or something but I caught a Porygon tonight somehow and I’m excited

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    CP 1333. Found in the wild at the church near my house. I have no clue how I found it since Ultra Unlock Pt: 1 ended a week ago, but I did it. Porygon dosen't even normally appear there and I was just going there to get my Pokestop for the day in. I came in at the right time! (I also didn't even see my radar before heading there, so that was a pleasant surprise)

    submitted by /u/SomeoneHasntUsedThis
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    Many Eevee related questions

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    It's raining Eevees today because of the community day. Someone put a Mossy Lure on the Pokestop where I live and and they're basically in unlimited supply.

    Just in the last half hour I have gathered more than a 100 candies. Since eeveelutions are some of my strongest Pokemons for Battle I don't know where I should use them. I don't do gym raids much but I do battle a lot.

    1) Does a Pokemons appraisal starring matter more than overall CP? I have a Vaporeon I use loads which has a zero star rating but still does really well. it doesn't attack too good but has great defense. According to the appraisal this should be opposite. it is also very compatible.... rarely lands "not very effective" attacks. today I got it to 2.4k CP so I can use it in the leagues I usually play.

    2) I caught 4 shiny Eevees too... will they all evolve into shinies? is it guaranteed? also they all have poor appraisal starring and low CP. so for the sake of getting shiny eeveelutions is it worth it? because I have a normal Eevee with really good appraisals and CP that I can evolve into a Glaceon with the glacial lure. Is Glaceon really good for battles?

    3) Does the name change trick really work for eeveelutions?

    4) Now I'm wondering if I should use 75 candies to get a new attack for my Flareon or Vaporeon (both at 2.4k CP) or should I use them on my Leafeon (I evolved using a Mossy Lure a stranger put today) to get it from 1.2k CP to 2.4k CP.

    My Flareon has 2 star appraisal and does ok in battles.

    My Vaporeon has 0 star appraisal but does above average in battles due to compatibility.

    Leafeon has 3 star appraisal since I only recently learnt about the whole appraisal thing.

    So is Leafeon really compatible because attacks wise it looks very similar to my Vaporeon. It's a grass type right so will it be better than water type Vaporeon?

    I just recently downloaded this game again and now I'm very very confused :P

    submitted by /u/sapte
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